බෝවන රෝග හේතුවෙන් ඇති වූ වසංගත ලැයිස්තුව පහත දැක්වේ.
ප්රධාන වසංගත
තද පැහැති අකුරෙන් දක්වා ඇත්තේ තවමත් අවසන්ව නැති සිදුවීම් වේ.
Rank | Epidemics/pandemics | Disease | Death toll | Global population lost | Regional population lost | Date | Location |
1 | Black Death | 75–200 million | 30–60% of European population | 1346–1353 | Europe, Asia, and | ||
2 | Spanish flu | Influenza A/H1N1 | 17–100 million | 1–5.4% | – | 1918–1920 | Worldwide |
3 | Bubonic plague | 15–100 million | 25–60% of European population | 541–549 | Europe and West Asia | ||
4 | (HIV/AIDS) | 35 million+ (as of 2018) | – | 1981–present | Worldwide | ||
5 | 12–15 million | – | 1855–1960 | Worldwide | |||
6 | Cocoliztli | 5–15 million | 27–80% of Mexican population | 1545–1548 | Mexico | ||
7 | Smallpox or measles | 5–10 million | 3–6% | 25–33% of Roman population | 165–180 (possibly up to 190) | ||
8 | Smallpox | 5–8 million | 23–37% of Mexican population | 1519–1520 | |||
9 | COVID-19 pandemic | COVID-19 | 3.5 million+ (reported)– 7.6 million+ (estimated) (as of 28 May 2021) | 0.04%– 0.1% (estimated) | – | 2019–present | Worldwide |
10 | 2–3 million | 0.1–0.16% | 1–1.6% of Russian population | 1918–1922 | Russia | ||
11 | 1–4 million | 0.03–0.1% | – | 1957–1958 | Worldwide | ||
1–4 million | 0.03–0.1% | – | 1968–1969 | Worldwide | |||
13 | Cocoliztli | 2–2.5 million | 0.4–0.5% | 50% of Mexican population | 1576–1580 | Mexico | |
14 | Smallpox | 2 million | 1% | 33% of Japanese population | 735–737 | Japan | |
Bubonic plague | 2 million | 0.2–0.3% | 1772–1773 | ||||
16 | Plague | 1.25 million | 0.2% | 1656–1658 | Southern Italy | ||
17 | Cholera | 1 million+ | 0.08% | – | 1846–1860 | Worldwide | |
18 | Bubonic plague | 1 million | 0.2% | 1629–1631 | Italy | ||
Influenza | 1 million | 0.07% | – | 1889–1890 | Worldwide |
ආශ්රිත ලිපි

- The estimates of global population at the time vary non-trivially (no consensus)
- Global population changed significantly (not due to the epidemic) during the period of this epidemic.
- The governmental report of COVID-19 deaths is likely an undercount and is treated as the lower bound. On 21 May 2021, the World Health Organization estimated that "this number would truly be two to three times higher."
- The COVID-19 pandemic started as a regional /epidemic of COVID-19 in China in late 2019. The World Health Organization declared it as a "pandemic" on 11 March 2020. The starting time of this epidemic is thus 2019, regardless of the time when it was formally recognized as a pandemic.
- was not limited to Russia and several million citizens died in Poland and Romania. However, due to lack of exact data, only the Russian epidemic is included.
- No accurate data about the local population at the time of this epidemic.
- Wade, Lizzie (2020-05-14). "From Black Death to fatal flu, past pandemics show why people on the margins suffer most". Science (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-06.
- "The Spanish flu (1918-20): The global impact of the largest influenza pandemic in history". Our World in Data. සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-06.
- "Compare: 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID-19". BioSpace (ඇමෙරිකානු ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-25.
- Mordechai, Lee; Eisenberg, Merle; Newfield, Timothy P.; Izdebski, Adam; Kay, Janet E.; Poinar, Hendrik (2019-12-17). "The Justinianic Plague: An inconsequential pandemic?". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). 116 (51): 25546–25554. :2019PNAS..11625546M. doi:10.1073/pnas.1903797116. 0027-8424. PMC 6926030. PMID 31792176.
- Acuna-Soto, R.; Stahle, D. W.; Cleaveland, M. K.; Therrell, M. D. (April 8, 2002). "Megadrought and Megadeath in 16th Century Mexico". Emerging Infectious Diseases. 8 (4): 360–362. doi:10.3201/eid0804.010175. PMC 2730237. PMID 11971767.
- "World Population History". World Population (ඇමෙරිකානු ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-03-01.
- "Antonine Plague". . සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-06.
- "ArcGIS Dashboards- COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University". . සම්ප්රවේශය 19 July 2022.
- "Total death toll from COVID-19 could be at least 6-8 million: WHO". Reuters. 2021-05-21.
- "World Population by Year". (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-20.
- "WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020". World Health Organization (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්).
- "Compare: 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID-19". BioSpace (ඇමෙරිකානු ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-02-25.
- "Population of Russia". www.tacitus.nu. සම්ප්රවේශය 2021-03-01.
- Suzuki, A. (2011). "Smallpox and the epidemiological heritage of modern Japan: Towards a total history". Medical History. 55 (3): 313–318. doi:10.1017/S0025727300005329. PMC 3143877. PMID 21792253.
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
බ වන ර ග හ ත ව න ඇත ව වස ගත ල ය ස ත ව පහත ද ක ව 17th century German plague panel depicting the triumph of death Panels of this kind were placed on the walls of houses to warn against the plague A plague epidemic raged in Bavaria between 1632 and 1635 ප රධ න වස ගතතද ප හ ත අක ර න දක ව ඇත ත තවමත අවසන ව න ත ස ද ව ම ව Epidemics and pandemics with at least 1 million deaths Rank Epidemics pandemics Disease Death toll Global population lost Regional population lost Date Location1 Black Death 75 200 million 30 60 of European population 1346 1353 Europe Asia and2 Spanish flu Influenza A H1N1 17 100 million 1 5 4 1918 1920 Worldwide3 Bubonic plague 15 100 million 25 60 of European population 541 549 Europe and West Asia4 HIV AIDS 35 million as of 2018 1981 present Worldwide5 12 15 million 1855 1960 Worldwide6 Cocoliztli 5 15 million 27 80 of Mexican population 1545 1548 Mexico7 Smallpox or measles 5 10 million 3 6 25 33 of Roman population 165 180 possibly up to 190 8 Smallpox 5 8 million 23 37 of Mexican population 1519 15209 COVID 19 pandemic COVID 19 3 5 million reported 7 6 million estimated as of 28 May 2021 0 04 0 1 estimated 2019 present Worldwide10 2 3 million 0 1 0 16 1 1 6 of Russian population 1918 1922 Russia11 1 4 million 0 03 0 1 1957 1958 Worldwide1 4 million 0 03 0 1 1968 1969 Worldwide13 Cocoliztli 2 2 5 million 0 4 0 5 50 of Mexican population 1576 1580 Mexico14 Smallpox 2 million 1 33 of Japanese population 735 737 JapanBubonic plague 2 million 0 2 0 3 1772 177316 Plague 1 25 million 0 2 1656 1658 Southern Italy17 Cholera 1 million 0 08 1846 1860 Worldwide18 Bubonic plague 1 million 0 2 1629 1631 ItalyInfluenza 1 million 0 07 1889 1890 Worldwideආශ ර ත ල ප Wikimedia Commons has media related to wbr Epidemics සහ wbr වස ගත සටහන The estimates of global population at the time vary non trivially no consensus Global population changed significantly not due to the epidemic during the period of this epidemic The governmental report of COVID 19 deaths is likely an undercount and is treated as the lower bound On 21 May 2021 the World Health Organization estimated that this number would truly be two to three times higher The COVID 19 pandemic started as a regional epidemic of COVID 19 in China in late 2019 The World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic on 11 March 2020 The starting time of this epidemic is thus 2019 regardless of the time when it was formally recognized as a pandemic was not limited to Russia and several million citizens died in Poland and Romania However due to lack of exact data only the Russian epidemic is included No accurate data about the local population at the time of this epidemic ම ල ශ රWade Lizzie 2020 05 14 From Black Death to fatal flu past pandemics show why people on the margins suffer most Science ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 06 The Spanish flu 1918 20 The global impact of the largest influenza pandemic in history Our World in Data සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 06 Compare 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID 19 BioSpace ඇම ර ක න ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 25 Mordechai Lee Eisenberg Merle Newfield Timothy P Izdebski Adam Kay Janet E Poinar Hendrik 2019 12 17 The Justinianic Plague An inconsequential pandemic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ඉ ග ර ස බස න 116 51 25546 25554 2019PNAS 11625546M doi 10 1073 pnas 1903797116 0027 8424 PMC 6926030 PMID 31792176 Acuna Soto R Stahle D W Cleaveland M K Therrell M D April 8 2002 Megadrought and Megadeath in 16th Century Mexico Emerging Infectious Diseases 8 4 360 362 doi 10 3201 eid0804 010175 PMC 2730237 PMID 11971767 World Population History World Population ඇම ර ක න ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 2021 03 01 Antonine Plague සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 06 ArcGIS Dashboards COVID 19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering CSSE at Johns Hopkins University සම ප රව ශය 19 July 2022 Total death toll from COVID 19 could be at least 6 8 million WHO Reuters 2021 05 21 World Population by Year ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 20 WHO Director General s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID 19 11 March 2020 World Health Organization ඉ ග ර ස බස න Compare 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Versus COVID 19 BioSpace ඇම ර ක න ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 2021 02 25 Population of Russia www tacitus nu සම ප රව ශය 2021 03 01 Suzuki A 2011 Smallpox and the epidemiological heritage of modern Japan Towards a total history Medical History 55 3 313 318 doi 10 1017 S0025727300005329 PMC 3143877 PMID 21792253