මෙම ලිපිය පරිවර්තනය කළ යුතුය කරුණාකර මෙම ලිපිය සිංහල භාෂාවට දායකවන්න. |
'තේ හෝ චා යනු කැමිලියා සයිනෙන්සිස් හි සුව කළ හෝ නැවුම් කොළ මත උණු හෝ උතුරන වතුර වත් කිරීමෙන් සකස් කරන ලද ඇරෝමැටික පානයකි. සදාහරිත පඳුරක් වන මෙය නිරිතදිග චීනයේ සහ උතුරු මියන්මාරයේ මායිම් ප්රදේශවල ආරම්භ වූ අතර නැගෙනහිර ආසියාවට ආවේණික වේ. තේ මගින්ද කලාතුරකින් සාදනු ලබයි. සාමාන්ය ජලයෙන් පසු, තේ යනු ලෝකයේ වැඩිපුරම පරිභෝජනය කරන පානයයි. විවිධ තේ වර්ග තිබේ; සමහර ඒවා සිසිලනය, තරමක් කටුක සහ කහට රසය ඇති අතර අනෙක් ඒවාට පැණිරස, ගෙඩි, මල් හෝ තෘණ සටහන් ඇතුළත් විශාල වශයෙන් වෙනස් රසයන් ඇත. මූලික වශයෙන් එහි කැෆේන් අන්තර්ගතය නිසා තේ මිනිසුන් තුළ උත්තේජක බලපෑමක් ඇති කරයි.
![]() තම්බමින් පවතින හරිත තේ | |
Type | උණුසුම් හෝ සිසිල් පානයක් |
Country of origin | චීනය |
Introduced | ප්රථම වරට චීනයේ වාර්තා වී ඇත්තේ ක්රි.පූ. 59 දී, සමහර විට මීට පෙර ආරම්භ වූවකි. |
චීන වෛද්ය හුවා ටුඕ විසින් ලියන ලද වෛද්ය ග්රන්ථයක තේ පානය පිළිබඳ මුල් විශ්වාසනීය වාර්තාවක් ක්රි.ව. තුන්වන සියවස දක්වා දිව යයි. එය චීන ටැන්ග් රාජවංශයේ විනෝදාස්වාද පානයක් ලෙස ප්රචලිත වූ අතර තේ පානය පසුව අනෙකුත් නැගෙනහිර ආසියාතික රටවලට ව්යාප්ත විය. පෘතුගීසි පූජකයන් සහ වෙළෙන්දෝ එය 16 වන සියවසේදී යුරෝපයට හඳුන්වා දුන්හ. 17 වන ශතවර්ෂයේදී, බ්රිතාන්ය ඉන්දියාවේ මහා පරිමාණයෙන් තේ වගා කිරීමට පටන් ගත් ඉංග්රීසි ජනතාව අතර තේ පානය විලාසිතාවක් විය.
"ඖෂධ තේ" යන්නෙන් අදහස් කරන්නේ "Camellia sinensis" වලින් සාදන ලද බීම නොවේ. ඒවා පලතුරු, කොළ හෝ රෝස්ෂිප්, චමමයිල් හෝ රෝයිබොස් වැනි වෙනත් ශාක කොටස්වල කහට වේ. තේ පැලෑටියෙන් සාදන ලද තේ සමඟ ව්යාකූලත්වය වැලැක්වීම සඳහා මේවා "ටිසේනස්" හෝ "ඖෂධ කහට" ලෙස හැඳින්විය හැක.
තේ සඳහා වූ විවිධ වචනවල නිරුක්තිය, චීනයේ සිට ලොව පුරා රටවලට තේ පානය කිරීමේ සංස්කෘතිය සහ වෙළඳාම සම්ප්රේෂණය කිරීමේ ඉතිහාසය පිළිබිඹු කරයි. ලොව පුරා තේ සඳහා වචන සියල්ලම පාහේ පුළුල් කාණ්ඩ තුනකට අයත් වේ: te, cha සහ chai, ඉංග්රීසියෙන් te, cha හෝ ලෙස පවතී. char, සහ chai. ඉංග්රීසි භාෂාවට ඇතුළු වූ තිදෙනාගෙන් මුල්ම තැනැත්තා “චා” වන අතර එය 1590 ගණන්වල මැකාවෝ හි වෙළඳාම් කළ පෘතුගීසීන් හරහා පැමිණ වචනයේ කැන්ටනීස් උච්චාරණය ලබා ගත්තේය. වඩාත් සුලභ තේ ආකෘතිය 17 වන සියවසේදී ලන්දේසීන් හරහා පැමිණි අතර, ඔවුන් එය වක්රව මැලේ "ටෙ" වෙතින් හෝ සෘජුවම මින් චීන භාෂාවෙන් "ටෙ" උච්චාරණයෙන් ලබා ගත්හ. තුන්වන ස්වරූපය වන චායි (අර්ථය "කුළුබඩු සහිත තේ") "චා" යන උතුරු චීන උච්චාරණයෙන් ආරම්භ වූ අතර, එය මධ්යම ආසියාවට සහ පර්සියාවට ගොඩබිමට ගමන් කළ අතර එහිදී එය පර්සියානු අවසානයක් වන "යි" ලබා ගත්තේය.
Botanical origin

Tea plants are native to East Asia and probably originated in the borderlands of southwestern China and northern Myanmar.
Chinese (small-leaf) type tea (C. sinensis var. sinensis) may have originated in southern China possibly with hybridization of unknown wild tea relatives. However, since there are no known wild populations of this tea, its origin is speculative.
Given their genetic differences forming distinct , Chinese Assam-type tea (C. sinensis var. assamica) may have two different parentages – one being found in southern (, ) and the other in western Yunnan (, ). Many types of Southern Yunnan Assam tea have been hybridized with the closely related species . Unlike Southern Yunnan Assam tea, Western Yunnan Assam tea shares many genetic similarities with Indian Assam-type tea (also C. sinensis var. assamica). Thus, Western Yunnan Assam tea and Indian Assam tea both may have originated from the same parent plant in the area where southwestern China, Indo-Burma, and Tibet meet. However, as the Indian Assam tea shares no with Western Yunnan Assam tea, Indian Assam tea is likely to have originated from an independent domestication. Some Indian Assam tea appears to have hybridized with the species .
Assuming a generation of 12 years, Chinese small-leaf tea is estimated to have diverged from Assam tea around 22,000 years ago, while Chinese Assam tea and Indian Assam tea diverged 2,800 years ago. The divergence of Chinese small-leaf tea and Assam tea would correspond to the last .
Early tea drinking

People in ancient East Asia ate tea for centuries, perhaps even , before ever consuming it as a beverage. They would nibble on the leaves raw, add them to or greens, or them and chew it like how is chewed.
Tea drinking may have begun in the region of , where it was used for medicinal purposes. It is also believed that in , "people began to boil tea leaves for consumption into a concentrated liquid without the addition of other leaves or herbs, thereby using tea as a bitter yet stimulating drink, rather than as a medicinal concoction."
Chinese legends attribute the invention of tea to the mythical (in central and northern China) in 2737 BC, although evidence suggests that tea drinking may have been introduced from the southwest of China (Sichuan/Yunnan area). The earliest written records of tea come from China. The word tú appears in the and other ancient texts to signify a kind of "bitter vegetable" (苦菜), and it is possible that it referred to many different plants such as , , or , as well as tea. In the , it was recorded that the people in Sichuan presented tu to the king. The later conquered the state of and its neighbour , and according to the 17th century scholar who wrote in Ri Zhi Lu (日知錄): "It was after the Qin had taken Shu that they learned how to drink tea." Another possible early reference to tea is found in a letter written by the general Liu Kun who requested that some "real tea" to be sent to him.
The earliest known physical evidence of tea was discovered in 2016 in the mausoleum of in , indicating that tea from the genus Camellia was drunk by emperors as early as the second century BC. The Han dynasty work, "The Contract for a Youth", written by in 59 BC, contains the first known reference to boiling tea. Among the tasks listed to be undertaken by the youth, the contract states that "he shall boil tea and fill the utensils" and "he shall buy tea at Wuyang". The first record of tea cultivation is also dated to this period, during which tea was cultivated on Meng Mountain (蒙山) near . Another early credible record of tea drinking dates to the 3rd century AD, in a medical text by Hua Tuo, who stated, "to drink bitter t'u constantly makes one think better." However, before the mid-8th century , tea-drinking was primarily a southern Chinese practice. Tea was disdained by the aristocrats, who describe it as a "slaves' drink", inferior to yogurt. It became widely popular during the , when it was spread to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. , a treatise on tea and its preparations, was written by the 8th century Chinese writer, . He was known to have influenced tea drinking on a large part in China.

Through the centuries, a variety of techniques for processing tea, and a number of different forms of tea, were developed. During the Tang dynasty, tea was steamed, then pounded and shaped into cake form, while in the , loose-leaf tea was developed and became popular. During the and dynasties, unoxidized tea leaves were first stirred in a hot dry pan, then rolled and air-dried, a process that stops the process that would have turned the leaves dark, thereby allowing tea to remain green. In the 15th century, tea, in which the leaves are allowed to partially oxidize before being heated in the pan, was developed. Western tastes, however, favoured the fully oxidized , and the leaves were allowed to oxidize further. was an accidental discovery in the production of green tea during the Ming dynasty, when apparently careless practices allowed the leaves to turn yellow, which yielded a different flavour.
Worldwide spread

Tea was first introduced to Western priests and merchants in China during the 16th century, at which time it was termed chá. The earliest European reference to tea, written as chiai, came from Delle navigationi e viaggi written by Venetian in 1545. The first recorded shipment of tea by a European nation was in 1607 when the Dutch East India Company moved a cargo of tea from Macao to Java, then two years later, the Dutch bought the first assignment of tea which was from in Japan to be shipped to Europe. Tea became a fashionable drink in in the Netherlands, and the Dutch introduced the drink to Germany, France, and across the Atlantic to (New York).
In 1567, Russian people came in contact with tea when the Petrov and Yalyshev visited China. The Mongolian Khan donated to four (65–70 kg) of tea in 1638. According to , it was possibly in 1636 that Vassili Starkov was sent as envoy to the . He was given 250 pounds of tea as a gift to the tsar. Starkov at first refused, seeing no use for a load of dead leaves, but the Khan insisted. Thus was tea introduced to Russia. In 1679, Russia concluded a treaty on regular tea supplies from China via in exchange for furs. It is today considered the de facto national beverage.

The first record of tea in English came from a letter written by Richard Wickham, who ran an office in Japan, writing to a merchant in Macao requesting "the best sort of chaw" in 1615. , a traveller and merchant who came across tea in in 1637, wrote, "chaa – only water with a kind of herb boyled in it". Tea was sold in a coffee house in London in 1657, tasted tea in 1660, and took the tea-drinking habit to the English court when she married in 1662. Tea, however, was not widely consumed in the British Isles until the 18th century and remained expensive until the latter part of that period. English drinkers preferred to add sugar and milk to black tea, and black tea overtook green tea in popularity in the 1720s. Tea smuggling during the 18th century led to the general public being able to afford and consume tea. The British government removed the tax on tea, thereby eliminating the smuggling trade, by 1785. In Britain and Ireland, tea was initially consumed as a luxury item on special occasions, such as religious festivals, wakes, and domestic work gatherings. The price of tea in Europe fell steadily during the 19th century, especially after Indian tea began to arrive in large quantities; by the late 19th century tea had become an everyday beverage for all levels of society. The popularity of tea played a role in historical events – the of 1773 provoked the that escalated into the . The need to address the issue of British trade deficit because of the trade in tea resulted in the Opium Wars. The Qing had banned foreign products from being sold in China, decreeing in 1685 that all goods bought from China must be paid for in silver coin or bullion. Traders from other nations then sought to find another product, in this case opium, to sell to China to earn back the silver they were required to pay for tea and other commodities. The subsequent attempts by the Chinese Government to curtail the trade in opium led to war.
Chinese small-leaf-type tea was introduced into India in 1836 by the British in an attempt to break the Chinese monopoly on tea. In 1841, brought seeds of Chinese tea from the region and experimented with planting tea in . The Alubari tea garden was opened in 1856, and began to be produced. In 1848, was sent by the on a mission to China to bring the tea plant back to Great Britain. He began his journey in high secrecy as his mission occurred in the lull between the First Opium War and the Second Opium War. The Chinese tea plants he brought back were introduced to the , though most did not survive. The British had discovered that a different variety of tea was endemic to and the northeast region of India, which was then hybridized with Chinese small-leaf-type tea. Using Chinese planting and cultivation techniques, the British colonial government established a tea industry by offering land in Assam to any European who agreed to cultivate it for export. Tea was originally consumed only by ; however, it became widely popular in India in the 1950s because of a successful advertising campaign by the India Tea Board. The British introduced tea industry to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) in 1867.
Chemical composition
Physically speaking, tea has properties of both a and a . It is a solution of all the water-soluble compounds that have been extracted from the tea leaves, such as the polyphenols and amino acids, but is a suspension when all of the insoluble components are considered, such as the cellulose in the tea leaves.[] Tea infusions are among most consumed beverages globally.
constitutes about 3% of tea's dry weight, translating to between 30 and 90 milligrams per 250-මිලිlitre (8 1⁄2 US fl oz) cup depending on the type, brand, and brewing method. A study found that the caffeine content of one gram of black tea ranged from 22 to 28 mg, while the caffeine content of one gram of green tea ranged from 11 to 20 mg, reflecting a significant difference. Tea also contains small amounts of and , which are , and similar to caffeine.
The astringency in tea can be attributed to the presence of . These are the most abundant compounds in tea leaves, making up 30–40% of their composition. Polyphenols include , (EGCG), and other . Although there has been preliminary on whether green or black teas may protect against various human diseases, there is no evidence that tea polyphenols have any effect on health or lowering disease risk.
Health effects
Although health benefits have been assumed throughout the history of Camellia sinensis's consumption, there is no high-quality evidence showing that tea consumption gives significant benefits other than possibly increasing alertness, an effect caused by in the tea leaves. In conducted in the early 21st century, it was found there is no scientific evidence to indicate that consuming tea affects any disease or improves health.
Black and green teas contain no essential nutrients in significant amounts, with the exception of the manganese, at 0.5 mg per cup or 26% of the (RDI). is sometimes present in tea; certain types of "brick tea", made from old leaves and stems, have the highest levels, enough to pose a health risk if much tea is drunk, which has been attributed to high levels of fluoride in soils, acidic soils, and long brewing.
Cultivation and harvesting

Camellia sinensis is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in and climates. Some varieties can also tolerate and are cultivated as far north as in England, in Scotland, in the United States, and in Canada. In the Southern Hemisphere, tea is grown as far south as Hobart in Tasmania and in New Zealand.
Tea plants are propagated from seed and cuttings; about 4 to 12 years are needed for a plant to bear seed and about three years before a new plant is ready for harvesting. In addition to a climate or warmer, tea plants require at least 127 cm (50 in) of rainfall per year and prefer . Many high-quality tea plants are cultivated at elevations of up to 1,500 m (4,900 ft) above sea level. Though at these heights the plants grow more slowly, they acquire a better flavour.

Two principal varieties are used: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, which is used for most Chinese, Formosan and Japanese teas, and C. sinensis var. assamica, used in and most Indian teas (but not Darjeeling). Within these botanical varieties, many and modern clonal varieties are known. Leaf size is the chief criterion for the classification of tea plants, with three primary classifications being: type, characterised by the largest leaves; China type, characterised by the smallest leaves; and Cambodian type, characterised by leaves of intermediate size. The Cambodian-type tea (C. assamica subsp. lasiocaly) was originally considered a type of Assam tea. However, later genetic work showed that it is a hybrid between Chinese small-leaf tea and Assam-type tea. Darjeeling tea also appears to be a hybrid between Chinese small-leaf tea and Assam-type large-leaf tea.

A tea plant will grow into a tree of up to 16 m (52 ft) if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants are generally pruned to waist height for ease of plucking. Also, the short plants bear more new shoots which provide new and tender leaves and increase the quality of the tea. Only the top 2.5–5 සෙන්ටිමීටර (1–2 in) of the mature plant are picked. These buds and leaves are called 'flushes'. A plant will grow a new flush every 7 to 15 days during the growing season. Leaves that are slow in development tend to produce better-flavoured teas. Several teas are available from specified flushes; for example, Darjeeling tea is available as first flush (at a premium price), second flush, monsoon and autumn. Assam second flush or "tippy" tea is considered superior to first flush, because of the gold tips that appear on the leaves.
Pests that can afflict tea plants include mosquito bugs, genus , which are and not to be confused with ('mosquitos'). Mosquito bugs can damage leaves both by sucking plant materials, and by the laying of eggs (oviposition) within the plant. Spraying with synthetic may be deemed appropriate. Other pests are leaf feeders and various .
Tea is mainly grown in Asia and Africa, though it is also grown in South America and around the Black and Caspian Seas. The four biggest tea-producing countries are China, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka, together representing 75% of world tea production. Smaller hubs of production include such places as , in Portugal, and , in Georgia. In 2020, global production of tea was 7.0 million , led by China with 42% and India with 20% of the world total. Kenya, Argentina, and Sri Lanka were secondary producers.
Storage conditions and type determine the of tea; that of black teas is greater than that of green teas. Some, such as flower teas, may last only a month or so. Others, such as pu-erh, improve with age. To remain fresh and prevent mold, tea needs to be stored away from heat, light, air, and moisture. Tea must be kept at room temperature in an air-tight container. Black tea in a bag within a sealed opaque canister may keep for two years. Green tea deteriorates more rapidly, usually in less than a year. Tightly rolled gunpowder tea leaves keep longer than the more open-leafed .
Storage life for all teas can be extended by using or oxygen-absorbing packets, vacuum sealing, or refrigeration in air-tight containers (except green tea, where discrete use of refrigeration or freezing is recommended and temperature variation kept to a minimum).
Country | Million tonnes |
![]() | 2.97 |
![]() | 1.2 |
![]() | 0.43 |
![]() | 0.34 |
![]() | 0.214 |
![]() | 0.212 |
![]() | 0.16 |
![]() | 0.14 |
![]() | 0.10 |
![]() | 0.08 |
Source: Worldatlas |

Processing and classification

Tea is generally divided into categories based on how it is processed. At least six different types are produced:
- : wilted and unoxidized;
- : unwilted and unoxidized but allowed to yellow;
- : unwilted and unoxidized;
- : wilted, bruised, and partially oxidized;
- : wilted, sometimes crushed, and fully oxidized (called 紅茶 [hóngchá], "red tea" in Chinese and other East Asian tea culture);
- : green tea that has been allowed to ferment/compost (called if from the Yunnan district of South-Western China or 黑茶 [hēichá] "black tea" in Chinese tea culture).
After picking, the leaves of C. sinensis soon begin to and unless immediately dried. An process triggered by the plant's intracellular enzymes causes the leaves to turn progressively darker as their breaks down and tannins are released. This darkening is stopped at a predetermined stage by heating, which deactivates the enzymes responsible. In the production of black teas, halting by heating is carried out simultaneously with drying. Without careful moisture and temperature control during manufacture and packaging, growth of undesired molds and bacteria may make tea unfit for consumption.
Additional processing and additives

After basic processing, teas may be altered through additional processing steps before being sold and is often consumed with additions to the basic tea leaf and water added during preparation or drinking. Examples of additional processing steps that occur before tea is sold are blending, flavouring, scenting, and decaffeination of teas. Examples of additions added at the point of consumption include milk, sugar and lemon.
Tea blending is the combination of different teas together to achieve the final product. Such teas may combine others from the same cultivation area or several different ones. The aim is to obtain consistency, better taste, higher price, or some combination of the three.
Flavoured and scented teas add aromas and flavours to the base tea. This can be accomplished through directly adding flavouring agents, such as , , , cardamom, (found in ), , and . Alternatively, because tea easily retains odours, it can be placed in proximity to an aromatic ingredient to absorb its aroma, as in traditional .

The addition of milk to tea in Europe was first mentioned in 1680 by the epistolist . Many teas are traditionally drunk with milk in cultures where dairy products are consumed. These include Indian and British tea blends. These teas tend to be very hearty varieties of black tea which can be tasted through the milk, such as Assams, or the East Friesian blend. Milk is thought to neutralise remaining tannins and reduce acidity. The do not usually drink milk with tea but the do, and the elite of the Qing Dynasty of the Chinese Empire continued to do so. is based on British habits. and other Himalayan peoples traditionally drink tea with milk or and salt. In Eastern European countries, Russia and Italy, tea is commonly served with lemon juice. In Poland, tea is traditionally served with a slice of lemon and is sweetened with either sugar or honey; tea with milk is called a bawarka (" style") in and is also widely popular. In Australia, tea with milk is known as "white tea".
The order of steps in preparing a cup of tea is a much-debated topic and can vary widely between cultures or even individuals. Some say it is preferable to add the milk to the cup before the tea, as the high temperature of freshly brewed tea can denature the proteins found in fresh milk, similar to the change in taste of milk, resulting in an inferior-tasting beverage. Others insist it is better to add the milk to the cup after the tea, as black tea is often brewed as close to boiling as possible. The addition of milk chills the beverage during the crucial brewing phase, if brewing in a cup rather than using a pot, meaning the delicate flavour of a good tea cannot be fully appreciated. By adding the milk afterwards, it is easier to dissolve sugar in the tea and also to ensure the desired amount of milk is added, as the colour of the tea can be observed. Historically, the order of steps was taken as an indication of class: only those wealthy enough to afford good-quality porcelain would be confident of its being able to cope with being exposed to boiling water unadulterated with milk. Higher temperature difference means faster , so the earlier milk is added, the slower the drink cools. A 2007 study published in the European Heart Journal found certain may be lost through the addition of milk.
Tea bags

In 1907, American tea merchant Thomas Sullivan began distributing samples of his tea in small bags of silk with a drawstring. Consumers noticed they could simply leave the tea in the bag and reuse it with fresh tea. However, the potential of this distribution and packaging method would not be fully realised until later. During World War II, tea was rationed in the United Kingdom. In 1953, after ended, -based tea manufacturer launched the tea bag in the UK, and it was an immediate success.
The "pyramid tea bag" (or sachet), introduced by Lipton and PG Tips/Scottish Blend in 1996, attempts to address one of the connoisseurs' arguments against paper tea bags by way of its three-dimensional shape, which allows more room for tea leaves to expand while steeping.[] However, some types of pyramid tea bags have been criticised as being environmentally unfriendly, since their synthetic material is not as biodegradable as loose tea leaves and paper tea bags.
Loose tea

The tea leaves are packaged loosely in a canister, paper bag, or other container such as a . Some whole teas, such as rolled gunpowder tea leaves, which resist crumbling, are vacuum-packed for freshness in for storage and retail. The loose tea is individually measured for use, allowing for flexibility and flavour control at the expense of convenience. Strainers, , tea presses, filtered teapots, and infusion bags prevent loose leaves from floating in the tea and over-brewing. A traditional method uses a three-piece lidded teacup called a , the lid of which is tilted to decant the tea into a different cup for consumption.
Compressed tea

(such as ) is produced for convenience in transport, storage, and ageing. It can usually be stored longer without spoilage than loose leaf tea. Compressed tea is prepared by loosening leaves from the cake using a small knife, and steeping the extracted pieces in water. During the Tang dynasty, as described by Lu Yu, compressed tea was ground into a powder, combined with hot water, and ladled into bowls, resulting in a "frothy" mixture. In the , the tea powder would instead be whisked with hot water in the bowl. Although no longer practiced in China today, the whisking method of preparing powdered tea was transmitted to Japan by Buddhist monks, and is still used to prepare in the Japanese tea ceremony.
Compressed tea was the most popular form of tea in China during the Tang dynasty. By the beginning of the Ming dynasty, it had been displaced by loose-leaf tea. It remains popular, however, in the Himalayan countries and Mongolian steppes. In Mongolia, tea bricks were ubiquitous enough to be used as a form of currency. Among Himalayan peoples, compressed tea is consumed by combining it with and salt to produce butter tea.
Instant tea
"Instant tea", similar to and an alternative to brewed tea, can be consumed either hot or cold. Instant tea was developed in the 1930s, with introducing the first commercial product in 1946, while Redi-Tea debuted instant in 1953. Additives such as , vanilla, honey or fruit, are popular, as is .
During the Second World War British and Canadian soldiers were issued an instant tea known as "compo" in their composite ration packs. These blocks of instant tea, powdered milk, and sugar were not always well received. As Royal Canadian Artillery Gunner, George C Blackburn observed:
But, unquestionably, the feature of Compo rations destined to be remembered beyond all others is Compo tea...Directions say to "sprinkle powder on heated water and bring to the boil, stirring well, three heaped teaspoons to one pint of water." Every possible variation in the preparation of this tea was tried, but...it always ended up the same way. While still too hot to drink, it is a good-looking cup of strong tea. Even when it becomes just cool enough to be sipped gingerly, it is still a good-tasting cup of tea, if you like your tea strong and sweet. But let it cool enough to be quaffed and enjoyed, and your lips will be coated with a sticky scum that forms across the surface, which if left undisturbed will become a leathery membrane that can be wound around your finger and flipped away...
Bottled and canned tea
Canned tea is sold prepared and ready to drink. It was introduced in 1981 in Japan. The first bottled tea was introduced by an Indonesian tea company, PT. Sinar Sosro in 1969 with the brand name Teh Botol Sosro (or Sosro bottled tea). In 1983, Swiss-based Bischofszell Food Ltd. was the first company to bottle iced tea on an industrial scale.

Tea culture

Tea is the second most consumed beverage on Earth, after water. In many cultures it is consumed at elevated social events, such as the . have arisen in different cultures, such as the and traditions, each of which employs certain techniques and ritualised protocol of brewing and serving tea for enjoyment in a refined setting. One form of Chinese tea ceremony is the , which typically uses small and oolong tea.

, 63% of people drink tea daily. It is customary for a host to offer tea to guests soon after their arrival. Tea is consumed both at home and outside the home, often in cafés or . with cakes on fine porcelain is a cultural stereotype. In southwest England, many cafés serve a , consisting of scones, , and jam alongside a pot of tea. In some parts of Britain and India, .
Ireland, as of 2016, was the second-biggest per capita consumer of tea in the world. Local blends are the most popular in Ireland, including , using Rwandan, Kenyan and Assam teas. The annual national average of tea consumption in Ireland is 2.7 kg to 4 kg per person. is usually taken with milk or sugar and brewed longer for a stronger taste.
is an important part of and is the most commonly consumed hot drink, despite the country's long history of coffee consumption. In 2004, Turkey produced 205,500 tonnes of tea (6.4% of the world's total tea production), which made it one of the largest tea markets in the world, with 120,000 tons being consumed in Turkey and the rest being exported. In 2010, Turkey had the highest per capita consumption in the world at 2.7 kg. As of 2013, the per-capita consumption of Turkish tea exceeds 10 cups per day and 13.8 kg per year. Tea is grown mostly in on the Black Sea coast.
dating to 1638 when tea was introduced to . Social gatherings were considered incomplete without tea, which was traditionally brewed in a .
In Pakistan, both black and green teas are popular and are known locally as sabz chai and , respectively. The popular green tea is often served after every meal in the belt of and in . In central and southern Punjab and the metropolitan Sindh region of Pakistan, tea with milk and sugar (sometimes with pistachios, cardamom, etc.), commonly referred to as chai, is widely consumed. It is the most common beverage of households in the region. In the northern Pakistani regions of and , a salty, buttered is consumed.

is strong; the drink is the most popular hot beverage in the country. It is consumed daily in almost all houses, offered to guests, consumed in high amounts in domestic and official surroundings, and is made with the addition of milk with or without spices, and usually sweetened. It is sometimes served with biscuits to be dipped in the tea and eaten before consuming the tea. More often than not, it is drunk in "doses" of small cups (referred to as "cutting" chai if sold at street tea vendors) rather than one large cup.
have one of the highest per-capita rates of tea consumption in the world and a () is a common sight on Iranian streets. Due to the suitable climate, tea is usually cultivated in large areas of along the shores of the Caspian Sea.
In Burma (), tea is consumed not only as hot drinks, but also as sweet tea and green tea known locally as laphet-yay and laphet-yay-gyan, respectively. Pickled tea leaves, known locally as , are also a national delicacy. Pickled tea is usually eaten with roasted sesame seeds, crispy fried beans, roasted peanuts and fried garlic chips.
In Mali, is served in series of three, starting with the highest oxidisation or strongest, unsweetened tea, locally referred to as "strong like death", followed by a second serving, where the same tea leaves are boiled again with some sugar added ("pleasant as life"), and a third one, where the same tea leaves are boiled for the third time with yet more sugar added ("sweet as love"). Green tea is the central ingredient of a distinctly Malian custom, the "Grin", an informal social gathering that cuts across social and economic lines, starting in front of family compound gates in the afternoons and extending late into the night, and is widely popular in and other large urban areas.[]
In the United States, 80% of tea is consumed as . is native to the and is iconic in its cuisine.
- served in a typical small glass and corresponding plate
- English teaware
- with a slice of lemon
- Indian Masala tea

Tea is the most popular manufactured drink consumed in the world, equaling all others – including coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol – combined. Most tea consumed outside East Asia is produced on large plantations in the hilly regions of India and Sri Lanka and is destined to be sold to large businesses. Opposite this large-scale industrial production are many small "gardens," sometimes minuscule plantations, that produce highly sought-after teas prized by gourmets. These teas are both rare and expensive and can be compared to some of the most expensive wines in this respect.
India is the world's largest tea-drinking nation, although the per capita consumption of tea remains a modest 750 ග්රෑම් (26 oz) per person every year. Turkey, with 2.5 කිලෝග්රෑම් (5 lb 8 oz) of tea consumed per person per year, is the world's greatest per capita consumer.
Labor and consumer safety problems
Tests of commercially popular teas have detected residues of banned toxic pesticides.
Tea production in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda has been reported to make use of according to the 's . Workers who pick and pack tea on plantations in developing countries can face harsh working conditions and may earn below the .
Several bodies independently certify the production of tea, such as , , , and . From 2008 to 2016, sustainability standards-certified tea production experienced a compound annual growth rate of about 35%, accounting for at least 19% of overall tea production. In 2016, at least 1.15 million tonnes of sustainably certified tea was produced, valued at US$2 billion.
Rainforest Alliance certified tea is sold by Unilever brands and in Western Europe, Australia and the U.S. Fairtrade certified tea is sold by a large number of suppliers around the world. UTZ Certified tea is sold by .
Production of organic tea has risen since its introduction in 1990 at Rembeng, Kondoli Tea Estate, Assam. 6,000 tons of organic tea were sold in 1999.
See also
- , Russian extra-strong tea brew
- , drink produced from bacteria and yeast grown on tea
- , influential historical monographs of East Asian tea
- Fuller, Thomas (21 April 2008). "A Tea From the Jungle Enriches a Placid Village". The New York Times. New York. p. A8. 14 February 2017 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 23 February 2017.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංක: 29–30.
- Yamamoto, T; Kim, M; Juneja, L R (1997). Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea. CRC Press. p. 4. ISBN .
For a long time, botanists have asserted the dualism of tea origin from their observations that there exist distinct differences in the morphological characteristics between Assamese varieties and Chinese varieties... Hashimoto and Shimura reported that the differences in the morphological characteristics in tea plants are not necessarily the evidence of the dualism hypothesis from the researches using the statistical cluster analysis method. In recent investigations, it has also been made clear that both varieties have the same chromosome number (n=15) and can be easily hybridised with each other. In addition, various types of intermediate hybrids or spontaneous polyploids of tea plants have been found in a wide area extending over the regions mentioned above. These facts may prove that the place of origin of Camellia sinensis is in the area including the northern part of the Burma, Yunnan, and Sichuan districts of China.
- Mary Lou Heiss; Robert J. Heiss. The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide.
Camellia sinensis originated in southeast Asia, specifically around the intersection of 29th parallel and 98th meridian, the point of confluence of the lands of southwest China and Tibet
, north Burma, and northeast India, citing Mondal (2007) p. 519 - Heiss & Heiss 2007, පිටු අංක: 6–7.
- "Laoshu Dianhong (Old Tree Yunnan)".
- "Yunnan da Bai Silver Needles – Tea Trekker".
- Liu et al. (2012)
- ; (2004). The Empire of Tea. The Overlook Press. p. 32. ISBN .
- Cappelletti S, Piacentino D, Daria P, Sani G, Aromatario M (January 2015). "Caffeine: cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug?". Current Neuropharmacology. 13 (1): 71–88. doi:10.2174/1570159X13666141210215655. PMC 4462044. PMID 26074744.
- Meegahakumbura, MK; Wambulwa, MC; Thapa, KK; et al. (2016). "Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites". PLOS ONE. 11 (5): e0155369. :2016PLoSO..1155369M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155369. PMC 4878758. PMID 27218820.
- Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Li MM, et al. (2018). "Domestication origin and breeding history of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in China and India based on nuclear microsatellites and cpDNA sequence data". Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 2270. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.02270. PMC 5788969. PMID 29422908.
- Yee, L.K., Tea's Wonderful History, The Chinese Historical and Cultural Project, http://www.chcp.org/tea.html, ප්රතිෂ්ඨාපනය 17 June 2013, "year 1996–2012"
- Miranda Brown (2 March 2022). "The Medieval Influencer Who Convinced the World to Drink Tea—Not Eat It". Atlas Obscura.
- (2019). Tale of Tea: A Comprehensive History of Tea: From Prehistoric Times to the Present Day (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). BRILL. ISBN .
- Benn 2015, පිටු අංකය: 22.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංක: 264–65.
- Kit Boey Chow; Ione Kramer (1990). All the Tea in China. Sinolingua. pp. 2–3. ISBN . 31 August 2016 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 21 May 2016.
- "Archaeologists discover world's oldest tea buried with ancient Chinese emperor". . Independent Print Limited. 8 October 2017 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 15 September 2017.
- Houyuan Lu; et al. (7 January 2016). "Earliest tea as evidence for one branch of the Silk Road across the Tibetan Plateau". . 6: 18955. :2016NatSR...618955L. doi:10.1038/srep18955. PMC 4704058. PMID 26738699.
- "World's oldest tea found in Chinese emperor's tomb". . 28 January 2016. 17 September 2016 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 22 July 2016.
The oldest written reference to tea is from the year 59 BC.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංක: 30–31.
- Bennett Alan Weinberg, Bonnie K. Bealer (2001). The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug. Routledge. p. 28. ISBN . 13 May 2016 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 7 September 2015.
- Benn 2015, පිටු අංකය: 42.
- Andrew Chittick (2020). The Jiankang Empire in Chinese and World History. Oxford University Press. pp. 75–76. ISBN .
- Scott Pearce; Audrey G. Spiro; Patricia Buckley Ebrey, eds. (2001). Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200–600. Harvard University Asia Center. p. 22. ISBN .
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංක: 39–41.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංකය: 118.
- Bennett Alan Weinberg; Bonnie K. Bealer (2001). The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug. Psychology Press. p. 63. ISBN . 27 April 2016 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 10 January 2016.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංකය: 165.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංකය: 106.
- Mair & Hoh 2009, පිටු අංකය: 169.
- "Russian Tea History". www.apollotea.com. සම්ප්රවේශය 28 May 2019.
- . Советская энциклопедия. 1978. pp. vol. 29, p. 11.
- Jeremiah Curtin, A Journey to Southern Siberia, 1909, chapter one
- Basil Dymytryshyn, Russia's Conquest of Siberia: A Documentary Record, 1985, volume one, document 48 (he was an envoy that year, but the tea may have been given on a later visit to the Khan)
- Paul Chrystal (2014). Tea: A Very British Beverage. Amberley Publishing Limited. ISBN . 28 September 2015 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 5 September 2015.
- Peter Mundy Merchant Adventurer, 2011, ed. R.E. Pritchard, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
- "Tea". . . 29 April 2004.
- "A Social History of the Nation's Favourite Drink". United Kingdom Tea Council. 30 July 2009 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී.
- Lysaght, Patricia (1987). "When I makes Tea, I makes Tea: the case of Tea in Ireland". Ulster Folklife. 33: 48–49.
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Ironically, it was the British who introduced tea drinking to India, initially to anglicized Indians. Tea did not become a mass drink there until the 1950s when the India Tea Board, faced with a surplus of low-grade tea, launched an advertising campaign to popularize it in the north, where the drink of choice was milk.
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- Sanyal, Amitava (13 April 2008). "How India came to be the largest tea drinking nation". . New Delhi. p. 12. 11 June 2014 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී.
- Euromonitor International (13 May 2013). "Turkey: Second biggest tea market in the world". Market Research World. 17 January 2013 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී. සම්ප්රවේශය 25 November 2012.
- Blanchard, Ben (24 April 2012). "Greenpeace says finds tainted Lipton tea bags in China". Reuters. Beijing. 2 April 2015 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 26 March 2015.
- Griffith-Greene, Megar (8 March 2014). "Pesticide traces in some tea exceed allowable limits". CBC News. 17 March 2015 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂිත පිටපත. සම්ප්රවේශය 26 March 2015.
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list () - Tocklai Tea Research Station Report
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General sources
- Benn, James A. (2015). Tea in China: A Religious and Cultural History. . ISBN .
- Heiss, Mary Lou; Heiss, Robert J. (2007). The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide. . ISBN .
- Mair, Victor H.; Hoh, Erling (2009). The True History of Tea. . ISBN .
- Martin, Laura C. (2007). Tea: The Drink that Changed the World. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN . 1159227468. 1956186W.
තේ ගැන තවත් දේ විකිපිඩියා සහෝදර ව්යාපෘති හරහා සොයාගන්න | |
![]() | වික්ෂනරිය වෙතින් අර්ථ දැක්වීම් |
![]() | කොමන්ස් වෙතින් ඡායාරූප හා මාධ්ය |
![]() | විකිසරසවිය වෙතින් ඉගෙනුම් මූලාශ්ර |
![]() | විකිපුවත් වෙතින් පුවත් කථාංග |
![]() | විකිකියමන් වෙතින් උපුටා දැක්වීම් |
![]() | විකිප්රභව වෙතින් ප්රභව පෙළ |
![]() | විකිපොත් වෙතින් පෙළපොත් |
![]() | විකිවිශේෂ වෙතින් විශේෂ නාමාවලි Camellia sinensis |
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
ම ම ල ප ය පර වර තනය කළ ය ත ය කර ණ කර ම ම ල ප ය ස හල භ ෂ වට පර වර තනය ක ර ම න ද යකවන න ත හ ච යන ක ම ල ය සය න න ස ස හ ස ව කළ හ න ව ම ක ළ මත උණ හ උත රන වත ර වත ක ර ම න සකස කරන ලද ඇර ම ට ක ප නයක සද හර ත පඳ රක වන ම ය න ර තද ග ච නය සහ උත ර ම යන ම රය ම ය ම ප රද ශවල ආරම භ ව අතර න ග නහ ර ආස ය වට ආව ණ ක ව ත මග න ද කල ත රක න ස දන ලබය ස ම න ය ජලය න පස ත යන ල කය ව ඩ ප රම පර භ ජනය කරන ප නයය ව ව ධ ත වර ග ත බ සමහර ඒව ස ස ලනය තරමක කට ක සහ කහට රසය ඇත අතර අන ක ඒව ට ප ණ රස ග ඩ මල හ ත ණ සටහන ඇත ළත ව ශ ල වශය න ව නස රසයන ඇත ම ල ක වශය න එහ ක ෆ න අන තර ගතය න ස ත ම න ස න ත ළ උත ත ජක බලප මක ඇත කරය ත තම බම න පවත න හර ත ත Typeඋණ ස ම හ ස ස ල ප නයක Country of originච නයIntroducedප රථම වරට ච නය ව ර ත ව ඇත ත ක ර ප 59 ද සමහර ව ට ම ට ප ර ආරම භ ව වක ච න ව ද ය හ ව ට ඕ ව ස න ල යන ලද ව ද ය ග රන ථයක ත ප නය ප ළ බඳ ම ල ව ශ ව සන ය ව ර ත වක ක ර ව ත න වන ස යවස දක ව ද ව යය එය ච න ට න ග ර ජව ශය ව න ද ස ව ද ප නයක ල ස ප රචල ත ව අතර ත ප නය පස ව අන ක ත න ග නහ ර ආස ය ත ක රටවලට ව ය ප ත ව ය ප ත ග ස ප ජකයන සහ ව ළ න ද එය 16 වන ස යවස ද ය ර පයට හඳ න ව ද න හ 17 වන ශතවර ෂය ද බ ර ත න ය ඉන ද ය ව මහ පර ම ණය න ත වග ක ර මට පටන ගත ඉ ග ර ස ජනත ව අතර ත ප නය ව ල ස ත වක ව ය ඖෂධ ත යන න න අදහස කරන න Camellia sinensis වල න ස දන ලද බ ම න ව ඒව පලත ර ක ළ හ ර ස ෂ ප චමමය ල හ ර ය බ ස ව න ව නත ශ ක ක ටස වල කහට ව ත ප ල ට ය න ස දන ලද ත සමඟ ව ය ක ලත වය ව ල ක ව ම සඳහ ම ව ට ස නස හ ඖෂධ කහට ල ස හ ඳ න ව ය හ ක න ර ක ත ත සඳහ ව ව ව ධ වචනවල න ර ක ත ය ච නය ස ට ල ව ප ර රටවලට ත ප නය ක ර ම ස ස ක ත ය සහ ව ළඳ ම සම ප ර ෂණය ක ර ම ඉත හ සය ප ළ බ ඹ කරය ල ව ප ර ත සඳහ වචන ස යල ලම ප හ ප ළ ල ක ණ ඩ ත නකට අයත ව te cha සහ chai ඉ ග ර ස ය න te cha හ ල ස පවත char සහ chai ඉ ග ර ස භ ෂ වට ඇත ළ ව ත ද න ග න ම ල ම ත න ත ත ච වන අතර එය 1590 ගණන වල ම ක ව හ ව ළඳ ම කළ ප ත ග ස න හරහ ප ම ණ වචනය ක න ටන ස උච ච රණය ලබ ගත ත ය වඩ ත ස ලභ ත ආක ත ය 17 වන ස යවස ද ලන ද ස න හරහ ප ම ණ අතර ඔව න එය වක රව ම ල ට ව ත න හ ස ජ වම ම න ච න භ ෂ ව න ට උච ච රණය න ලබ ගත හ ත න වන ස වර පය වන ච ය අර ථය ක ළ බඩ සහ ත ත ච යන උත ර ච න උච ච රණය න ආරම භ ව අතර එය මධ යම ආස ය වට සහ පර ස ය වට ග ඩබ මට ගමන කළ අතර එහ ද එය පර ස ය න අවස නයක වන ය ලබ ගත ත ය Botanical origin Tea plant Camellia sinensis from 1897 Tea plants are native to East Asia and probably originated in the borderlands of southwestern China and northern Myanmar Chinese small leaf type tea C sinensis var sinensis may have originated in southern China possibly with hybridization of unknown wild tea relatives However since there are no known wild populations of this tea its origin is speculative Given their genetic differences forming distinct Chinese Assam type tea C sinensis var assamica may have two different parentages one being found in southern and the other in western Yunnan Many types of Southern Yunnan Assam tea have been hybridized with the closely related species Unlike Southern Yunnan Assam tea Western Yunnan Assam tea shares many genetic similarities with Indian Assam type tea also C sinensis var assamica Thus Western Yunnan Assam tea and Indian Assam tea both may have originated from the same parent plant in the area where southwestern China Indo Burma and Tibet meet However as the Indian Assam tea shares no with Western Yunnan Assam tea Indian Assam tea is likely to have originated from an independent domestication Some Indian Assam tea appears to have hybridized with the species Assuming a generation of 12 years Chinese small leaf tea is estimated to have diverged from Assam tea around 22 000 years ago while Chinese Assam tea and Indian Assam tea diverged 2 800 years ago The divergence of Chinese small leaf tea and Assam tea would correspond to the last Early tea drinking A 19th century Japanese painting depicting Chinese legends credit Shennong with the invention of tea People in ancient East Asia ate tea for centuries perhaps even before ever consuming it as a beverage They would nibble on the leaves raw add them to or greens or them and chew it like how is chewed Tea drinking may have begun in the region of where it was used for medicinal purposes It is also believed that in people began to boil tea leaves for consumption into a concentrated liquid without the addition of other leaves or herbs thereby using tea as a bitter yet stimulating drink rather than as a medicinal concoction Chinese legends attribute the invention of tea to the mythical in central and northern China in 2737 BC although evidence suggests that tea drinking may have been introduced from the southwest of China Sichuan Yunnan area The earliest written records of tea come from China The word tu appears in the and other ancient texts to signify a kind of bitter vegetable 苦菜 and it is possible that it referred to many different plants such as or as well as tea In the it was recorded that the people in Sichuan presented tu to the king The later conquered the state of and its neighbour and according to the 17th century scholar who wrote in Ri Zhi Lu 日知錄 It was after the Qin had taken Shu that they learned how to drink tea Another possible early reference to tea is found in a letter written by the general Liu Kun who requested that some real tea to be sent to him The earliest known physical evidence of tea was discovered in 2016 in the mausoleum of in indicating that tea from the genus Camellia was drunk by emperors as early as the second century BC The Han dynasty work The Contract for a Youth written by in 59 BC contains the first known reference to boiling tea Among the tasks listed to be undertaken by the youth the contract states that he shall boil tea and fill the utensils and he shall buy tea at Wuyang The first record of tea cultivation is also dated to this period during which tea was cultivated on Meng Mountain 蒙山 near Another early credible record of tea drinking dates to the 3rd century AD in a medical text by Hua Tuo who stated to drink bitter t u constantly makes one think better However before the mid 8th century tea drinking was primarily a southern Chinese practice Tea was disdained by the aristocrats who describe it as a slaves drink inferior to yogurt It became widely popular during the when it was spread to Korea Japan and Vietnam a treatise on tea and its preparations was written by the 8th century Chinese writer He was known to have influenced tea drinking on a large part in China Developments Tea with ingredients China Through the centuries a variety of techniques for processing tea and a number of different forms of tea were developed During the Tang dynasty tea was steamed then pounded and shaped into cake form while in the loose leaf tea was developed and became popular During the and dynasties unoxidized tea leaves were first stirred in a hot dry pan then rolled and air dried a process that stops the process that would have turned the leaves dark thereby allowing tea to remain green In the 15th century tea in which the leaves are allowed to partially oxidize before being heated in the pan was developed Western tastes however favoured the fully oxidized and the leaves were allowed to oxidize further was an accidental discovery in the production of green tea during the Ming dynasty when apparently careless practices allowed the leaves to turn yellow which yielded a different flavour Worldwide spread Tea weighing station north of Russian Empire before 1915 Tea was first introduced to Western priests and merchants in China during the 16th century at which time it was termed cha The earliest European reference to tea written as chiai came from Delle navigationi e viaggi written by Venetian in 1545 The first recorded shipment of tea by a European nation was in 1607 when the Dutch East India Company moved a cargo of tea from Macao to Java then two years later the Dutch bought the first assignment of tea which was from in Japan to be shipped to Europe Tea became a fashionable drink in in the Netherlands and the Dutch introduced the drink to Germany France and across the Atlantic to New York In 1567 Russian people came in contact with tea when the Petrov and Yalyshev visited China The Mongolian Khan donated to four 65 70 kg of tea in 1638 According to it was possibly in 1636 that Vassili Starkov was sent as envoy to the He was given 250 pounds of tea as a gift to the tsar Starkov at first refused seeing no use for a load of dead leaves but the Khan insisted Thus was tea introduced to Russia In 1679 Russia concluded a treaty on regular tea supplies from China via in exchange for furs It is today considered the de facto national beverage The Raymond Hugh Mckay Commander The first vessel direct from China to on her arrival on 14 October 1843 with a cargo of tea The first record of tea in English came from a letter written by Richard Wickham who ran an office in Japan writing to a merchant in Macao requesting the best sort of chaw in 1615 a traveller and merchant who came across tea in in 1637 wrote chaa only water with a kind of herb boyled in it Tea was sold in a coffee house in London in 1657 tasted tea in 1660 and took the tea drinking habit to the English court when she married in 1662 Tea however was not widely consumed in the British Isles until the 18th century and remained expensive until the latter part of that period English drinkers preferred to add sugar and milk to black tea and black tea overtook green tea in popularity in the 1720s Tea smuggling during the 18th century led to the general public being able to afford and consume tea The British government removed the tax on tea thereby eliminating the smuggling trade by 1785 In Britain and Ireland tea was initially consumed as a luxury item on special occasions such as religious festivals wakes and domestic work gatherings The price of tea in Europe fell steadily during the 19th century especially after Indian tea began to arrive in large quantities by the late 19th century tea had become an everyday beverage for all levels of society The popularity of tea played a role in historical events the of 1773 provoked the that escalated into the The need to address the issue of British trade deficit because of the trade in tea resulted in the Opium Wars The Qing had banned foreign products from being sold in China decreeing in 1685 that all goods bought from China must be paid for in silver coin or bullion Traders from other nations then sought to find another product in this case opium to sell to China to earn back the silver they were required to pay for tea and other commodities The subsequent attempts by the Chinese Government to curtail the trade in opium led to war Chinese small leaf type tea was introduced into India in 1836 by the British in an attempt to break the Chinese monopoly on tea In 1841 brought seeds of Chinese tea from the region and experimented with planting tea in The Alubari tea garden was opened in 1856 and began to be produced In 1848 was sent by the on a mission to China to bring the tea plant back to Great Britain He began his journey in high secrecy as his mission occurred in the lull between the First Opium War and the Second Opium War The Chinese tea plants he brought back were introduced to the though most did not survive The British had discovered that a different variety of tea was endemic to and the northeast region of India which was then hybridized with Chinese small leaf type tea Using Chinese planting and cultivation techniques the British colonial government established a tea industry by offering land in Assam to any European who agreed to cultivate it for export Tea was originally consumed only by however it became widely popular in India in the 1950s because of a successful advertising campaign by the India Tea Board The British introduced tea industry to Sri Lanka then Ceylon in 1867 Chemical compositionPhysically speaking tea has properties of both a and a It is a solution of all the water soluble compounds that have been extracted from the tea leaves such as the polyphenols and amino acids but is a suspension when all of the insoluble components are considered such as the cellulose in the tea leaves තහව ර කර න ම ත Tea infusions are among most consumed beverages globally constitutes about 3 of tea s dry weight translating to between 30 and 90 milligrams per 250 ම ල litre 8 1 2 US fl oz cup depending on the type brand and brewing method A study found that the caffeine content of one gram of black tea ranged from 22 to 28 mg while the caffeine content of one gram of green tea ranged from 11 to 20 mg reflecting a significant difference Tea also contains small amounts of and which are and similar to caffeine Fresh tea leaves in various stages of growth The astringency in tea can be attributed to the presence of These are the most abundant compounds in tea leaves making up 30 40 of their composition Polyphenols include EGCG and other Although there has been preliminary on whether green or black teas may protect against various human diseases there is no evidence that tea polyphenols have any effect on health or lowering disease risk Health effectsප රධ න ල ප ය Although health benefits have been assumed throughout the history of Camellia sinensis s consumption there is no high quality evidence showing that tea consumption gives significant benefits other than possibly increasing alertness an effect caused by in the tea leaves In conducted in the early 21st century it was found there is no scientific evidence to indicate that consuming tea affects any disease or improves health Black and green teas contain no essential nutrients in significant amounts with the exception of the manganese at 0 5 mg per cup or 26 of the RDI is sometimes present in tea certain types of brick tea made from old leaves and stems have the highest levels enough to pose a health risk if much tea is drunk which has been attributed to high levels of fluoride in soils acidic soils and long brewing Cultivation and harvestingTea plantation workers in Sri Lanka Camellia sinensis is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in and climates Some varieties can also tolerate and are cultivated as far north as in England in Scotland in the United States and in Canada In the Southern Hemisphere tea is grown as far south as Hobart in Tasmania and in New Zealand Tea plants are propagated from seed and cuttings about 4 to 12 years are needed for a plant to bear seed and about three years before a new plant is ready for harvesting In addition to a climate or warmer tea plants require at least 127 cm 50 in of rainfall per year and prefer Many high quality tea plants are cultivated at elevations of up to 1 500 m 4 900 ft above sea level Though at these heights the plants grow more slowly they acquire a better flavour Women picking tea in Kenya Two principal varieties are used Camellia sinensis var sinensis which is used for most Chinese Formosan and Japanese teas and C sinensis var assamica used in and most Indian teas but not Darjeeling Within these botanical varieties many and modern clonal varieties are known Leaf size is the chief criterion for the classification of tea plants with three primary classifications being type characterised by the largest leaves China type characterised by the smallest leaves and Cambodian type characterised by leaves of intermediate size The Cambodian type tea C assamica subsp lasiocaly was originally considered a type of Assam tea However later genetic work showed that it is a hybrid between Chinese small leaf tea and Assam type tea Darjeeling tea also appears to be a hybrid between Chinese small leaf tea and Assam type large leaf tea Tea plantation near A tea plant will grow into a tree of up to 16 m 52 ft if left undisturbed but cultivated plants are generally pruned to waist height for ease of plucking Also the short plants bear more new shoots which provide new and tender leaves and increase the quality of the tea Only the top 2 5 5 ස න ට ම ටර 1 2 in of the mature plant are picked These buds and leaves are called flushes A plant will grow a new flush every 7 to 15 days during the growing season Leaves that are slow in development tend to produce better flavoured teas Several teas are available from specified flushes for example Darjeeling tea is available as first flush at a premium price second flush monsoon and autumn Assam second flush or tippy tea is considered superior to first flush because of the gold tips that appear on the leaves Pests that can afflict tea plants include mosquito bugs genus which are and not to be confused with mosquitos Mosquito bugs can damage leaves both by sucking plant materials and by the laying of eggs oviposition within the plant Spraying with synthetic may be deemed appropriate Other pests are leaf feeders and various ProductionTea is mainly grown in Asia and Africa though it is also grown in South America and around the Black and Caspian Seas The four biggest tea producing countries are China India Kenya and Sri Lanka together representing 75 of world tea production Smaller hubs of production include such places as in Portugal and in Georgia In 2020 global production of tea was 7 0 million led by China with 42 and India with 20 of the world total Kenya Argentina and Sri Lanka were secondary producers Storage Storage conditions and type determine the of tea that of black teas is greater than that of green teas Some such as flower teas may last only a month or so Others such as pu erh improve with age To remain fresh and prevent mold tea needs to be stored away from heat light air and moisture Tea must be kept at room temperature in an air tight container Black tea in a bag within a sealed opaque canister may keep for two years Green tea deteriorates more rapidly usually in less than a year Tightly rolled gunpowder tea leaves keep longer than the more open leafed Storage life for all teas can be extended by using or oxygen absorbing packets vacuum sealing or refrigeration in air tight containers except green tea where discrete use of refrigeration or freezing is recommended and temperature variation kept to a minimum Tea production 2020 Country Million tonnes China 2 97 ඉන ද ය ව 1 2 ක න ය ව 0 43 ශ ර ල ක ව 0 34 ව යට න මය 0 214 ත ර ක ය 0 212 Iran 0 16 ඉන ද න ස ය ව 0 14 ආර ජන ට න ව 0 10 ජප නය 0 08Source WorldatlasThe tea fields in the foothills of in the of Portugal which is located in the middle of the the only European region other than to support green tea productionProcessing and classificationප රධ න ල ප ය Teas of different levels of oxidation L to R green yellow oolong and black Tea is generally divided into categories based on how it is processed At least six different types are produced wilted and unoxidized unwilted and unoxidized but allowed to yellow unwilted and unoxidized wilted bruised and partially oxidized wilted sometimes crushed and fully oxidized called 紅茶 hongcha red tea in Chinese and other East Asian tea culture green tea that has been allowed to ferment compost called if from the Yunnan district of South Western China or 黑茶 heicha black tea in Chinese tea culture After picking the leaves of C sinensis soon begin to and unless immediately dried An process triggered by the plant s intracellular enzymes causes the leaves to turn progressively darker as their breaks down and tannins are released This darkening is stopped at a predetermined stage by heating which deactivates the enzymes responsible In the production of black teas halting by heating is carried out simultaneously with drying Without careful moisture and temperature control during manufacture and packaging growth of undesired molds and bacteria may make tea unfit for consumption Additional processing and additives Common processing methods of tea leaves After basic processing teas may be altered through additional processing steps before being sold and is often consumed with additions to the basic tea leaf and water added during preparation or drinking Examples of additional processing steps that occur before tea is sold are blending flavouring scenting and decaffeination of teas Examples of additions added at the point of consumption include milk sugar and lemon Tea blending is the combination of different teas together to achieve the final product Such teas may combine others from the same cultivation area or several different ones The aim is to obtain consistency better taste higher price or some combination of the three Flavoured and scented teas add aromas and flavours to the base tea This can be accomplished through directly adding flavouring agents such as cardamom found in and Alternatively because tea easily retains odours it can be placed in proximity to an aromatic ingredient to absorb its aroma as in traditional Black tea is often taken with milk The addition of milk to tea in Europe was first mentioned in 1680 by the epistolist Many teas are traditionally drunk with milk in cultures where dairy products are consumed These include Indian and British tea blends These teas tend to be very hearty varieties of black tea which can be tasted through the milk such as Assams or the East Friesian blend Milk is thought to neutralise remaining tannins and reduce acidity The do not usually drink milk with tea but the do and the elite of the Qing Dynasty of the Chinese Empire continued to do so is based on British habits and other Himalayan peoples traditionally drink tea with milk or and salt In Eastern European countries Russia and Italy tea is commonly served with lemon juice In Poland tea is traditionally served with a slice of lemon and is sweetened with either sugar or honey tea with milk is called a bawarka style in and is also widely popular In Australia tea with milk is known as white tea The order of steps in preparing a cup of tea is a much debated topic and can vary widely between cultures or even individuals Some say it is preferable to add the milk to the cup before the tea as the high temperature of freshly brewed tea can denature the proteins found in fresh milk similar to the change in taste of milk resulting in an inferior tasting beverage Others insist it is better to add the milk to the cup after the tea as black tea is often brewed as close to boiling as possible The addition of milk chills the beverage during the crucial brewing phase if brewing in a cup rather than using a pot meaning the delicate flavour of a good tea cannot be fully appreciated By adding the milk afterwards it is easier to dissolve sugar in the tea and also to ensure the desired amount of milk is added as the colour of the tea can be observed Historically the order of steps was taken as an indication of class only those wealthy enough to afford good quality porcelain would be confident of its being able to cope with being exposed to boiling water unadulterated with milk Higher temperature difference means faster so the earlier milk is added the slower the drink cools A 2007 study published in the European Heart Journal found certain may be lost through the addition of milk PackagingTea bags ප රධ න ල ප ය Tea bags In 1907 American tea merchant Thomas Sullivan began distributing samples of his tea in small bags of silk with a drawstring Consumers noticed they could simply leave the tea in the bag and reuse it with fresh tea However the potential of this distribution and packaging method would not be fully realised until later During World War II tea was rationed in the United Kingdom In 1953 after ended based tea manufacturer launched the tea bag in the UK and it was an immediate success The pyramid tea bag or sachet introduced by Lipton and PG Tips Scottish Blend in 1996 attempts to address one of the connoisseurs arguments against paper tea bags by way of its three dimensional shape which allows more room for tea leaves to expand while steeping තහව ර කර න ම ත However some types of pyramid tea bags have been criticised as being environmentally unfriendly since their synthetic material is not as biodegradable as loose tea leaves and paper tea bags Loose tea A blend of loose leaf black teas The tea leaves are packaged loosely in a canister paper bag or other container such as a Some whole teas such as rolled gunpowder tea leaves which resist crumbling are vacuum packed for freshness in for storage and retail The loose tea is individually measured for use allowing for flexibility and flavour control at the expense of convenience Strainers tea presses filtered teapots and infusion bags prevent loose leaves from floating in the tea and over brewing A traditional method uses a three piece lidded teacup called a the lid of which is tilted to decant the tea into a different cup for consumption Compressed tea Sheng raw a type of compressed aged raw pu erh such as is produced for convenience in transport storage and ageing It can usually be stored longer without spoilage than loose leaf tea Compressed tea is prepared by loosening leaves from the cake using a small knife and steeping the extracted pieces in water During the Tang dynasty as described by Lu Yu compressed tea was ground into a powder combined with hot water and ladled into bowls resulting in a frothy mixture In the the tea powder would instead be whisked with hot water in the bowl Although no longer practiced in China today the whisking method of preparing powdered tea was transmitted to Japan by Buddhist monks and is still used to prepare in the Japanese tea ceremony Compressed tea was the most popular form of tea in China during the Tang dynasty By the beginning of the Ming dynasty it had been displaced by loose leaf tea It remains popular however in the Himalayan countries and Mongolian steppes In Mongolia tea bricks were ubiquitous enough to be used as a form of currency Among Himalayan peoples compressed tea is consumed by combining it with and salt to produce butter tea Instant tea ප රධ න ල ප ය Instant tea similar to and an alternative to brewed tea can be consumed either hot or cold Instant tea was developed in the 1930s with introducing the first commercial product in 1946 while Redi Tea debuted instant in 1953 Additives such as vanilla honey or fruit are popular as is During the Second World War British and Canadian soldiers were issued an instant tea known as compo in their composite ration packs These blocks of instant tea powdered milk and sugar were not always well received As Royal Canadian Artillery Gunner George C Blackburn observed But unquestionably the feature of Compo rations destined to be remembered beyond all others is Compo tea Directions say to sprinkle powder on heated water and bring to the boil stirring well three heaped teaspoons to one pint of water Every possible variation in the preparation of this tea was tried but it always ended up the same way While still too hot to drink it is a good looking cup of strong tea Even when it becomes just cool enough to be sipped gingerly it is still a good tasting cup of tea if you like your tea strong and sweet But let it cool enough to be quaffed and enjoyed and your lips will be coated with a sticky scum that forms across the surface which if left undisturbed will become a leathery membrane that can be wound around your finger and flipped away Bottled and canned tea ප රධ න ල ප ය Canned tea is sold prepared and ready to drink It was introduced in 1981 in Japan The first bottled tea was introduced by an Indonesian tea company PT Sinar Sosro in 1969 with the brand name Teh Botol Sosro or Sosro bottled tea In 1983 Swiss based Bischofszell Food Ltd was the first company to bottle iced tea on an industrial scale Iranians usually drink tea with rock candy and in glass cupsTea cultureප රධ න ල ප ය Brewed tea in aroma cups Tea is the second most consumed beverage on Earth after water In many cultures it is consumed at elevated social events such as the have arisen in different cultures such as the and traditions each of which employs certain techniques and ritualised protocol of brewing and serving tea for enjoyment in a refined setting One form of Chinese tea ceremony is the which typically uses small and oolong tea A young boy drinking tea with cake 63 of people drink tea daily It is customary for a host to offer tea to guests soon after their arrival Tea is consumed both at home and outside the home often in cafes or with cakes on fine porcelain is a cultural stereotype In southwest England many cafes serve a consisting of scones and jam alongside a pot of tea In some parts of Britain and India Ireland as of 2016 was the second biggest per capita consumer of tea in the world Local blends are the most popular in Ireland including using Rwandan Kenyan and Assam teas The annual national average of tea consumption in Ireland is 2 7 kg to 4 kg per person is usually taken with milk or sugar and brewed longer for a stronger taste is an important part of and is the most commonly consumed hot drink despite the country s long history of coffee consumption In 2004 Turkey produced 205 500 tonnes of tea 6 4 of the world s total tea production which made it one of the largest tea markets in the world with 120 000 tons being consumed in Turkey and the rest being exported In 2010 Turkey had the highest per capita consumption in the world at 2 7 kg As of 2013 the per capita consumption of Turkish tea exceeds 10 cups per day and 13 8 kg per year Tea is grown mostly in on the Black Sea coast dating to 1638 when tea was introduced to Social gatherings were considered incomplete without tea which was traditionally brewed in a In Pakistan both black and green teas are popular and are known locally as sabz chai and respectively The popular green tea is often served after every meal in the belt of and in In central and southern Punjab and the metropolitan Sindh region of Pakistan tea with milk and sugar sometimes with pistachios cardamom etc commonly referred to as chai is widely consumed It is the most common beverage of households in the region In the northern Pakistani regions of and a salty buttered is consumed South Indian woman preparing a cup of morning tea in the traditional South Indian way is strong the drink is the most popular hot beverage in the country It is consumed daily in almost all houses offered to guests consumed in high amounts in domestic and official surroundings and is made with the addition of milk with or without spices and usually sweetened It is sometimes served with biscuits to be dipped in the tea and eaten before consuming the tea More often than not it is drunk in doses of small cups referred to as cutting chai if sold at street tea vendors rather than one large cup have one of the highest per capita rates of tea consumption in the world and a is a common sight on Iranian streets Due to the suitable climate tea is usually cultivated in large areas of along the shores of the Caspian Sea In Burma tea is consumed not only as hot drinks but also as sweet tea and green tea known locally as laphet yay and laphet yay gyan respectively Pickled tea leaves known locally as are also a national delicacy Pickled tea is usually eaten with roasted sesame seeds crispy fried beans roasted peanuts and fried garlic chips In Mali is served in series of three starting with the highest oxidisation or strongest unsweetened tea locally referred to as strong like death followed by a second serving where the same tea leaves are boiled again with some sugar added pleasant as life and a third one where the same tea leaves are boiled for the third time with yet more sugar added sweet as love Green tea is the central ingredient of a distinctly Malian custom the Grin an informal social gathering that cuts across social and economic lines starting in front of family compound gates in the afternoons and extending late into the night and is widely popular in and other large urban areas තහව ර කර න ම ත In the United States 80 of tea is consumed as is native to the and is iconic in its cuisine served in a typical small glass and corresponding plate English teaware with a slice of lemon Indian Masala teaEconomicsTea factory in Taiwan Tea is the most popular manufactured drink consumed in the world equaling all others including coffee soft drinks and alcohol combined Most tea consumed outside East Asia is produced on large plantations in the hilly regions of India and Sri Lanka and is destined to be sold to large businesses Opposite this large scale industrial production are many small gardens sometimes minuscule plantations that produce highly sought after teas prized by gourmets These teas are both rare and expensive and can be compared to some of the most expensive wines in this respect India is the world s largest tea drinking nation although the per capita consumption of tea remains a modest 750 ග ර ම 26 oz per person every year Turkey with 2 5 ක ල ග ර ම 5 lb 8 oz of tea consumed per person per year is the world s greatest per capita consumer Labor and consumer safety problems Tests of commercially popular teas have detected residues of banned toxic pesticides Tea production in Kenya Malawi Rwanda Tanzania and Uganda has been reported to make use of according to the s Workers who pick and pack tea on plantations in developing countries can face harsh working conditions and may earn below the Certification Several bodies independently certify the production of tea such as and From 2008 to 2016 sustainability standards certified tea production experienced a compound annual growth rate of about 35 accounting for at least 19 of overall tea production In 2016 at least 1 15 million tonnes of sustainably certified tea was produced valued at US 2 billion Rainforest Alliance certified tea is sold by Unilever brands and in Western Europe Australia and the U S Fairtrade certified tea is sold by a large number of suppliers around the world UTZ Certified tea is sold by Production of organic tea has risen since its introduction in 1990 at Rembeng Kondoli Tea Estate Assam 6 000 tons of organic tea were sold in 1999 See also Russian extra strong tea brew drink produced from bacteria and yeast grown on tea influential historical monographs of East Asian teaReferencesCitations Fuller Thomas 21 April 2008 A Tea From the Jungle Enriches a Placid Village The New York Times New York p A8 14 February 2017 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 23 February 2017 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ ක 29 30 Yamamoto T Kim M Juneja L R 1997 Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea CRC Press p 4 ISBN 978 0 8493 4006 2 For a long time botanists have asserted the dualism of tea origin from their observations that there exist distinct differences in the morphological characteristics between Assamese varieties and Chinese varieties Hashimoto and Shimura reported that the differences in the morphological characteristics in tea plants are not necessarily the evidence of the dualism hypothesis from the researches using the statistical cluster analysis method In recent investigations it has also been made clear that both varieties have the same chromosome number n 15 and can be easily hybridised with each other In addition various types of intermediate hybrids or spontaneous polyploids of tea plants have been found in a wide area extending over the regions mentioned above These facts may prove that the place of origin of Camellia sinensis is in the area including the northern part of the Burma Yunnan and Sichuan districts of China Mary Lou Heiss Robert J Heiss The Story of Tea A Cultural History and Drinking Guide Camellia sinensis originated in southeast Asia specifically around the intersection of 29th parallel and 98th meridian the point of confluence of the lands of southwest China and Tibet north Burma and northeast India citing Mondal 2007 p 519 Heiss amp Heiss 2007 ප ට අ ක 6 7 Laoshu Dianhong Old Tree Yunnan Yunnan da Bai Silver Needles Tea Trekker Liu et al 2012 2004 The Empire of Tea The Overlook Press p 32 ISBN 978 1 58567 493 0 Cappelletti S Piacentino D Daria P Sani G Aromatario M January 2015 Caffeine cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug Current Neuropharmacology 13 1 71 88 doi 10 2174 1570159X13666141210215655 PMC 4462044 PMID 26074744 Meegahakumbura MK Wambulwa MC Thapa KK et al 2016 Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant Camellia sinensis L O Kuntze and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites PLOS ONE 11 5 e0155369 2016PLoSO 1155369M doi 10 1371 journal pone 0155369 PMC 4878758 PMID 27218820 Meegahakumbura MK Wambulwa MC Li MM et al 2018 Domestication origin and breeding history of the tea plant Camellia sinensis in China and India based on nuclear microsatellites and cpDNA sequence data Frontiers in Plant Science 8 2270 doi 10 3389 fpls 2017 02270 PMC 5788969 PMID 29422908 Yee L K Tea s Wonderful History The Chinese Historical and Cultural Project http www chcp org tea html ප රත ෂ ඨ පනය 17 June 2013 year 1996 2012 Miranda Brown 2 March 2022 The Medieval Influencer Who Convinced the World to Drink Tea Not Eat It Atlas Obscura 2019 Tale of Tea A Comprehensive History of Tea From Prehistoric Times to the Present Day ඉ ග ර ස බස න BRILL ISBN 978 9004386259 Benn 2015 ප ට අ කය 22 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ ක 264 65 Kit Boey Chow Ione Kramer 1990 All the Tea in China Sinolingua pp 2 3 ISBN 978 0 8351 2194 1 31 August 2016 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 21 May 2016 Archaeologists discover world s oldest tea buried with ancient Chinese emperor Independent Print Limited 8 October 2017 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 15 September 2017 Houyuan Lu et al 7 January 2016 Earliest tea as evidence for one branch of the Silk Road across the Tibetan Plateau 6 18955 2016NatSR 618955L doi 10 1038 srep18955 PMC 4704058 PMID 26738699 World s oldest tea found in Chinese emperor s tomb 28 January 2016 17 September 2016 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 22 July 2016 The oldest written reference to tea is from the year 59 BC Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ ක 30 31 Bennett Alan Weinberg Bonnie K Bealer 2001 The World of Caffeine The Science and Culture of the World s Most Popular Drug Routledge p 28 ISBN 978 0 415 92722 2 13 May 2016 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 7 September 2015 Benn 2015 ප ට අ කය 42 Andrew Chittick 2020 The Jiankang Empire in Chinese and World History Oxford University Press pp 75 76 ISBN 9780190937546 Scott Pearce Audrey G Spiro Patricia Buckley Ebrey eds 2001 Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm 200 600 Harvard University Asia Center p 22 ISBN 0 674 00523 6 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ ක 39 41 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ කය 118 Bennett Alan Weinberg Bonnie K Bealer 2001 The World of Caffeine The Science and Culture of the World s Most Popular Drug Psychology Press p 63 ISBN 978 0 415 92722 2 27 April 2016 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 10 January 2016 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ කය 165 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ කය 106 Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ කය 169 Russian Tea History www apollotea com සම ප රව ශය 28 May 2019 Sovetskaya enciklopediya 1978 pp vol 29 p 11 Jeremiah Curtin A Journey to Southern Siberia 1909 chapter one Basil Dymytryshyn Russia s Conquest of Siberia A Documentary Record 1985 volume one document 48 he was an envoy that year but the tea may have been given on a later visit to the Khan Paul Chrystal 2014 Tea A Very British Beverage Amberley Publishing Limited ISBN 978 1 4456 3360 2 28 September 2015 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 5 September 2015 Peter Mundy Merchant Adventurer 2011 ed R E Pritchard Bodleian Libraries Oxford Tea 29 April 2004 A Social History of the Nation s Favourite Drink United Kingdom Tea Council 30 July 2009 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Lysaght Patricia 1987 When I makes Tea I makes Tea the case of Tea in Ireland Ulster Folklife 33 48 49 Goldstone Jack A 2016 Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World Population Change and State Breakdown in England France Turkey and China 1600 1850 25th Anniversary Edition ඉ ග ර ස බස න Routledge ISBN 978 1 315 40860 6 Lovell Julia 2012 The Opium War Drugs Dreams and the Making of China Picador ISBN 978 1 4472 0410 7 Colleen Taylor Sen 2004 Food Culture in India Greenwood Publishing Group p 26 ISBN 978 0 313 32487 1 24 April 2016 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 10 January 2016 Ironically it was the British who introduced tea drinking to India initially to anglicized Indians Tea did not become a mass drink there until the 1950s when the India Tea Board faced with a surplus of low grade tea launched an advertising campaign to popularize it in the north where the drink of choice was milk Mair amp Hoh 2009 ප ට අ කය 214 2010 For All the Tea in China Penguin Books pp 1 5 89 122 197 TED Case Studies Ceylon Tea American University Washington DC 23 February 2015 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 27 November 2013 Yang Ziyin Baldermann Susanne Watanabe Naoharu 1 October 2013 Recent studies of the volatile compounds in tea Food Research International Tea from bushes to mugs composition stability and health aspects ඉ ග ර ස බස න 53 2 585 599 doi 10 1016 j foodres 2013 02 011 0963 9969 Weinberg Bennett Alan amp Bealer Bonnie K 2001 The World of Caffeine The Science and Culture of the World s Most Popular Drug Routledge p 228 ISBN 978 0 415 92722 2 Hicks MB Hsieh YP Bell LN 1996 Tea preparation and its influence on methylxanthine concentration PDF Food Research International 29 3 4 325 330 doi 10 1016 0963 9969 96 00038 5 3 February 2013 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත PDF සම ප රව ශය 13 May 2013 Chatterjee A Saluja M Agarwal G Alam M 2012 Green tea A boon for periodontal and general health Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 16 2 161 167 doi 10 4103 0972 124X 99256 PMC 3459493 PMID 23055579 Graham HN 1992 Green tea composition consumption and polyphenol chemistry Preventive Medicine 21 3 334 350 doi 10 1016 0091 7435 92 90041 f PMID 1614995 Harbowy ME 1997 Tea Chemistry Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 16 5 415 480 doi 10 1080 713608154 Ferruzzi MG 2010 The influence of beverage composition on delivery of phenolic compounds from coffee and tea Physiol Behav 100 1 33 41 doi 10 1016 j physbeh 2010 01 035 PMID 20138903 207373774 Williamson G Dionisi F Renouf M 2011 Flavanols from green tea and phenolic acids from coffee critical quantitative evaluation of the pharmacokinetic data in humans after consumption of single doses of beverages Mol Nutr Food Res 55 6 864 873 doi 10 1002 mnfr 201000631 PMID 21538847 Green Tea National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health US National Institutes of Health Bethesda MD 2014 2 April 2015 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 25 October 2014 Summary of Qualified Health Claims Subject to Enforcement Discretion Green Tea and Cancer Food and Drug Administration US Department of Health and Human Services October 2014 15 October 2014 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 25 October 2014 Black tea MedlinePlus US National Library of Medicine 30 November 2017 සම ප රව ශය 27 February 2018 Green tea National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health US National Institutes of Health 30 November 2016 සම ප රව ශය 27 February 2018 Tea brewed prepared with tap water black tea one cup USDA Nutrient Tables SR 21 Conde Nast 2014 26 October 2014 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 25 October 2014 Fung KF Zhang ZQ Wong JW Wong MH 1999 Fluoride contents in tea and soil from tea plantations and the release of fluoride into tea liquor during infusion Environmental Pollution 104 2 197 205 doi 10 1016 S0269 7491 98 00187 0 Camellia Sinensis Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plants Products 3 July 1996 24 September 2010 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 26 October 2010 Levin Angela 20 May 2013 Welcome to Tregothnan England s only tea estate 14 December 2013 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 5 December 2013 Hilpern Kate 17 November 2014 The world s first Scottish tea at 10 a cup 8 October 2017 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 15 September 2017 Tea PDF The Compendium of Washington Agriculture Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration 2010 10 August 2011 ද න ම ල ප ටපත PDF ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 26 April 2011 Tea farm on Vancouver Island a Canadian first 5 May 2013 27 May 2014 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 26 May 2014 Crawley Jennifer 13 August 2013 Tassie tea crop brewing 11 March 2014 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Episode 36 Produce of Two Islands No 36 Tea growing is tough going 17 August 2013 28 January 2015 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 24 January 2015 Rolfe Jim amp Cave Yvonne 2003 Camellias A Practical Gardening Guide Timber Press ISBN 978 0 88192 577 7 Pruess Joanna 2006 Tea Cuisine A New Approach to Flavoring Contemporary and Traditional Dishes Globe Pequot ISBN 978 1 59228 741 3 Mondal T K 2007 Tea In Pua E C Davey M R eds Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry Vol 60 Transgenic Crops V Berlin Springer pp 519 20 ISBN 978 3 540 49160 6 Wambulwa MC MK 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2017 Statista www statista com 2 July 2019 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 2 July 2019 Annual per capita tea consumption worldwide as of 2016 by leading countries Statista 14 January 2016 Pope Conor Why we get a better cup in Ireland than all the tea in China සම ප රව ශය 21 April 2020 World tea production reaches new highs fao org 28 April 2018 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 3 July 2014 About Turkey Geography Economics Politics Religion and Culture Rashid and Resit Ergener Pilgrims Process 2002 ISBN 0 9710609 6 7 p 41 Capacity Building Program on International Trade PDF Press release Ministry of Agriculture 11 June 2014 ද න ම ල ප ටපත PDF ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 26 January 2013 11 August 2013 En cok cay ve karpuz tuketiyoruz in Turkish We consume a lot of tea and watermelon 29 October 2013 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 24 August 2013 tea Tea in Russia Alimentarium 29 September 2019 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 3 December 2019 A majority of Indians think theirs is a tea drinking nation YouGov What the world thinks Indian English බස න සම ප රව ශය 3 August 2020 Persian Tea Everything You Need to Know Persian Food Tour ඇම ර ක න ඉ ග ර ස බස න 20 November 2018 සම ප රව ශය 2022 08 28 Persian Tea TDE සම ප රව ශය 2022 08 31 Duguid Naomi 2012 Burma Rivers of Flavor ISBN 978 1 57965 413 9 Tea Modern Marvels television program The History Channel Broadcast 15 October 2010 Powers Sean Sweet Tea A History of the Nectar Of The South ඉ ග ර ස බස න 29 November 2018 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 14 March 2019 Sanyal Amitava 13 April 2008 How India came to be the largest tea drinking nation New Delhi p 12 11 June 2014 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Euromonitor International 13 May 2013 Turkey Second biggest tea market in the world Market Research World 17 January 2013 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 25 November 2012 Blanchard Ben 24 April 2012 Greenpeace says finds tainted Lipton tea bags in China Reuters Beijing 2 April 2015 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 26 March 2015 Griffith Greene Megar 8 March 2014 Pesticide traces in some tea exceed allowable limits CBC News 17 March 2015 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 26 March 2015 List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor dol gov 19 March 2018 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 21 May 2015 A Bitter Cup 19 September 2010 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 27 July 2010 Voora V Bermudez S and Larrea C 2019 Global Market Report Tea State of Sustainability Initiatives a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite web class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite web cite web a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Tocklai Tea Research Station Report United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 2002 Organic Agriculture and Rural Poverty Alleviation Potential and Best Practices in Asia United Nations Publications pp 62 63 ISBN 92 1 120138 1 General sources Benn James A 2015 Tea in China A Religious and Cultural History ISBN 978 988 8208 73 9 Heiss Mary Lou Heiss Robert J 2007 The Story of Tea A Cultural History and Drinking Guide ISBN 978 1 58008 745 2 Mair Victor H Hoh Erling 2009 The True History of Tea ISBN 978 0 500 25146 1 Martin Laura C 2007 Tea The Drink that Changed the World Tuttle Publishing ISBN 978 0 8048 3724 8 1159227468 1956186W ත ග න තවත ද ව ක ප ඩ ය සහ දර ව ය ප ත හරහ ස ය ගන නව ක ෂනර ය ව ත න අර ථ ද ක ව ම ක මන ස ව ත න ඡ ය ර ප හ ම ධ යව ක සරසව ය ව ත න ඉග න ම ම ල ශ රව ක ප වත ව ත න ප වත කථ ගව ක ක යමන ව ත න උප ට ද ක ව ම ව ක ප රභව ව ත න ප රභව ප ළව ක ප ත ව ත න ප ළප ත ව ක ව ශ ෂ ව ත න ව ශ ෂ න ම වල Camellia sinensis