බ්රොනිස්ලොව් කැස්පර් මැලිනොව්ස්කි (Bronisław Kasper Malinowski) සමාජ මානව විද්යාෙව් පියා යන විරුදාවලි නාමයෙන් හදුන්වයි. 1884 අප්ර්ල් 7 වන දින උපත ලැබූ අතර 1942 මැයි 16 වන දින ලොවෙන් සමුගත්තේය.භෞතික විද්යාව දර්ශනය වැනි විෂයන් පිළිබද හසල විද්වතෙක්ද විය.ලන්ඩන් විශ්ව විද්යාලයේ මානව විද්යාව පිළිබද මහාචාර්යවරයෙකු ලෙස කටයුතු කළේය.
බ්රොනිස්ලෝව් මැලිනොව්ස්කි | |
![]() | |
උපත | Bronisław Kasper Malinowski 7 April 1884 , |
මියගිය දිනය | 16 May 1942 , Connecticut, US | (වයස 58)
උගත් ශාස්ත්රාලය | PhD, Philosophy from , Physical Chemistry at , PhD, Science from |
මැලිනොව්ස්කි සෙලිග්මාන් හා වෙස්ටර්මාර්ක් යටතේ 1910 සිට ලන්ඩන් ආර්ථික විද්යා ආයතනයෙන් (LSE) ආර්ථික විද්යාව හැදෑරීය.1914 මැලිනොව්ස්කිට පැපුවා නිව්ගිනියා දූපත් වෙත ගොස් එම දූපත් වාසීන් පිළිබද සමාජ මානව විද්යාත්මක පර්යේෂණ සිදු කිරීමට අවස්තාව හිමිවිය කෙසේ වෙතත් මෙයට එවක පැවති පළමු ලෝක මහා සංග්රාමය විසා බාධා ඇතිවිය.ඔහුට නැවත ලන්ඩන් බලා පිටත්වීමට නොහැතිවීමත් පර්යේෂණ අතරමග නවතා දැමීමට සිදුවීමත් නිසා ඔහු ට්රෝබියන් දූපත් වෙත ගොස් එහි වෙසෙන ට්රෝබියන් දූපත්වාසීන් පිළිබද මානව විද්යාත්මක අධ්යනයක් සිදු කිරීමට තීරනය කළේය.මැලිනොව්ස්කි විසින් මුල්වරට සහභාගීත්ව නිරීක්ෂණ ක්රමය උපයෝගීකරගනිමින් ට්රෝබියන් දූපත් වාසීන්ගේ සංස්කෘතිය පිළිබද ඉතා සාර්ථක මානව විද්යාත්මක පර්යේෂණයක් සිදු කළේය.මානව විද්යාඥයන් මීට ප්රථම භාවිත කලේ මානව වංශ විස්ථර කථන ක්රමයයි.එමගින් වෙනත් මූලාශ්ර උපයෝගී කරගනිම්න් තොරතුරු රැස්කර ගත්තා මිස තමාම අදාල ක්ෂේත්රයට ගොස් පර්යේෂණ නොපැවැත්වීය.මානව විද්යාත්මක දත්ත රැස් කිරීමේදී ඉතාම සාර්ථක ක්රමය වන්නේ මැලිනොව්ස්කි හදුන්වාදුන් සහභාගීත්ව නිරීක්ෂණ ක්රමය බව බොහෝ විද්වතුන් පෙන්වා දුන්හ.මැලිනොව්ස්කි නැවත එංගලන්තයට පැමින ට්රෝබියන් දූපත් වාසින් පිළිබද සිදුකල අධ්යන අලලා 1922 දී Argonauts of the Western Pacific නම් කෘතිය එළිදැක්වීය.which established him as one of the most important anthropologists in Europe of that time. He took posts as lecturer and later as a chair in anthropology at the LSE, attracting large numbers of students and exerting great influence on the development of British Social Anthropology. Among his students in this period were such prominent anthropologists as Raymond Firth, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Hortense Powdermaker, Edmund Leach, Audrey Richards and Meyer Fortes. From 1933 he visited several American universities, and when World War II broke out he decided to stay there, taking an appointment at Yale. There he stayed the remainder of his life, also influencing a generation of American anthropologists.
His ethnography of the Trobriand Islands described the complex institution of the Kula ring, and became foundational for subsequent theories of reciprocity and exchange. He was also widely regarded as an eminent fieldworker and his texts regarding the anthropological field methods were foundational to early anthropology, for example coining the term participatory observation. His approach to social theory was a brand of psychological functionalism emphasising how social and cultural institutions serve basic human needs, a perspective opposed to Radcliffe-Brown's structural functionalism that emphasised the ways in which social institutions function in relation to society as a whole.
ජීවන තොරතුරු
Malinowski was born on 7 April 1884, in Kraków, then part of the Austro-Hungarian province known as the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, to an upper-middle-class Polish family. His father was a professor, and his mother was the daughter of a landowning family. As a child he was frail, often suffering from ill health, yet he excelled academically. In 1908, he received a doctorate in philosophy from Kraków's Jagiellonian University, where he focused on mathematics and the physical sciences. While attending the university he became ill and, while recuperating, decided to be an anthropologist as a result of reading James Frazer's The Golden Bough. This book turned his interest to ethnology, which he pursued at the University of Leipzig, where he studied under economist Karl Bücher and psychologist Wilhelm Wundt. In 1910, he went to England, studying at the London School of Economics under C. G. Seligman and Edvard Westermarck.
In 1914, he travelled to Papua (in what would later become Papua New Guinea), where he conducted fieldwork at Mailu Island and then, more famously, in the Trobriand Islands. The ethnographic collection he made on the Trobriand Islands is now held by the British Museum. On his most famous trip to the area, he became stranded due to the outbreak of World War I. Malinowski was not allowed to return to Europe from the British-controlled region because, though Polish by ethnicity, he was a subject of Austria-Hungary. Australian authorities gave him the opportunity of conducting research in Melanesia, an opportunity he happily embraced. It was during this period that he conducted his fieldwork on the Kula ring and advanced the practice of participant observation, which remains the hallmark of ethnographic research today.
In 1920, he published a scientific article on the Kula Ring, perhaps the first documentation of generalised exchange. In 1922, he earned a doctorate of science in anthropology and was teaching at the London School of Economics. That year his book Argonauts of the Western Pacific was published. It was widely regarded as a masterpiece, and Malinowski became one of the best-known anthropologists in the world. For the next two decades, he would establish the London School of Economics as Europe's main centre of anthropology. He became a British citizen in 1931. In 1933, he became foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Malinowski taught intermittently in the United States. When World War II broke out during one of his American visits, he stayed there. He took up a position at Yale University, where he remained until his death. In 1942, he co-founded the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America.
Malinowski died on 16 May 1942, aged 58, of a heart attack while preparing to conduct summer fieldwork in Oaxaca, Mexico. He was interred at Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut.
Malinowski is often considered one of anthropology's most skilled ethnographers, especially because of the highly methodical and well theorised approach to the study of social systems. He is often referred to as the first researcher to bring anthropology "off the verandah" (a phrase that is also the name of a documentary about his work), that is, experiencing the everyday life of his subjects along with them. Malinowski emphasised the importance of detailed participant observation and argued that anthropologists must have daily contact with their informants if they are to adequately record the "imponderabilia of everyday life" that are so important to understanding a different culture.
He stated that the goal of the anthropologist, or ethnographer, is "to grasp the native's point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his world" (Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Dutton 1961 edition, p. 25.)
However, in reference to the Kula ring, Malinowski also stated, in the same edition, pp. 83–84:
“ | Yet it must be remembered that what appears to us an extensive, complicated, and yet well ordered institution is the outcome of so many doings and pursuits, carried on by savages, who have no laws or aims or charters definitely laid down. They have no knowledge of the total outline of any of their social structure. They know their own motives, know the purpose of individual actions and the rules which apply to them, but how, out of these, the whole collective institution shapes, this is beyond their mental range. Not even the most intelligent native has any clear idea of the Kula as a big, organised social construction, still less of its sociological function and implications....The integration of all the details observed, the achievement of a sociological synthesis of all the various, relevant symptoms, is the task of the Ethnographer... the Ethnographer has to construct the picture of the big institution, very much as the physicist constructs his theory from the experimental data, which always have been within reach of everybody, but needed a consistent interpretation. | ” |

In these two passages, Malinowski anticipated the distinction between description and analysis, and between the views of actors and analysts. This distinction continues to inform anthropological method and theory.
His study of the Kula ring was also vital to the development of an anthropological theory of reciprocity, and his material from the Trobriands was extensively discussed in Marcel Mauss's seminal essay The Gift.
Malinowski originated the school of social anthropology known as functionalism. In contrast to Radcliffe-Brown's structural functionalism, Malinowski argued that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society as a whole. He reasoned that when the needs of individuals, who comprise society, are met, then the needs of society are met. To Malinowski, the feelings of people and their motives were crucial knowledge to understand the way their society functioned:
“ | Besides the firm outline of tribal constitution and crystallized cultural items which form the skeleton, besides the data of daily life and ordinary behavior, which are, so to speak, its flesh and blood, there is still to be recorded the spirit—the natives' views and opinions and utterances. | ” |
Apart from fieldwork, Malinowski also challenged the claim to universality of Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex. He initiated a cross-cultural approach in Sex and Repression in Savage Society (1927) where he demonstrated that specific psychological complexes are not universal.
Malinowski likewise influenced the course of African history, serving as an academic mentor to Jomo Kenyatta, the father and first president of modern-day Kenya. Malinowski also wrote the introduction to Facing Mount Kenya, Kenyatta's ethnographic study of the Gikuyu tribe. The Kulurami tribe in Africa also caught his attention.
- Malinowski, B. (1913). The family among the Australian Aborigines: a sociological study. London: University of London Press.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1922). . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul (Enhanced Edition reissued Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2013).
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1924). Mutterrechtliche Familie und Ödipus-Komplex. Eine psychoanalytische Studie (German බසින්). Leipzig: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag.
: More than one of|author=
specified ()CS1 maint: unrecognized language () - Malinowski, B. (1926). Myth in primitive psychology. London: Norton.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1926). Crime and custom in savage society. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1927). . London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B.; H. Ellis (1929). . An Ethnographic Account of Courtship, Marriage, and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea. London.
: More than one of|author2=
specified (); More than one of|author=
specified ()CS1 maint: location missing publisher () - Malinowski, B.; E.R. Leach; J. Berry (1935). . London: Allen & Unwin.
: More than one of|author2=
specified (); More than one of|author3=
specified (); More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1944). and Others Essays. Chapel Hill, N. Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1947). Freedom & Civilization. London.
: More than one of|author=
specified ()CS1 maint: location missing publisher () - Malinowski, B. (1946). P.M. Kaberry (ed.). The Dynamics of Culture Change: An Inquiry Into Race Relations in Africa. New Haven: Yale University Press.
: More than one of|author=
specified (); More than one of|editor=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1948). Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press (Reissued Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 1992).
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1962). Sex, Culture, and Myth. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1967). A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
: More than one of|author=
specified () - Malinowski, B. (1993). R.J. Thornton & P. Skalnik (ed.). The early writings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: More than one of|author=
specified (); More than one of|editor=
specified ()
විශ්ව විද්යාල
- Cornell University
- Harvard University
- Jagiellonian University
- University of Leipzig
- London School of Economics
- University of London
- Yale University
මේවාත් බලන්න
- Baloma
- Maria Czaplicka
- List of recipients of the Bronislaw Malinowski Award of the Society for Applied Anthropology
- Zofia Romer
- Valetta Swann
- List of Poles
- Archaeology of trade
- British Museum Collection
- Gaillard 2004 p. 139
- Senft 1997 p. 217
- Malinowski B (1920). "Kula: the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea". Man. 20: 97–105. doi:10.2307/2840430.
: Empty citation () - Wayne, H. (1995). The Story of a Marriage: The Letters of Bronisław Malinowski and Elsie Masson. London: . p. 241.
- "Bronislaw Malinowski: Off the Veranda." 52 minutes. Films Media Group, 1985.
- But see Kluckhohn (1943. "Bronislaw Malinowski 1884–1942", The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 56, No. 221 (Jul. – Sep. 1943), pp. 208–219) for another viewpoint, emphasizing the existence of an ethnographic tradition in the US prior to Malinowski's research.
- Gaillard 2004 p. 141
- Giulio Angioni, L'antropologia funzionalista di B. K. Malinowski, in Tre saggi sull'antropologia dell'età coloniale, Palermo, Flaccovio,1973, pp. 200–221
- Firth, Raymond (1960). Man and culture: an evaluation of the work of Bronislaw Malinowski. London: Routledge.
: More than one of|author=
specified ()
බාහිර යොමු
- Faded Page
- Malinowski; Archive (Real audio stream) of BBC Radio 4 edition of 'Thinking allowed' on Malinowski 2006-03-13 at the Wayback Machine
- Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands, at sacred-texts.com
- Papers of Bronislaw Malinowski held at LSE Library
- Malinowski's fieldwork photographs, Trobriand Islands, 1915–1918
- Savage Memory – documentary about Malinowski's legacy
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බ ර න ස ල ව ක ස පර ම ල න ව ස ක Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski සම ජ ම නව ව ද ය ව ප ය යන ව ර ද වල න මය න හද න වය 1884 අප ර ල 7 වන ද න උපත ල බ අතර 1942 ම ය 16 වන ද න ල ව න සම ගත ත ය භ ත ක ව ද ය ව දර ශනය ව න ව ෂයන ප ළ බද හසල ව ද වත ක ද ව ය ලන ඩන ව ශ ව ව ද ය ලය ම නව ව ද ය ව ප ළ බද මහ ච ර යවරය ක ල ස කටය ත කළ ය බ ර න ස ල ව ම ල න ව ස ක උපතBronislaw Kasper Malinowski 7 April 1884 ම යග ය ද නය16 May 1942 1942 05 16 වයස 58 Connecticut USඋගත ශ ස ත ර ලයPhD Philosophy from Physical Chemistry at PhD Science from ම ල න ව ස ක ස ල ග ම න හ ව ස ටර ම ර ක යටත 1910 ස ට ලන ඩන ආර ථ ක ව ද ය ආයතනය න LSE ආර ථ ක ව ද ය ව හ ද ර ය 1914 ම ල න ව ස ක ට ප ප ව න ව ග න ය ද පත ව ත ග ස එම ද පත ව ස න ප ළ බද සම ජ ම නව ව ද ය ත මක පර ය ෂණ ස ද ක ර මට අවස ත ව හ ම ව ය ක ස ව තත ම යට එවක ප වත පළම ල ක මහ ස ග ර මය ව ස බ ධ ඇත ව ය ඔහ ට න වත ලන ඩන බල ප ටත ව මට න හ ත ව මත පර ය ෂණ අතරමග නවත ද ම මට ස ද ව මත න ස ඔහ ට ර බ යන ද පත ව ත ග ස එහ ව ස න ට ර බ යන ද පත ව ස න ප ළ බද ම නව ව ද ය ත මක අධ යනයක ස ද ක ර මට ත රනය කළ ය ම ල න ව ස ක ව ස න ම ල වරට සහභ 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Fortes From 1933 he visited several American universities and when World War II broke out he decided to stay there taking an appointment at Yale There he stayed the remainder of his life also influencing a generation of American anthropologists His ethnography of the Trobriand Islands described the complex institution of the Kula ring and became foundational for subsequent theories of reciprocity and exchange He was also widely regarded as an eminent fieldworker and his texts regarding the anthropological field methods were foundational to early anthropology for example coining the term participatory observation His approach to social theory was a brand of psychological functionalism emphasising how social and cultural institutions serve basic human needs a perspective opposed to Radcliffe Brown s structural functionalism that emphasised the ways in which social institutions function in relation to society as a whole ජ වන ත රත ර Malinowski was born on 7 April 1884 in Krakow then part of the Austro Hungarian province known as the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria to an upper middle class Polish family His father was a professor and his mother was the daughter of a landowning family As a child he was frail often suffering from ill health yet he excelled academically In 1908 he received a doctorate in philosophy from Krakow s Jagiellonian University where he focused on mathematics and the physical sciences While attending the university he became ill and while recuperating decided to be an anthropologist as a result of reading James Frazer s The Golden Bough This book turned his interest to ethnology which he pursued at the University of Leipzig where he studied under economist Karl Bucher and psychologist Wilhelm Wundt In 1910 he went to England studying at the London School of Economics under C G Seligman and Edvard Westermarck ර ක ය වIn 1914 he travelled to Papua in what would later become Papua New Guinea where he conducted fieldwork at Mailu Island and then more famously in the Trobriand Islands The ethnographic collection he made on the Trobriand Islands is now held by the British Museum On his most famous trip to the area he became stranded due to the outbreak of World War I Malinowski was not allowed to return to Europe from the British controlled region because though Polish by ethnicity he was a subject of Austria Hungary Australian authorities gave him the opportunity of conducting research in Melanesia an opportunity he happily embraced It was during this period that he conducted his fieldwork on the Kula ring and advanced the practice of participant observation which remains the hallmark of ethnographic research today In 1920 he published a scientific article on the Kula Ring perhaps the first documentation of generalised exchange In 1922 he earned a doctorate of science in anthropology and was teaching at the London School of Economics That year his book Argonauts of the Western Pacific was published It was widely regarded as a masterpiece and Malinowski became one of the best known anthropologists in the world For the next two decades he would establish the London School of Economics as Europe s main centre of anthropology He became a British citizen in 1931 In 1933 he became foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Malinowski taught intermittently in the United States When World War II broke out during one of his American visits he stayed there He took up a position at Yale University where he remained until his death In 1942 he co founded the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America ව පතMalinowski died on 16 May 1942 aged 58 of a heart attack while preparing to conduct summer fieldwork in Oaxaca Mexico He was interred at Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven Connecticut IdeasMalinowski is often considered one of anthropology s most skilled ethnographers especially because of the highly methodical and well theorised approach to the study of social systems He is often referred to as the first researcher to bring anthropology off the verandah a phrase that is also the name of a documentary about his work that is experiencing the everyday life of his subjects along with them Malinowski emphasised the importance of detailed participant observation and argued that anthropologists must have daily contact with their informants if they are to adequately record the imponderabilia of everyday life that are so important to understanding a different culture He stated that the goal of the anthropologist or ethnographer is to grasp the native s point of view his relation to life to realize his vision of his world Argonauts of the Western Pacific Dutton 1961 edition p 25 However in reference to the Kula ring Malinowski also stated in the same edition pp 83 84 Yet it must be remembered that what appears to us an extensive complicated and yet well ordered institution is the outcome of so many doings and pursuits carried on by savages who have no laws or aims or charters definitely laid down They have no knowledge of the total outline of any of their social structure They know their own motives know the purpose of individual actions and the rules which apply to them but how out of these the whole collective institution shapes this is beyond their mental range Not even the most intelligent native has any clear idea of the Kula as a big organised social construction still less of its sociological function and implications The integration of all the details observed the achievement of a sociological synthesis of all the various relevant symptoms is the task of the Ethnographer the Ethnographer has to construct the picture of the big institution very much as the physicist constructs his theory from the experimental data which always have been within reach of everybody but needed a consistent interpretation Malinowski with natives Trobriand Islands 1918 In these two passages Malinowski anticipated the distinction between description and analysis and between the views of actors and analysts This distinction continues to inform anthropological method and theory His study of the Kula ring was also vital to the development of an anthropological theory of reciprocity and his material from the Trobriands was extensively discussed in Marcel Mauss s seminal essay The Gift Malinowski originated the school of social anthropology known as functionalism In contrast to Radcliffe Brown s structural functionalism Malinowski argued that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society as a whole He reasoned that when the needs of individuals who comprise society are met then the needs of society are met To Malinowski the feelings of people and their motives were crucial knowledge to understand the way their society functioned Besides the firm outline of tribal constitution and crystallized cultural items which form the skeleton besides the data of daily life and ordinary behavior which are so to speak its flesh and blood there is still to be recorded the spirit the natives views and opinions and utterances Apart from fieldwork Malinowski also challenged the claim to universality of Freud s theory of the Oedipus complex He initiated a cross cultural approach in Sex and Repression in Savage Society 1927 where he demonstrated that specific psychological complexes are not universal Malinowski likewise influenced the course of African history serving as an academic mentor to Jomo Kenyatta the father and first president of modern day Kenya Malinowski also wrote the introduction to Facing Mount Kenya Kenyatta s ethnographic study of the Gikuyu tribe The Kulurami tribe in Africa also caught his attention WorksMalinowski B 1913 The family among the Australian Aborigines a sociological study London University of London Press a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1922 London Routledge and Kegan Paul Enhanced Edition reissued Long Grove IL Waveland Press 2013 a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1924 Mutterrechtliche Familie und Odipus Komplex Eine psychoanalytische Studie German බස න Leipzig Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help CS1 maint unrecognized language link Malinowski B 1926 Myth in primitive psychology London Norton a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1926 Crime and custom in savage society New York Harcourt Brace amp Co a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1927 London Kegan Paul Trench Trubner amp Co a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B H Ellis 1929 An Ethnographic Account of Courtship Marriage and Family Life Among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands British New Guinea London a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author2 and last2 specified help More than one of author and last specified help CS1 maint location missing publisher link Malinowski B E R Leach J Berry 1935 London Allen amp Unwin a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author2 and last2 specified help More than one of author3 and last3 specified help More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1944 and Others Essays Chapel Hill N Carolina The University of North Carolina Press a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1947 Freedom amp Civilization London a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help CS1 maint location missing publisher link Malinowski B 1946 P M Kaberry ed The Dynamics of Culture Change An Inquiry Into Race Relations in Africa New Haven Yale University Press a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help More than one of editor and editor last specified help Malinowski B 1948 Magic Science and Religion and Other Essays Glencoe Illinois The Free Press Reissued Long Grove IL Waveland Press 1992 a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1962 Sex Culture and Myth New York Harcourt Brace amp World a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1967 A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term New York Harcourt Brace amp World a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help Malinowski B 1993 R J Thornton amp P Skalnik ed The early writings Cambridge Cambridge University Press a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help More than one of editor and editor last specified help ව ශ ව ව ද ය ලCornell University Harvard University Jagiellonian University University of Leipzig London School of Economics University of London Yale Universityම ව ත බලන නBaloma Maria Czaplicka List of recipients of the Bronislaw Malinowski Award of the Society for Applied Anthropology Zofia Romer Valetta Swann List of Poles Archaeology of tradeම ල ශ ර British Museum Collection Gaillard 2004 p 139 Senft 1997 p 217 Malinowski B 1920 Kula the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea Man 20 97 105 doi 10 2307 2840430 a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite web class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite web cite web a Empty citation help Wayne H 1995 The Story of a Marriage The Letters of Bronislaw Malinowski and Elsie Masson London p 241 Bronislaw Malinowski Off the Veranda 52 minutes Films Media Group 1985 But see Kluckhohn 1943 Bronislaw Malinowski 1884 1942 The Journal of American Folklore Vol 56 No 221 Jul Sep 1943 pp 208 219 for another viewpoint emphasizing the existence of an ethnographic tradition in the US prior to Malinowski s research Gaillard 2004 p 141 Giulio Angioni L antropologia funzionalista di B K Malinowski in Tre saggi sull antropologia dell eta coloniale Palermo Flaccovio 1973 pp 200 221 Firth Raymond 1960 Man and culture an evaluation of the work of Bronislaw Malinowski London Routledge a href wiki E0 B7 83 E0 B7 90 E0 B6 9A E0 B7 92 E0 B6 BD E0 B7 8A E0 B6 BD Cite book class mw redirect title ස ක ල ල Cite book cite book a More than one of author and last specified help බ හ ර ය ම Faded Page Malinowski Archive Real audio stream of BBC Radio 4 edition of Thinking allowed on Malinowski 2006 03 13 at the Wayback Machine Baloma the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands at sacred texts com Papers of Bronislaw Malinowski held at LSE Library Malinowski s fieldwork photographs Trobriand Islands 1915 1918 Savage Memory documentary about Malinowski s legacy