ත්රිත්ව ශතකයක් (300 හෝ ඊට වඩා වැඩි පුද්ගලයකු ලකුණු) ටෙස්ට් ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩා කරන රටවල් අටක පිතිකරුවන් 27 දෙනෙකු අවස්ථා 31 දී වාර්තා කර ඇත. ඇෆ්ගනිස්ථානය, බංග්ලාදේශය, අයර්ලන්තය හෝ සිම්බාබ්වේ කිසිදු ක්රීඩකයකු ලකුණු 300 සීමාව පසු කර නැත. ටෙස්ට් ත්රිත්ව ශතකයක් ලබා ගත් පිතිකරුවන්ගේ වාර ගණන ටෙස්ට් කඩුලු ත්රිත්වයක් ලබා ගත් පන්දු යවන්නාට වඩා තරමක් අඩුය (2017 ජූලි වන විට ත්රිත්ව ශතක 31 ක් හා හැට්ට්රික් 43 ක්).

පළමු ටෙස්ට් ත්රිත්ව ශතකය එංගලන්තයේ ඇන්ඩි සැන්ඩ්හැම් විසින් 1930 දී බටහිර ඉන්දීය කොදෙව්වන්ට එරෙහිව බටහිර ඉන්දීය කොදෙව්හි පැවැත්වූ පළමු ටෙස්ට් තරගමාලාවේදී ලබා ගන්නා ලදී. 1932–33 දී ඕක්ලන්ඩ්හිදී නවසීලන්තයට එරෙහිව එංගලන්තය වෙනුවෙන් වොලී හැමන්ඩ් විසින් පැය 4 යි විනාඩි 48 කින් වේගවත්ම ටෙස්ට් ත්රිත්ව ශතකය රැස් කළේය. සියවසේ මුහුණ් දුන් පන්දු ගණන අනුව වේගවත්ම ටෙස්ට් ත්රිත්වශතකය විරේන්ද්ර සෙවාග් 2008 දී චෙන්නායි පළමු ටෙස්ට් දී දකුණු අප්රිකාවට එරෙහිව පන්දු 278 කදී වාර්තා කරන ලදී
ඩොනල්ඩ් බ්රැඩ්මන් (ඕස්ට්රේලියාව), බ්රයන් ලාරා (බටහිර ඉන්දීය කොදෙව්), විරේන්ද්ර සෙවාග් (ඉන්දියාව) සහ ක්රිස් ගේල් (බටහිර ඉන්දීය කොදෙව්) එක් වරකට වඩා 300 ක් කරා ළඟා වූ එකම පිතිකරුවන් වේ. ලාරා 2004 දී එංගලන්තයට එරෙහිව නොදැවී ලකුණු 400 ක් රැස් කිරීම ඔහුගේ දෙවන ටෙස්ට් ත්රිත්ව ශතකය වන අතර එය ටෙස්ට් ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩාවේ වැඩිම ලකුණු සංඛ්යාව වන අතර ටෙස්ට් හතරේ ශතකයක එකම අවස්ථාව මෙයයි. 350 ක් දෙවරක් පසු කළ එකම ක්රීඩිකාව ද ලාරා ය. 1932 දී දකුණු අප්රිකාවට එරෙහිව බ්රැඩ්මන් නොදැවී ලකුණු 299 ක් රැස් කළේය. සෙවාග් ද 2009 දෙසැම්බර් මාසයේ දී ශ්රී ලංකාව සහ ඉන්දියාව අතර පැවැත්වෙන තෙවැනි ටෙස්ට් තරගයේ පන්දු 254 ලකුණු 293 ක් රැස් කළේය ගූච්, ජයසූරිය සහ ක්ලාක් එකම තරගයෙදී පන්දු යැවීමේදී කඩුලු ලබා ගත් ත්රිත්ව ශතකලාභියෝය. එකම තරඟයේදී කඩුලු රකිමින් ත්රිත්ව ශතකයක් ලබා ගත් පිතිකරුවකු තවමත් නොමැත (සංගක්කාර සහ මැකලම් දෙදෙනාම ඔවුන්ගේ කණ්ඩායමේ නිත්ය කඩුළු රකින්නන් වූ නමුත් දෙදෙනාම ඔවුන්ගේ 300+ ලකුණු රැස් කළ තරගවලදී පිතිකරුවන් ලෙස ක්රීඩා කළහ). නායකයා ලෙස ත්රිත්ව ශතක රැස් කළ පිතිකරුවන් වන්නේ සිම්සන්, ගූච්, ටේලර්, ලාරා (2004), ජයවර්ධන, ඛාන්, ක්ලාක් සහ මැකලම් ය.
එංගලන්තයේ ලීඩ්ස් හි හෙඩින්ග්ලි සහ ශාන්ත ජෝන්ස්, ඇන්ටිගුවා සහ බාර්බුඩා හි ඇන්ටිගුවා විනෝද ක්රීඩාංගණය යන ස්ථාන තුන ත්රිත්ව ශතක එක්කට වැඩියෙන් ලබාගත් ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩාංගණ වේ. එක් රටක ක්රීඩකයින් ලබාගත් වැඩිම ත්රිත්ව ශතකය ඕස්ට්රේලියාව (8) විසින් වේ.
ත්රිත්ව ශතක හෝ ඊට වැඩි
විස්තර | |
* | එයින් කියවෙන්නේ පිතිකරුවා නොදැවී සිටි බවයි. |
![]() | මුළු ලකුණු සංඛ්යාව එකල වැඩිම ටෙස්ට් තරග ලකුණු බව පෙන්නුම් කරයි. |
ඉනිම | ත්රිත්ව ශතකය ලබා ගත් කණ්ඩායමේ පිතිකරණ ඉනිමෙන් කවරේද යන්න දක්වයි. |
ටෙස්ට් | එම තරගමාලාවේ ක්රීඩා කළ ටෙස්ට් තරගය ගණන දක්වයි. |
දිනය | තරගය ආරම්භ වූ දිනය දක්වයි. |
අං | ලකුණු | පිතිකරු | රට | එරෙහි | Innings | Test | Ground | Date | Note |
1 | 325 ![]() | ඇන්ඩි සැන්ඩම් | ![]() | 1st | 4th | , | අප්රේල් 3, 1930 | [1] | |
2 | 334 ![]() | ඩොනල්ඩ් බ්රැඩ්මන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 3rd | ![]() | ජූලි 11, 1930 | [2] |
3 | 336* ![]() | වොලී හැමන්ඩ් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 2nd | ![]() | මාර්තු 31, 1933 | [3] |
4 | 304 | ඩොනල්ඩ් බ්රැඩ්මන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 4th | ![]() | ජූලි 20, 1934 | [4] |
5 | 364 ![]() | ලෙන් හටන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 5th | ![]() | අගෝස්තු 20, 1938 | [5] |
6 | 337 | හනීෆ් මොහොමඩ් | ![]() | 2nd | 1st | ![]() | ජනවාරි 17, 1958 | [6] | |
7 | 365* ![]() | ගාෆීල්ඩ් සොබර්ස් | ![]() | 1st | 3rd | , | පෙබරවාරි 26, 1958 | [7] | |
8 | 311 | බොබ් සිම්සන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 4th | ![]() | ජූලි 23, 1964 | [8] |
9 | 310* | ජෝන් එඩ්රිච් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 3rd | ![]() | ජූලි 8, 1965 | [9] |
10 | 307 | බොබ් කූපර් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 5th | ![]() | පෙබරවාරි 11, 1966 | [10] |
11 | 302 | ලෝරන්ස් රෝව් | ![]() | 1st | 3rd | ![]() | මාර්තු 6, 1974 | [11] | |
12 | 333 | ග්රැහැම් ගූච් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | ජූලි 26, 1990 | [12] |
13 | 375 ![]() | බ්රයන් ලාරා | ![]() | 1st | 5th | ![]() | අප්රේල් 16, 1994 | [13] | |
14 | 340 | සනත් ජයසූරිය | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | අගෝස්තු 2, 1997 | [14] |
15 | 334* | මාර්ක් ටේලර් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 2nd | ![]() | ඔක්තෝබර් 15, 1998 | [15] |
16 | 329 | ඉන්සාමාම් උල් හක් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | මැයි 1, 2002 | [16] |
17 | 380 ![]() | මැතිව් හේඩන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | ඔක්තෝබර් 9, 2003 | [17] |
18 | 309 | විරේන්ද්ර සෙවාග් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | මාර්තු 28, 2004 | [18] |
19 | 400* ![]() | බ්රයන් ලාරා | ![]() | 1st | 4th | ![]() | අප්රේල් 10, 2004 | [19] | |
20 | 317 | ක්රිස් ගේල් | ![]() | 1st | 4th | ![]() | අප්රේල් 29, 2005 | [20] | |
21 | 374 | මහේල ජයවර්ධන | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | ජූලි 27, 2006 | [21] |
22 | 319 | විරේන්ද්ර සෙවාග් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | මාර්තු 26, 2008 | [22] |
23 | 313 | යුනිස් ඛාන් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | පෙබරවාරි 21, 2009 | [23] |
24 | 333 | ක්රිස් ගේල් | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | නොවැම්බර් 15, 2010 | [24] | |
25 | 329* | මයිකල් ක්ලාක් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 2nd | ![]() | ජනවාරි 3, 2012 | [25] |
26 | 311* | හෂීම් අම්ලා | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | ජූලි 19, 2012 | [26] |
27 | 319 | කුමාර් සංගක්කාර | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 2nd | ![]() | පෙබරවාරි 5, 2014 | [27] |
28 | 302 | බ්රෙන්ඩන් මැකලම් | ![]() | ![]() | 2nd | 2nd | ![]() | පෙබරවාරි 18, 2014 | [28] |
29 | 302* | අසාර් අලි | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 1st | ![]() | ඔක්තෝබර් 13, 2016 | [29] |
30 | 303* | කරුන් නයාර් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 5th | ![]() | දෙසැම්බර් 16, 2016 | [30] |
31 | 335* | ඩේවිඩ් වෝනර් | ![]() | ![]() | 1st | 2nd | ![]() | 30 November 2019 | [31] |
රට අනුව
කණ්ඩායම් | ත්රිත්ව ශතක | ක්රීඩකයන් |
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මෙයද බලන්න
- පළමු පෙළ ක්රිකට් හතරේ ශතවර්ෂ ගණන
- එක්දින ජාත්යන්තර ක්රිකට් ද්විත්ව ශතක ලැයිස්තුව
- රංජි කුසලානයේ ත්රිත්ව ශතකය
- ^ Batting first, in a , Sandham shared stands of 173 with (85) for the first wicket, 148 with (58) for the second wicket, and 249 with (149) for the fourth wicket, on the way to an England total of 849. West Indies replied with 286, but England did not enforce the follow-on, setting West Indies a target of 835 to win. After bad weather prevented any play on the match's eighth day, a draw was agreed with West Indies at 408 for 5, having scored 223. It was the first triple hundred in Tests. Sandham was 39 years and 275 days old, and playing his last Test match: he is Test cricket's oldest triple-centurion. He had also scored 50 in the first innings, for a match total of 375 which remained a record until 1974 (GS Chappell, 247* and 133).
- ^ Bradman came in to bat after Australia had lost off the eleventh ball of the match. He shared stands of 192 with (50) for the second wicket and 229 with (77) for the third wicket, and helped Australia to a total of 566. Bradman was 105* at lunch, 220* at tea and 309* at the close of the first day's play. It is the only instance in Tests of a batsman scoring 300 in a day. Bradman scored 200 in 214 minutes. England scored 391 in reply, including a century from (113). Forced to follow on, they salvaged a draw.
- ^ Batting second, in a three-day match, Hammond shared a stand of 149 with (36) for the third wicket, on the way to an England total of 548 for 7 declared. New Zealand had batted first, scoring 158. Hammond reached 300 in 287 minutes, going between 200 and 300 in 48 minutes. It has been estimated that he received about 355 balls to get there. Hammond hit 10 sixes in his innings, three off them off consecutive balls from . The third day was affected by rain, and the match was drawn. Hammond made 227 in his previous innings against New Zealand and finished the two-match series with a batting average of 563.
- ^ Batting second, Bradman shared a stand of 388 with (181) for the fourth wicket on the way to an Australian total of 584, in reply to England's 200 all out. Bradman came in to join Ponsford after Australia had lost their first three wickets for 39. England salvaged a draw. This was Bradman's second successive triple century in matches at Headingley, in only his second match at the ground. Shortly before his dismissal his average in Test matches at Headingley stood at 638.
- ^ Batting first, Hutton shared stands of 382 with (187) for the second wicket, 135 with (59) for the third wicket, and 215 with (169*) for the sixth wicket, on the way to an England total of 903 for 7 declared, the first time a Test team scored over 900. Hutton was dismissed with the score at 770, the greatest number of runs added during one batsman's Test innings. Don Bradman and were both unable to bat in either Australia innings, and England won by a Test record margin of an innings and 579 runs.
- ^ Hanif shared stands of 152 with (97) for the first wicket, 112 with (37) for the second wicket, 154 with (65) for the third wicket, and 121 with (35) for the fourth wicket, on the way to a Pakistan score of 657 for 8 declared. His 970-minute innings is the longest in Test cricket and was the only instance of a Test triple century scored in a team's second innings until Brendon McCullum's in 2014. Pakistan had followed on, having scored 106 in the first innings in reply to West Indies' 579 for 9 declared, including centuries for (142) and (197). The six-day Test match was drawn.
- ^ Batting second, Sobers shared stands of 446 with (260) for the second wicket, and 188 unbroken with (88*) for the fourth wicket, on the way to a West Indies total of 790 for 3 declared. It was Sobers' first hundred in Test cricket. Pakistan had batted first, scoring 328, including a century for (122), but their bowling was hampered by injuries to Mahmood Hussain (torn hamstring in his first over), Nasim-ul-Ghani (broken finger after bowling 15 overs) and Abdul Kardar (broken finger before the match even began, nevertheless bowling 37 overs against doctor's orders). scored 106 in Pakistan's second innings, but could not prevent West Indies winning by an innings and 174 runs: Pakistan's two centurions in the match were the only players who did not bowl during West Indies' innings.
- ^ Batting first, Simpson shared stands of 201 with (106) for the first wicket and 219 with (98) for the fifth wicket, on the way to an Australian total of 656 for 8 declared. (256) and (174) ensured that the match was drawn, England scoring 611. This was also the first instance of a captain scoring a triple century in tests.
- ^ Batting first, Edrich shared stands of 369 with (163) for the second wicket and 109 with (32) for the fourth wicket, on the way to an England total of 546 for 4 declared. England won by an innings and 187 runs. Edrich hit a Test record 52 boundaries in addition to five sixes in his innings and was on the field for every ball of the match.
- ^ Batting second, Cowper shared stands of 212 with (108) for the third wicket and 172 for the fourth wicket with (60) on the way to a total of 543 for 8 declared (the lowest total to include a Test triple-hundred). England had batted first, scoring 485 including a century for (115). The match was drawn. A wet outfield meant that Cowper's innings included only 20 fours but 26 threes.
- ^ Batting second, Rowe shared stands of 126 with (32) for the first wicket and 249 with Alvin Kallicharran (119) for the second wicket, on the way to a West Indies total of 596. England had batted first, scoring 395 including a century for (148). scored 129* in England's second innings and the match was drawn.
- ^ Batting first, Gooch - reprieved on 36 when edging the ball to keeper Kiran More, who dropped a regulation catch - shared stands of 127 with (40) for the second wicket, 308 with (139) for the third wicket, and 192 with Robin Smith (100*) for the fourth wicket. England declared on 653 for 4. With centuries from (100) and (121), and Kapil Dev's four sixes in a row off with the last man in, India saved the follow on. hit a second century (123) in England's second innings (the first instance in any form of cricket of a triple-century and a century in the same match) and India lost by 247 runs. As of 2019, Gooch's 456 runs in the match remains the Test record. The England captain also took one wicket and two catches, plus a direct-hit run-out to dismiss India's last man and win the match.
- ^ Batting first, Lara shared stands of 179 with (59) for the third wicket, 183 with (47) for the fourth wicket, and 219 with (75*) for the fifth wicket, on the way to a West Indies total of 593 for 5 declared. In reply, England also scored 593, with centuries for (135) and (175). The match was drawn.
- ^ Batting second, Jayasuriya shared a stand of 576 with RS Mahanama (225) for the second wicket, on the way to a Test record total of 952 for 6 declared. Sri-Lanka's second wicket stand was the highest in Test history, was Sri Lanka's first in Test cricket over 400 runs, and is the only instance of two batsmen batting throughout two uninterrupted days of a Test match. India had batted first, scoring 537 for 8 declared with centuries from , Sachin Tendulkar and , Jayasuriya taking three wickets in addition to his later feats with the bat. The match was drawn.
- ^ Batting first, Taylor shared stands of 279 with (116) for the second wicket, 123 with (77) for the third wicket, and an undefeated 168 for the fifth wicket with (76*), on the way to an Australian total of 599 for 4 declared. Pakistan hit 580 in reply, including centuries for (126) and (155). Most of the play on the third day was lost, and the match was drawn. The Australian captain scored 103 runs before lunch on the second day of the match, but it was a three-hour session. Taylor deliberately declared with his score on 334 so as not to overtake the highest score by an Australian of Don Bradman. Taylor also scored 92 in Australia's second innings, falling just short of Gooch's achievements of 1990, totalling 426 in the match.
- ^ Batting first, Inzamam shared stands of 204 with (127) for the third wicket and 111 with (30) for the seventh wicket. He was last out with the Pakistan score on 643. New Zealand were bowled out for 73, followed on, and were defeated by an innings and 324 runs inside three days.
- ^ Batting first, Hayden shared stands of 207 with (59) for the fourth wicket and 233 with (113*) for the sixth wicket, on the way to an Australian total of 735 for 6 declared. Hayden hit thirty-eight fours and eleven sixes, scored 102 between tea and stumps on day one and 105 runs between lunch and tea on the second day. Australia won by an innings and 175 runs.
- ^ Batting first, Sehwag shared stands of 160 with (42) for the first wicket and 336 with Sachin Tendulkar (194*) for the third wicket, on the way to an Indian total of 675 for 5 declared. India won by an innings and 52 runs, despite scoring 117 in Pakistan's second innings (following on). It is first Test triple hundred reached with a six.
- ^ Batting first, Lara (captain), who was playing in his 106th Test, shared stands of 232 with (90) for the third wicket, and 282 with (107*) for the fifth wicket, on the way to a West Indies total of 751 for 5 . England's attack was hampered towards the end of the innings by the loss of Hoggard (stomach bug) and Harmison (barred from bowling after too many warnings for running on the pitch), although they had bowled 18 and 35 overs respectively. Despite a century for (102*), England were bowled out for 285 in their first innings and forced to . However, England managed to hold out in their second innings, with a century for (140), and the match was drawn.
- ^ Batting second, Gayle shared stands of 341 with (127) for the second wicket and 149 with (also 127) for the fourth wicket, on the way to a West Indies total of 747; (107) also scored a century. South Africa had batted first, scoring 588, with four batsmen scoring centuries ( (114), (126), Jacques Kallis (147) and (131)) making a record eight centuries in the Test. The match was drawn.
- ^ Batting second, coming in to bat at 14 for 2, Jayawardene shared a partnership of 624 with Kumar Sangakkara (287) for the third wicket, a record for any wicket in . It eclipsed the previous Test partnership record, also held by two Sri Lankans. The Sri Lankan captain also shared a stand of 117 with Tillakaratne Dilshan (45). Sri Lanka declared on the fall of Jayawardene's wicket, at 756 for 5, a first-innings lead of 587. Sri Lanka won by an innings and 153 runs.
- ^ Batting second, Sehwag shared stands of 213 with (74) for the first wicket and 268 with (111) for the second wicket on the way to an India total of 627. Sehwag reached his second triple-ton off only 278 balls, the fastest triple century in Test cricket, and his innings lasted 304 balls in total. The match ended in a draw.
- ^ The first ever Test triple hundred to be made against Sri Lanka, with the previous highest being 's 299. Khan brought up the milestone with a reverse sweep. After Sri Lanka had declared their first innings on 644 for 7, with captain Mahela Jayawardene and hitting for 240 and 231 respectively and teaming for a of 437, Pakistan's captain led his side to a response of 765 for 6. The match was ultimately drawn. It was also the first Test in history in which both captains scored double centuries, and only the second in which three double centuries were scored.
- ^ Batting first, Gayle shared stands of 110 for the first wicket with (50), 196 for the second wicket with (58) and 167 for the fourth wicket with before being bowled by Ajantha Mendis with the score at 566 for 6. The West Indies later declared at 580 for 9. The match was drawn.
- ^ Batting first, Clarke shared a stand of 288 with (134) for the fourth wicket, and an unbroken stand of 334 with (150*) for the fifth wicket, on the way to an Australian total of 659 for 4 declared. Australia won the match by an innings and 68 runs, with the Australian captain also taking two catches in India's first innings, and one wicket in the second. This is the highest score at the SCG, surpassing 's 287 in 1903.
- ^ Batting second, Amla shared a stand of 259 with (131) and an unbroken partnership of 377 with Jacques Kallis (182*). He was left unbeaten on 311 when South Africa declared on 637 for 2. It was the first triple century by a South African cricketer. South Africa won by an innings and 12 runs.
- ^ Batting first, Sangakkara shared stands of 178 with Mahela Jayawardene (72) for the third wicket and 100 with Ajantha Mendis (47) for the eighth wicket. Sangakkara was last out, with Sri Lanka making 587. It is second Test triple hundred reached with a six. Sangakkara also scored a century (105) in the second innings, the second player to achieve the feat of a triple century and a century in the same Test. The match was drawn.
- ^ McCullum shared a record stand of 352 with (124) for the sixth wicket and 179 with (137*) for the seventh wicket. New Zealand were 246 runs behind after the first innings, and finished their second innings on 680 for 8 declared. The captain's triple century was the first by a New Zealander, and only the second to be scored in a team's second innings. The match was drawn.
- ^ Azhar Ali became the first batsman to score a triple century in a day/night test match as well a first in a match to be played with a pink ball. Azhar played against West Indies in Dubai and began his innings on the first day of the 1st Test match. He hit 23 fours and two sixes in his marathon 469-ball 302 not out. He shared a 215-run opening stand with Sami Aslam. Pakistan declared the innings on 579 for the loss of only three batsmen while Azhar and Misbah remained unbeaten at the crease. Pakistan won by 56 runs.
- ^ Karun Nair became the second Indian batsman to score a triple century, the first being Virender Sehwag. Nair also became the first Indian and the third batsman overall to convert a maiden test century into a triple hundred. Nair played against England in Chennai and shared a stand of 161 with (199) for the fourth wicket, 181 with (67) for the sixth wicket, and 138 with (51) for the seventh wicket on the way to a total of 759 for 7 declared. India won by an innings and 75 runs.
- ^ David Warner became the first batsman to score a triple century at Adelaide Oval in South Australia, Australia. He was the seventh Australian batsman to score a triple century, and the fourth to do so at an Australian ground. This score saw Warner surpass Sir Donald Bradman (334) and Mark Taylor (334*) to hold the second highest Test score by an Australian batsman, behind only Matthew Hayden. The Australian captain, , declared at 3/589 once Warner reached this mark.
- විස්ඩන් ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩකයින්ගේ ඇල්මැනැක්
- ඉනිමක වැඩිම ලකුණු ( ක්රික්ඉන්ෆෝ වෙතින්)
- ටෙස්ට් ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩාවේ ත්රිත්ව සෙන්චූරියන් ( rediff.com වෙතින්)
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ත ර ත ව ශතකයක 300 හ ඊට වඩ ව ඩ ප ද ගලයක ලක ණ ට ස ට ක ර කට ක ර ඩ කරන රටවල අටක ප ත කර වන 27 ද න ක අවස ථ 31 ද ව ර ත කර ඇත ඇෆ ගන ස ථ නය බ ග ල ද ශය අයර ලන තය හ ස ම බ බ ව ක ස ද ක ර ඩකයක ලක ණ 300 ස ම ව පස කර න ත ට ස ට ත ර ත ව ශතකයක ලබ ගත ප ත කර වන ග ව ර ගණන ට ස ට කඩ ල ත ර ත වයක ලබ ගත පන ද යවන න ට වඩ තරමක අඩ ය 2017 ජ ල වන ව ට ත ර ත ව ශතක 31 ක හ හ ට ට ර ක 43 ක ඕස ට ර ල ය න ඩ නල ඩ බ ර ඩ මන ට ස ට ක ර කට ක ර ඩ ව එක ඉන මකද එක වරකට වඩ ලක ණ 300 ක හ ඊට ව ඩ ප රම ණයක ර ස කළ ක ර ඩකයන හතර ද න ග න ක න ක අන ක අය වන න බ රයන ල ර සහ ක ර ස ග ල බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව සහ ව ර න ද ර ස ව ග ඉන ද ය ව ය ඉත හ සයපළම ට ස ට ත ර ත ව ශතකය එ ගලන තය ඇන ඩ ස න ඩ හ ම ව ස න 1930 ද බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව වන ට එර හ ව බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව හ ප ව ත ව පළම ට ස ට තරගම ල ව ද ලබ ගන න ලද 1932 33 ද ඕක ලන ඩ හ ද නවස ලන තයට එර හ ව එ ගලන තය ව න ව න ව ල හ මන ඩ ව ස න ප ය 4 ය ව න ඩ 48 ක න ව ගවත ම ට ස ට ත ර ත ව ශතකය ර ස කළ ය ස යවස ම හ ණ ද න පන ද ගණන අන ව ව ගවත ම ට ස ට ත ර ත වශතකය ව ර න ද ර ස ව ග 2008 ද ච න න ය පළම ට ස ට ද දක ණ අප ර ක වට එර හ ව පන ද 278 කද ව ර ත කරන ලද ඩ නල ඩ බ ර ඩ මන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව බ රයන ල ර බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව ව ර න ද ර ස ව ග ඉන ද ය ව සහ ක ර ස ග ල බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව එක වරකට වඩ 300 ක කර ළඟ ව එකම ප ත කර වන ව ල ර 2004 ද එ ගලන තයට එර හ ව න ද ව ලක ණ 400 ක ර ස ක ර ම ඔහ ග ද වන ට ස ට ත ර ත ව ශතකය වන අතර එය ට ස ට ක ර කට ක ර ඩ ව ව ඩ ම ලක ණ ස ඛ ය ව වන අතර ට ස ට හතර ශතකයක එකම අවස ථ ව ම යය 350 ක ද වරක පස කළ එකම ක ර ඩ ක ව ද ල ර ය 1932 ද දක ණ අප ර ක වට එර හ ව බ ර ඩ මන න ද ව ලක ණ 299 ක ර ස කළ ය ස ව ග ද 2009 ද ස ම බර ම සය ද ශ ර ල ක ව සහ ඉන ද ය ව අතර ප ව ත ව න ත ව න ට ස ට තරගය පන ද 254 ලක ණ 293 ක ර ස කළ ය ග ච ජයස ර ය සහ ක ල ක එකම තරගය ද පන ද ය ව ම ද කඩ ල ලබ ගත ත ර ත ව ශතකල භ ය ය එකම තරඟය ද කඩ ල රක ම න ත ර ත ව ශතකයක ලබ ගත ප ත කර වක තවමත න ම ත ස ගක ක ර සහ ම කලම ද ද න ම ඔව න ග කණ ඩ යම න ත ය කඩ ළ රක න නන ව නම ත ද ද න ම ඔව න ග 300 ලක ණ ර ස කළ තරගවලද ප ත කර වන ල ස ක ර ඩ කළහ න යකය ල ස ත ර ත ව ශතක ර ස කළ ප ත කර වන වන න ස ම සන ග ච ට ලර ල ර 2004 ජයවර ධන ඛ න ක ල ක සහ ම කලම ය එ ගලන තය ල ඩ ස හ හ ඩ න ග ල සහ ශ න ත ජ න ස ඇන ට ග ව සහ බ ර බ ඩ හ ඇන ට ග ව ව න ද ක ර ඩ ගණය යන ස ථ න ත න ත ර ත ව ශතක එක කට ව ඩ ය න ලබ ගත ක ර කට ක ර ඩ ගණ ව එක රටක ක ර ඩකය න ලබ ගත ව ඩ ම ත ර ත ව ශතකය ඕස ට ර ල ය ව 8 ව ස න ව ත ර ත ව ශතක හ ඊට ව ඩ යත ර ව ස තර එය න ක යව න න ප ත කර ව න ද ව ස ට බවය ම ළ ලක ණ ස ඛ ය ව එකල ව ඩ ම ට ස ට තරග ලක ණ බව ප න න ම කරය ඉන ම ත ර ත ව ශතකය ලබ ගත කණ ඩ යම ප ත කරණ ඉන ම න කවර ද යන න දක වය ට ස ට එම තරගම ල ව ක ර ඩ කළ ට ස ට තරගය ගණන දක වය ද නය තරගය ආරම භ ව ද නය දක වය අ ලක ණ ප ත කර රට එර හ Innings Test Ground Date Note1 3250 325 ඇන ඩ ස න ඩම එ ගලන තය 1st 4th 000000001930 04 03 0000 අප ර ල 3 1930 1 2 3340 334 ඩ නල ඩ බ ර ඩ මන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව එ ගලන තය 1st 3rd 000000001930 07 11 0000 ජ ල 11 1930 2 3 3360 336 ව ල හ මන ඩ එ ගලන තය නවස ලන තය 1st 2nd 000000001933 03 31 0000 ම ර ත 31 1933 3 4 3040 304 ඩ නල ඩ බ ර ඩ මන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව එ ගලන තය 1st 4th 000000001934 07 20 0000 ජ ල 20 1934 4 5 3640 364 ල න හටන එ ගලන තය ඕස ට ර ල ය ව 1st 5th London 000000001938 08 20 0000 අග ස ත 20 1938 5 6 3370 337 හන ෆ ම හ මඩ පක ස ත නය 2nd 1st 000000001958 01 17 0000 ජනව ර 17 1958 6 7 3650 365 ග ෆ ල ඩ ස බර ස පක ස ත නය 1st 3rd 000000001958 02 26 0000 ප බරව ර 26 1958 7 8 3110 311 බ බ ස ම සන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව එ ගලන තය 1st 4th 000000001964 07 23 0000 ජ ල 23 1964 8 9 3105 310 ජ න එඩ ර ච එ ගලන තය නවස ලන තය 1st 3rd 000000001965 07 08 0000 ජ ල 8 1965 9 10 3070 307 බ බ ක පර ඕස ට ර ල ය ව එ ගලන තය 1st 5th Melbourne Cricket Ground 000000001966 02 11 0000 ප බරව ර 11 1966 10 11 3021 302 ල රන ස ර ව එ ගලන තය 1st 3rd 000000001974 03 06 0000 ම ර ත 6 1974 11 12 3331 333 ග ර හ ම ග ච එ ගලන තය ඉන ද ය ව 1st 1st London 000000001990 07 26 0000 ජ ල 26 1990 12 13 3750 375 බ රයන ල ර එ ගලන තය 1st 5th 000000001994 04 16 0000 අප ර ල 16 1994 13 14 3400 340 සනත ජයස ර ය ශ ර ල ක ඉන ද ය ව 1st 1st R Premadasa Stadium Colombo 000000001997 08 02 0000 අග ස ත 2 1997 14 15 3341 334 ම ර ක ට ලර ඕස ට ර ල ය ව පක ස ත නය 1st 2nd 000000001998 10 15 0000 ඔක ත බර 15 1998 15 16 3290 329 ඉන ස ම ම උල හක පක ස ත නය නවස ලන තය 1st 1st 000000002002 05 01 0000 ම ය 1 2002 16 17 3800 380 ම ත ව හ ඩන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව ස ම බ බ ව 1st 1st Perth 000000002003 10 09 0000 ඔක ත බර 9 2003 17 18 3090 309 ව ර න ද ර ස ව ග ඉන ද ය ව පක ස ත නය 1st 1st 000000002004 03 28 0000 ම ර ත 28 2004 18 19 4000 400 බ රයන ල ර එ ගලන තය 1st 4th 000000002004 04 10 0000 අප ර ල 10 2004 19 20 3170 317 ක ර ස ග ල දක ණ අප ර ක ව 1st 4th 000000002005 04 29 0000 අප ර ල 29 2005 20 21 3740 374 මහ ල ජයවර ධන ශ ර ල ක ව දක ණ අප ර ක ව 1st 1st Sinhalese Sports Club Colombo 000000002006 07 27 0000 ජ ල 27 2006 21 22 3191 319 ව ර න ද ර ස ව ග ඉන ද ය ව දක ණ අප ර ක ව 1st 1st Chennai 000000002008 03 26 0000 ම ර ත 26 2008 22 23 3130 313 ය න ස ඛ න පක ස ත නය ශ ර ල ක ව 1st 1st 000000002009 02 21 0000 ප බරව ර 21 2009 23 24 3330 333 ක ර ස ග ල ශ ර ල ක ව 1st 1st Galle International Stadium 000000002010 11 15 0000 න ව ම බර 15 2010 24 25 3291 329 මය කල ක ල ක ඕස ට ර ල ය ව ඉන ද ය ව 1st 2nd 000000002012 01 03 0000 ජනව ර 3 2012 25 26 3111 311 හෂ ම අම ල දක ණ අප ර ක ව එ ගලන තය 1st 1st London 000000002012 07 19 0000 ජ ල 19 2012 26 27 3190 319 ක ම ර ස ගක ක ර ශ ර ල ක ව බ ග ල ද ශය 1st 2nd 000000002014 02 05 0000 ප බරව ර 5 2014 27 28 3020 302 බ ර න ඩන ම කලම නවස ලන තය ඉන ද ය ව 2nd 2nd 000000002014 02 18 0000 ප බරව ර 18 2014 28 29 3022 302 අස ර අල පක ස ත නය බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව 1st 1st Dubai 000000002016 10 13 0000 ඔක ත බර 13 2016 29 30 3030 303 කර න නය ර ඉන ද ය ව එ ගලන තය 1st 5th Chennai 000000002016 12 16 0000 ද ස ම බර 16 2016 30 31 3350 335 ඩ ව ඩ ව නර ඕස ට ර ල ය ව පක ස ත නය 1st 2nd 30 November 2019 31 රට අන වරට අන ව ට ස ට තරගවල ත ර ත ව ශතක කණ ඩ යම ත ර ත ව ශතක ක ර ඩකයන ඕස ට ර ල ය ව 8 7 බටහ ර ඉන ද ය ක ද ව 6 4 එ ගලන තය 5 5 පක ස ත නය 4 4 ශ ර ල ක ව 3 3 ඉන ද ය ව 3 2 දක ණ අප ර ක ව 1 1 නවස ලන තය 1 1ම ළ 31 27ම යද බලන නපළම ප ළ ක ර කට හතර ශතවර ෂ ගණන එක ද න ජ ත යන තර ක ර කට ද ව ත ව ශතක ල ය ස ත ව ර ජ ක සල නය ත ර ත ව ශතකයසටහන Batting first in a Sandham shared stands of 173 with 85 for the first wicket 148 with 58 for the second wicket and 249 with 149 for the fourth wicket on the way to an England total of 849 West Indies replied with 286 but England did not enforce the follow on setting West Indies a target of 835 to win After bad weather prevented any play on the match s eighth day a draw was agreed with West Indies at 408 for 5 having scored 223 It was the first triple hundred in Tests Sandham was 39 years and 275 days old and playing his last Test match he is Test cricket s oldest triple centurion He had also scored 50 in the first innings for a match total of 375 which remained a record until 1974 GS Chappell 247 and 133 Bradman came in to bat after Australia had lost off the eleventh ball of the match He shared stands of 192 with 50 for the second wicket and 229 with 77 for the third wicket and helped Australia to a total of 566 Bradman was 105 at lunch 220 at tea and 309 at the close of the first day s play It is the only instance in Tests of a batsman scoring 300 in a day Bradman scored 200 in 214 minutes England scored 391 in reply including a century from 113 Forced to follow on they salvaged a draw Batting second in a three day match Hammond shared a stand of 149 with 36 for the third wicket on the way to an England total of 548 for 7 declared New Zealand had batted first scoring 158 Hammond reached 300 in 287 minutes going between 200 and 300 in 48 minutes It has been estimated that he received about 355 balls to get there Hammond hit 10 sixes in his innings three off them off consecutive balls from The third day was affected by rain and the match was drawn Hammond made 227 in his previous innings against New Zealand and finished the two match series with a batting average of 563 Batting second Bradman shared a stand of 388 with 181 for the fourth wicket on the way to an Australian total of 584 in reply to England s 200 all out Bradman came in to join Ponsford after Australia had lost their first three wickets for 39 England salvaged a draw This was Bradman s second successive triple century in matches at Headingley in only his second match at the ground Shortly before his dismissal his average in Test matches at Headingley stood at 638 Batting first Hutton shared stands of 382 with 187 for the second wicket 135 with 59 for the third wicket and 215 with 169 for the sixth wicket on the way to an England total of 903 for 7 declared the first time a Test team scored over 900 Hutton was dismissed with the score at 770 the greatest number of runs added during one batsman s Test innings Don Bradman and were both unable to bat in either Australia innings and England won by a Test record margin of an innings and 579 runs Hanif shared stands of 152 with 97 for the first wicket 112 with 37 for the second wicket 154 with 65 for the third wicket and 121 with 35 for the fourth wicket on the way to a Pakistan score of 657 for 8 declared His 970 minute innings is the longest in Test cricket and was the only instance of a Test triple century scored in a team s second innings until Brendon McCullum s in 2014 Pakistan had followed on having scored 106 in the first innings in reply to West Indies 579 for 9 declared including centuries for 142 and 197 The six day Test match was drawn Batting second Sobers shared stands of 446 with 260 for the second wicket and 188 unbroken with 88 for the fourth wicket on the way to a West Indies total of 790 for 3 declared It was Sobers first hundred in Test cricket Pakistan had batted first scoring 328 including a century for 122 but their bowling was hampered by injuries to Mahmood Hussain torn hamstring in his first over Nasim ul Ghani broken finger after bowling 15 overs and Abdul Kardar broken finger before the match even began nevertheless bowling 37 overs against doctor s orders scored 106 in Pakistan s second innings but could not prevent West Indies winning by an innings and 174 runs Pakistan s two centurions in the match were the only players who did not bowl during West Indies innings Batting first Simpson shared stands of 201 with 106 for the first wicket and 219 with 98 for the fifth wicket on the way to an Australian total of 656 for 8 declared 256 and 174 ensured that the match was drawn England scoring 611 This was also the first instance of a captain scoring a triple century in tests Batting first Edrich shared stands of 369 with 163 for the second wicket and 109 with 32 for the fourth wicket on the way to an England total of 546 for 4 declared England won by an innings and 187 runs Edrich hit a Test record 52 boundaries in addition to five sixes in his innings and was on the field for every ball of the match Batting second Cowper shared stands of 212 with 108 for the third wicket and 172 for the fourth wicket with 60 on the way to a total of 543 for 8 declared the lowest total to include a Test triple hundred England had batted first scoring 485 including a century for 115 The match was drawn A wet outfield meant that Cowper s innings included only 20 fours but 26 threes Batting second Rowe shared stands of 126 with 32 for the first wicket and 249 with Alvin Kallicharran 119 for the second wicket on the way to a West Indies total of 596 England had batted first scoring 395 including a century for 148 scored 129 in England s second innings and the match was drawn Batting first Gooch reprieved on 36 when edging the ball to keeper Kiran More who dropped a regulation catch shared stands of 127 with 40 for the second wicket 308 with 139 for the third wicket and 192 with Robin Smith 100 for the fourth wicket England declared on 653 for 4 With centuries from 100 and 121 and Kapil Dev s four sixes in a row off with the last man in India saved the follow on hit a second century 123 in England s second innings the first instance in any form of cricket of a triple century and a century in the same match and India lost by 247 runs As of 2019 Gooch s 456 runs in the match remains the Test record The England captain also took one wicket and two catches plus a direct hit run out to dismiss India s last man and win the match Batting first Lara shared stands of 179 with 59 for the third wicket 183 with 47 for the fourth wicket and 219 with 75 for the fifth wicket on the way to a West Indies total of 593 for 5 declared In reply England also scored 593 with centuries for 135 and 175 The match was drawn Batting second Jayasuriya shared a stand of 576 with RS Mahanama 225 for the second wicket on the way to a Test record total of 952 for 6 declared Sri Lanka s second wicket stand was the highest in Test history was Sri Lanka s first in Test cricket over 400 runs and is the only instance of two batsmen batting throughout two uninterrupted days of a Test match India had batted first scoring 537 for 8 declared with centuries from Sachin Tendulkar and Jayasuriya taking three wickets in addition to his later feats with the bat The match was drawn Batting first Taylor shared stands of 279 with 116 for the second wicket 123 with 77 for the third wicket and an undefeated 168 for the fifth wicket with 76 on the way to an Australian total of 599 for 4 declared Pakistan hit 580 in reply including centuries for 126 and 155 Most of the play on the third day was lost and the match was drawn The Australian captain scored 103 runs before lunch on the second day of the match but it was a three hour session Taylor deliberately declared with his score on 334 so as not to overtake the highest score by an Australian of Don Bradman Taylor also scored 92 in Australia s second innings falling just short of Gooch s achievements of 1990 totalling 426 in the match Batting first Inzamam shared stands of 204 with 127 for the third wicket and 111 with 30 for the seventh wicket He was last out with the Pakistan score on 643 New Zealand were bowled out for 73 followed on and were defeated by an innings and 324 runs inside three days Batting first Hayden shared stands of 207 with 59 for the fourth wicket and 233 with 113 for the sixth wicket on the way to an Australian total of 735 for 6 declared Hayden hit thirty eight fours and eleven sixes scored 102 between tea and stumps on day one and 105 runs between lunch and tea on the second day Australia won by an innings and 175 runs Batting first Sehwag shared stands of 160 with 42 for the first wicket and 336 with Sachin Tendulkar 194 for the third wicket on the way to an Indian total of 675 for 5 declared India won by an innings and 52 runs despite scoring 117 in Pakistan s second innings following on It is first Test triple hundred reached with a six Batting first Lara captain who was playing in his 106th Test shared stands of 232 with 90 for the third wicket and 282 with 107 for the fifth wicket on the way to a West Indies total of 751 for 5 England s attack was hampered towards the end of the innings by the loss of Hoggard stomach bug and Harmison barred from bowling after too many warnings for running on the pitch although they had bowled 18 and 35 overs respectively Despite a century for 102 England were bowled out for 285 in their first innings and forced to However England managed to hold out in their second innings with a century for 140 and the match was drawn Batting second Gayle shared stands of 341 with 127 for the second wicket and 149 with also 127 for the fourth wicket on the way to a West Indies total of 747 107 also scored a century South Africa had batted first scoring 588 with four batsmen scoring centuries 114 126 Jacques Kallis 147 and 131 making a record eight centuries in the Test The match was drawn Batting second coming in to bat at 14 for 2 Jayawardene shared a partnership of 624 with Kumar Sangakkara 287 for the third wicket a record for any wicket in It eclipsed the previous Test partnership record also held by two Sri Lankans The Sri Lankan captain also shared a stand of 117 with Tillakaratne Dilshan 45 Sri Lanka declared on the fall of Jayawardene s wicket at 756 for 5 a first innings lead of 587 Sri Lanka won by an innings and 153 runs Batting second Sehwag shared stands of 213 with 74 for the first wicket and 268 with 111 for the second wicket on the way to an India total of 627 Sehwag reached his second triple ton off only 278 balls the fastest triple century in Test cricket and his innings lasted 304 balls in total The match ended in a draw The first ever Test triple hundred to be made against Sri Lanka with the previous highest being s 299 Khan brought up the milestone with a reverse sweep After Sri Lanka had declared their first innings on 644 for 7 with captain Mahela Jayawardene and hitting for 240 and 231 respectively and teaming for a of 437 Pakistan s captain led his side to a response of 765 for 6 The match was ultimately drawn It was also the first Test in history in which both captains scored double centuries and only the second in which three double centuries were scored Batting first Gayle shared stands of 110 for the first wicket with 50 196 for the second wicket with 58 and 167 for the fourth wicket with before being bowled by Ajantha Mendis with the score at 566 for 6 The West Indies later declared at 580 for 9 The match was drawn Batting first Clarke shared a stand of 288 with 134 for the fourth wicket and an unbroken stand of 334 with 150 for the fifth wicket on the way to an Australian total of 659 for 4 declared Australia won the match by an innings and 68 runs with the Australian captain also taking two catches in India s first innings and one wicket in the second This is the highest score at the SCG surpassing s 287 in 1903 Batting second Amla shared a stand of 259 with 131 and an unbroken partnership of 377 with Jacques Kallis 182 He was left unbeaten on 311 when South Africa declared on 637 for 2 It was the first triple century by a South African cricketer South Africa won by an innings and 12 runs Batting first Sangakkara shared stands of 178 with Mahela Jayawardene 72 for the third wicket and 100 with Ajantha Mendis 47 for the eighth wicket Sangakkara was last out with Sri Lanka making 587 It is second Test triple hundred reached with a six Sangakkara also scored a century 105 in the second innings the second player to achieve the feat of a triple century and a century in the same Test The match was drawn McCullum shared a record stand of 352 with 124 for the sixth wicket and 179 with 137 for the seventh wicket New Zealand were 246 runs behind after the first innings and finished their second innings on 680 for 8 declared The captain s triple century was the first by a New Zealander and only the second to be scored in a team s second innings The match was drawn Azhar Ali became the first batsman to score a triple century in a day night test match as well a first in a match to be played with a pink ball Azhar played against West Indies in Dubai and began his innings on the first day of the 1st Test match He hit 23 fours and two sixes in his marathon 469 ball 302 not out He shared a 215 run opening stand with Sami Aslam Pakistan declared the innings on 579 for the loss of only three batsmen while Azhar and Misbah remained unbeaten at the crease Pakistan won by 56 runs Karun Nair became the second Indian batsman to score a triple century the first being Virender Sehwag Nair also became the first Indian and the third batsman overall to convert a maiden test century into a triple hundred Nair played against England in Chennai and shared a stand of 161 with 199 for the fourth wicket 181 with 67 for the sixth wicket and 138 with 51 for the seventh wicket on the way to a total of 759 for 7 declared India won by an innings and 75 runs David Warner became the first batsman to score a triple century at Adelaide Oval in South Australia Australia He was the seventh Australian batsman to score a triple century and the fourth to do so at an Australian ground This score saw Warner surpass Sir Donald Bradman 334 and Mark Taylor 334 to hold the second highest Test score by an Australian batsman behind only Matthew Hayden The Australian captain declared at 3 589 once Warner reached this mark ය ම වව ස ඩන ක ර කට ක ර ඩකය න ග ඇල ම න ක ඉන මක ව ඩ ම ලක ණ ක ර ක ඉන ෆ ව ත න ට ස ට ක ර කට ක ර ඩ ව ත ර ත ව ස න ච ර යන rediff com ව ත න