එන්ටෙබේ වැටලීම හෝ ඔපරේෂන් එන්ටෙබේ, නිල වශයෙන් ඔපරේෂන් තන්ඩර්බෝල්ට් (පසුකාලීනව ඔපරේෂන් යොනාටන් යන සංකේත නාමයෙන් හඳුන්වනු ලැබේ) යනු 1976 දී උගන්ඩාවේ ඊශ්රායල ප්රති-ත්රස්ත මෙහෙයුමකි. එය දියත් කරන ලද්දේ ටෙල් අවිව් සහ පැරිස් නගර අතර එයාර් ප්රංශය විසින් මෙහෙයවන ලද ජාත්යන්තර සිවිල් මගී ගුවන් යානයක් (එයාර්බස් ඒ300) පැහැර ගැනීමට ප්රතිචාර වශයෙන් ය. ඇතන්ස්හි නැවතුම් පොළක් අතරතුර, ගුවන් යානය පලස්තීන PFLP-EO ත්රස්තවාදීන් දෙදෙනෙකු සහ ජර්මානු RZ ත්රස්තවාදීන් දෙදෙනෙකු විසින් පැහැර ගන්නා ලදී, ඔවුන් ගුවන් යානය ලිබියාවට සහ පසුව උගන්ඩාවට හරවා එන්ටෙබේ ජාත්යන්තර ගුවන්තොටුපළට ගොඩ බැස්සේය. උගන්ඩාවට ගිය පසු කණ්ඩායමට උගන්ඩාවේ ආඥාදායක ඉඩි අමීන්ගේ සහයෝගය ලැබුණි.
Operation Thunderbolt | |||||||
the and the Cold War හි කොටසකි | |||||||
![]() Israeli commandos with a resembling the one owned by Ugandan dictator , used by to deceive Ugandan troops during the raid. | |||||||
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යුද්ධාවතීරයන් | |||||||
Supported by: | ![]() | ||||||
ආඥාපතියන් සහ නායකයන් | |||||||
හමුදාමය ප්රබලතාවය | |||||||
ආ. 100 Israeli commandos (plus aerial crew and support personnel) | 7 hijackers: 5 Palestinians, 2 Germans 100+ Ugandan soldiers | ||||||
අපාතිකයන් සහ හානි | |||||||
1 killed (Y. Netanyahu) 5 wounded | 7 hijackers killed 45 soldiers killed 11–30 Ugandan aircraft destroyed | ||||||
4 hostages killed (incl. ) 10 hostages wounded |

1976 ජුනි 27 වන දින මගීන් 248 දෙනෙකුගේ ගුවන් යානය පැහැරගත් ත්රස්තවාදීන් ඊශ්රායලයේ සිරකර සිටි පලස්තීන සහ අනුබද්ධ සටන්කාමීන් 40 දෙනෙකු නිදහස් කිරීමට මෙන්ම තවත් රටවල් හතරක සිරකරුවන් 13 දෙනෙකු නිදහස් කිරීමට බලකිරීමේ ප්රකාශිත අරමුණ ඇතිව ප්රාණ ඇපයට ගත්හ. ගුවන් යානය ගොඩබෑමෙන් පසු කොල්ලකරුවන්ට සහය දැක්වීම සඳහා උගන්ඩා සොල්දාදුවන් 100කට අධික පිරිසක් යොදවා ඇති අතර, මුල සිටම පැහැර ගැනීම පිළිබඳව දැනුම් දුන් අමීන්, එන්ටෙබේහිදී ත්රස්තවාදීන් පෞද්ගලිකව පිළිගෙන ඇත. සියලුම ප්රාණ ඇපකරුවන් අභාවයට ගිය ගුවන් තොටුපළකට ගෙන ගිය පසු, කොල්ලකරුවන් සියලු ඊශ්රායල් ජාතිකයන් සහ ඊශ්රායල නොවන යුදෙව්වන් කිහිප දෙනෙකු විශාල මගීන්ගෙන් වෙන් කර, පසුව ඔවුන් වෙනම කාමරයකට ගෙන ගියහ. ඊළඟ දින දෙක තුළ ඊශ්රායල නොවන ප්රාණ ඇපකරුවන් 148 දෙනෙකු නිදහස් කර පැරිසිය වෙත පියාසර කරන ලදී. ඉතිරි මගීන් 94 දෙනා, ඔවුන්ගෙන් වැඩි දෙනෙක් ඊශ්රායල ජාතිකයන් වන අතර, 12 දෙනෙකුගෙන් යුත් එයාර් ප්රංශ කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය දිගටම ප්රාණ ඇපකරුවන් ලෙස රඳවා තබා ගන්නා ලදී.
නියම කරන ලද සිරකරුවන් නිදහස් නොකළහොත් 106 වහලුන් මරා දමන බවට කොල්ලකරුවන් තර්ජනය කර තිබූ බැවින් ඊශ්රායල රජය තුළ නියෝජිතයන් මුලින් විවාදයට ගත්හ. මොසාඩ් විසින් සපයන ලද බුද්ධි තොරතුරු මත ක්රියා කිරීම, ඊශ්රායල හමුදාව ගලවා ගැනීමේ මෙහෙයුමක් දියත් කිරීමට තීරණය කරන ලදී. අමීන්ගේ උගන්ඩා හමුදාව සමඟ සන්නද්ධ ගැටුමකට සූදානම් වීම ඊශ්රායල සැලසුම්වලට ඇතුළත් විය.
1976 ජූලි 3 වන දින රාත්රියේ මෙහෙයුම ආරම්භ කරමින් ඊශ්රායල ප්රවාහන ගුවන් යානා ගලවා ගැනීමේ ප්රයත්නය සඳහා උගන්ඩාව වෙත කමාන්ඩෝ භටයින් 100 දෙනෙකු 4,000 (සැතපුම් 2,500) වඩා පියාසර කරන ලදී. මිනිත්තු 90 ක කාලය තුළ, ප්රාණ ඇපකරුවන් 102 දෙනෙකු සාර්ථකව බේරා ගැනීමට හැකි වූ අතර, තිදෙනෙකු මිය ගොස් ඇත. මියගිය ප්රාණ ඇපකරුවන්ගෙන් එක් අයෙකු වන ඩෝරා බ්ලොච්, ඊශ්රායල ගලවා ගැනීමේ මෙහෙයුමෙන් ටික කලකට පසු කම්පාලා හි රෝහලකදී උගන්ඩා බලධාරීන් විසින් ඝාතනය කරන ලදී. ගුවන් යානය පැහැර ගැනීමේදී ඇය රෝගාතුර වී ඇති අතර කමාන්ඩෝ භටයින් පැමිණීමට පෙර ප්රතිකාර සඳහා ගුවන් යානයෙන් ඉවත් කරන ලදී. ඊශ්රායල හමුදාව පස් දෙනෙකු තුවාල ලැබූ අතර එක් අයෙකු මිය ගියේය; යොනාටන් නෙතන්යාහු යනු එන්ටෙබේ මෙහෙයුමේ ඊශ්රායලයේ එකම මාරාන්තිකයා වූ අතර, ගලවාගැනීමේ ප්රයත්නයේදී සයරෙට් මාට්කල් මෙහෙයවීය - ඔහු පසුව ඊශ්රායලයේ අගමැති බවට පත්වන බෙන්ජමින් නෙතන්යාහුගේ වැඩිමහල් සහෝදරයා විය. ඊශ්රායල කමාන්ඩෝ භටයින් විසින් කොල්ලකරුවන් සියලු දෙනා සහ උගන්ඩා සොල්දාදුවන් 45 දෙනෙකු මරා දැමූ අතර උගන්ඩාවේ MiG-17 සහ MiG-21 යානා එකොළහක් විනාශ කරන ලදී. උගන්ඩාවේ මෙහෙයුම අතරතුර ඊශ්රායලයට අසල්වැසි කෙන්යාවේ සහාය ලැබිණි. ඉඩි අමීන් පසුව උගන්ඩාවේ වෙසෙන සියලුම කෙන්යානුවන් මරා දමන ලෙස උගන්ඩා හමුදාවට නියෝග නිකුත් කළේය. එය කෙන්යානු-උගන්ඩා ජාතිකයින් 245 දෙනෙකුගේ මරණයට සහ කෙන්යානුවන් 3000ක් පමණ උගන්ඩාවෙන් පිටව යාමට හේතු විය.
![]() The involved, at in 1980 | |
Hijacking | |
Date | 27 June 1976 |
Summary | Hijacking |
Site | Greek airspace |
Aircraft | |
Aircraft type | |
Operator | |
F-BVGG | |
Flight origin | , Israel |
Stopover | , Greece |
Destination | , France |
Occupants | 260 |
Passengers | 248 |
Crew | 12 |
Fatalities | 4 |
Injuries | 10 |
Survivors | 256 |
On 27 June 1976, Air France Flight 139, an , (c/n 019), departed from Tel Aviv, Israel, carrying 246 mainly Jewish and passengers and a crew of 12. The plane flew to Athens, Greece, where it picked up an additional 58 passengers, including four hijackers. It departed for Paris at 12:30 pm. Just after takeoff, the flight was by two from the (PFLP-EO), and by two Germans, and , from the German . The hijackers diverted the flight to , Libya. There it was held on the ground for seven hours for refuelling. During that time the hijackers released British-born Israeli citizen Patricia Martell, who pretended to have a . The plane left Benghazi and at 3:15 pm on the 28th, more than 24 hours after the flight's original departure, it arrived at in Uganda.
Situation at Uganda's Entebbe International Airport
At Entebbe, the four hijackers were joined by at least four others, supported by the forces of Uganda's president, . The hijackers transferred the passengers to the transit hall of the disused former airport terminal where they kept them under guard for the following days. Amin came to visit the hostages almost on a daily basis, updating them on developments and promising to use his efforts to have them freed through negotiations.
On 28 June, a PFLP-EO hijacker issued a declaration and formulated their demands. In addition to a ransom of US$5 million for the release of the airplane, they demanded the release of 53 Palestinian and pro-Palestinian militants, 40 of whom were prisoners in Israel. They threatened that if these demands were not met, they would begin to kill hostages on 1 July 1976.
Separation of hostages
On 29 June, after Ugandan soldiers had opened an entrance to a room next to the crowded waiting hall by destroying a separating wall, the hijackers separated the Israelis (including those holding dual citizenship) from the other hostages and told them to move to the adjoining room. As they did so, a Holocaust survivor showed hijacker Wilfried Böse a on his arm. Böse protested "I'm no Nazi! ... I am an idealist." In addition, five non-Israeli hostages – two ultra-orthodox Jewish couples from the US and Belgium and a French resident of Israel – were forced to join the Israeli group. According to Monique Epstein Khalepski, the French hostage among the five, the captors had singled them out for questioning and suspected them of hiding their Israeli identities. On the other hand, according to French hostage Michel Cojot-Goldberg, the captors failed to identify at least one Israeli among the passengers who was a military officer with dual citizenship then using his non-Israeli passport and he was later freed as part of the second release of non-Israeli hostages. US citizen Janet Almog, Frenchwoman Jocelyne Monier (whose husband or boyfriend was Israeli), and French-Israeli dual citizen Jean-Jacques Mimouni, whose name had not been called up during the reading of the original passport-based list, reportedly joined the Israeli hostage group by their own choice.
Release of most non-Israeli hostages
On 30 June, the hijackers released 48 hostages. The released were picked from among the non-Israeli group – mainly elderly and sick passengers and mothers with children. Forty-seven of them were flown by a chartered Air France Boeing 747 out of Entebbe to Paris, and one passenger was treated in hospital for a day. On 1 July, after the Israeli government had conveyed its agreement to negotiations, the hostage-takers extended their deadline to noon on 4 July and released another group of 100 non-Israeli captives who again were flown to Paris a few hours later. Among the 106 hostages staying behind with their captors at Entebbe airport were the 12 members of the Air France crew who refused to leave, about ten young French passengers, and the Israeli group of some 84 people.
Israeli response
Diplomatic efforts
In the week before the raid, Israel tried using political avenues to obtain the release of the hostages. Many sources indicate that the was prepared to release Palestinian prisoners if a military solution seemed unlikely to succeed. A retired IDF officer, Baruch "Burka" Bar-Lev, had known Idi Amin for many years and was considered to have a strong personal relationship with him. At the request of the cabinet, he spoke with Amin on the phone many times, trying to gain the release of the hostages, without success. The Israeli government also approached the United States government to deliver a message to Egyptian president , asking him to request that Amin release the hostages. Prime minister and defence minister spent one week disagreeing on whether to give in to the hijackers' demands (Rabin's position) or not, to prevent more terrorism (Peres' position).
At the 1 July deadline, the Israeli cabinet offered to negotiate with the hijackers to extend the deadline to 4 July. Amin also asked them to extend the deadline until that date. This meant he could take a diplomatic trip to , Mauritius, to officially hand over chairmanship of the to . This extension of the hostage deadline proved crucial to providing Israeli forces enough time to get to Entebbe.
On 3 July, at 18:30, the Israeli cabinet approved a rescue mission, presented by and Brigadier General . Shomron was appointed as the operation commander.
Egyptian–PLO involvement and failure of diplomacy
As the crisis unfolded, attempts were made to negotiate the release of the hostages. According to declassified diplomatic documents, the Egyptian government under Sadat tried to negotiate with both the PLO and the Ugandan government. PLO chairman sent his political aide to Uganda as a special envoy to negotiate with the hostage takers and with Amin. However, the PFLP-EO hijackers refused to see him.
Israel's military preparations
When Israeli authorities failed to negotiate a political solution, they decided that their only option was an attack to rescue the hostages. Lt. Col. , lead pilot of the operation, later said that the Israelis had initially conceived of a rescue plan that involved dropping naval commandos into . The commandos would have ridden rubber boats to the airport on the edge of the lake. They planned to kill the hijackers and after freeing the hostages, they would ask Amin for passage home. The Israelis abandoned this plan because they lacked the necessary time and also because they had received word that Lake Victoria was inhabited by the .
, the mission's intelligence officer, later stated that the proper layout of the airport was unknown, as was the exact location of the hostages and whether the building had been prepared with explosives.
Aircraft refuelling
While planning the raid, the Israeli forces had to plan how to refuel the aircraft they intended to use while en route to Entebbe. The Israelis lacked the logistical capacity to four to six aircraft so far from Israeli airspace. While several nations, including the logistically preferred choice Kenya, were sympathetic, none wished to incur the wrath of Amin or the Palestinians by allowing the Israelis to land their aircraft within their borders.[]
The raid could not proceed without assistance from at least one East African government. The Israeli government secured permission from Kenya for the IDF task force to cross Kenyan airspace and refuel at what is today . Kenyan persuaded Kenyan President to permit Mossad to collect intelligence prior to the operation, and to allow the access to the Nairobi airport. MacKenzie's support for the operation came after , the then head of Britain's intelligence agency, put his contacts in Mossad in touch with MacKenzie, who had been an MI6 contact for some time. The Jewish owner of the Block hotels chain in Kenya, along with other members of the Jewish and Israeli community in , may also have used their political and economic influence to help persuade Kenya's President Jomo Kenyatta to help Israel.
Uganda's Ambassador to , , overheard some of the details of the operation from officers who were discussing the possibility of Israeli compensation for the assistance and forwarded the information to Ugandan commander . Maliyamungu did not alert Amin or take any action on the intelligence, allegedly dismissing the report as "gasiya" (rubbish). According to Amin's son, Jaffar Remo, the Ugandan president still managed to receive Lumago's warning via telephone and, after completing his responsibilities at the OAU meeting, boarded a plane and flew back to Uganda. An ex-agent of Uganda's intelligence service, the , also claimed that Amin was informed by Lumago of the imminent raid. The agent stated that Amin was terrified of possible reprisals in case his troops actually fought the Israeli military, allegedly resulting in his ordering that the should not open fire on Israeli aircraft during a possible raid.
Mossad intelligence
Mossad built an accurate picture of the whereabouts of the hostages, the number of hijackers, and the involvement of Ugandan troops, based on information from the released hostages in Paris. Further, Israeli firms had been involved in construction projects in Africa during the 1960s and 1970s: while preparing the raid, the Israeli army consulted with , a large Israeli construction firm that had built the terminal where the hostages were held. While planning the military operation, the IDF erected a partial replica of the airport terminal with the assistance of civilians who had helped build the original.[]
IDF major later remarked in an interview that Mossad operatives extensively interviewed the hostages who had been released. He said that a French-Jewish passenger who had a military background and "a phenomenal memory" had provided detailed information about the number of weapons carried by the hostage-takers.
Task force
The Israeli ground task force numbered approximately 100 personnel, and comprised the following elements:
Ground command and control
- This small group comprised the operation and overall ground commander, , the air force representative Colonel Ami Ayalon and the communications and support personnel.
- A 29-man assault unit led by Lt. Col. – this force was composed entirely of commandos from , and was given the primary task of assaulting the old terminal and rescuing the hostages. Major Betser led one of the element's assault teams, and took command after Lt. Col. Netanyahu was killed.
- The force led by – tasked with securing the civilian airport field, clearing and securing the runways, and protection and fuelling of the Israeli aircraft in Entebbe.
- The force led by – tasked with securing the C-130 Hercules aircraft for the hostages' evacuation, getting it as close as possible to the terminal and boarding the hostages; also with acting as general reserves.
- The force led by – tasked with clearing the military airstrip, and destroying the squadron of fighter jets on the ground, to prevent any possible interceptions by the ; also with holding off hostile from the city of Entebbe.

Attack route
Taking off from , the task force flew along the international flight path over the Red Sea, mostly flying at a height of no more than 30 m (100 ft) to avoid radar detection by Egyptian, Sudanese, and Saudi Arabian forces. Near the south outlet of the Red Sea the C-130s turned south and crossed into Ethiopian territory, passing west of . From there, they went to a point northeast of Nairobi, Kenya. They turned west, passing through the and over .
Two jets followed the cargo planes. The first Boeing contained medical facilities and landed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya. The commander of the operation, General Yekutiel Adam, was on board the second Boeing, which circled over Entebbe Airport during the raid.
The Israeli forces landed at Entebbe on 3 July at 23:00 , with their doors already open. Because the proper layout of the airport was not known, the first plane almost taxied into a ditch. A black car that looked like President Idi Amin's vehicle and that usually accompanied Amin's Mercedes were brought along. The Israelis hoped they could use them to bypass security checkpoints. When the C-130s landed, Israeli assault team members drove the vehicles to the terminal building in the same fashion as Amin. As they approached the terminal, two Ugandan sentries, aware that Idi Amin had recently purchased a white Mercedes, ordered the vehicles to stop. The first commandos shot the sentries using silenced pistols. This was against the plan and against the orders – the Ugandans were to be ignored, as they were believed not to be likely to open fire at this stage. An Israeli commando in one of the following Land Rovers opened fire with an unsuppressed rifle. Fearing the hijackers would be alerted prematurely, the assault team quickly approached the terminal.
Hostage rescue

The Israelis left their vehicles and ran towards the terminal. The hostages were in the main hall of the airport building, directly adjacent to the runway. Entering the terminal, the commandos shouted through a megaphone, "Stay down! Stay down! We are Israeli soldiers," in both Hebrew and English. Jean-Jacques Maimoni, a 19-year-old French immigrant to Israel, stood up and was killed when Muki Betser and another soldier mistook him for a hijacker and fired at him. Another hostage, Pasco Cohen, 52, was also fatally wounded by gunfire from the commandos. In addition, a third hostage, 56-year-old Ida Borochovitch, a Russian Jew who had , was killed by a hijacker in the crossfire.
According to hostage Ilan Hartuv, Wilfried Böse was the only hijacker who, after the operation began, entered the hall housing the hostages. At first he pointed his rifle at hostages, but "immediately came to his senses" and ordered them to find shelter in the restroom, before being killed by the commandos. According to Hartuv, Böse fired only at Israeli soldiers and not at hostages.
At one point, an Israeli commando called out in Hebrew, "Where are the rest of them?" referring to the hijackers. The hostages pointed to a connecting door of the airport's main hall, into which the commandos threw several . They then entered the room and shot dead the three remaining hijackers, ending the assault. Meanwhile, the other three C-130 Hercules aeroplanes had landed and unloaded to provide defence during the anticipated hour of refuelling. The Israelis then destroyed Ugandan MiG fighter planes to prevent them from pursuing, and conducted a sweep of the airfield to gather intelligence.

After the raid, the Israeli assault team returned to their aircraft and began loading the hostages. Ugandan soldiers shot at them in the process. The Israeli commandos returned fire, inflicting casualties on the Ugandans. During this brief but intense firefight, Ugandan soldiers fired from the . At least five commandos were wounded, and the Israeli unit commander, Yonatan Netanyahu, was killed. Israeli commandos fired light machine guns and a back at the control tower, suppressing the Ugandans' fire. According to one of Idi Amin's sons, the soldier who shot Netanyahu, a cousin of the Amin family, was killed by return fire. The Israelis finished evacuating the hostages, loaded Netanyahu's body into one of the planes, and left the airport. The entire operation lasted 53 minutes – of which the assault lasted only 30 minutes. All seven hijackers present, and about 50 Ugandan soldiers, were killed. Eleven Soviet-built and fighter planes of the Uganda Army Air Force were destroyed on the ground at Entebbe Airport. Out of the 106 hostages, three were killed, one was left in Uganda (74-year-old ), and approximately 10 were wounded. The 102 rescued hostages were flown to Israel via Nairobi, Kenya, shortly after the raid.
Ugandan reaction

Amin was furious upon learning of the raid, and reportedly boasted that he could have taught the Israelis a lesson if he had known that they would strike. Following the raid, Maliyamungu had 14 soldiers arrested under suspicion of collaborating with the Israelis. Once they were gathered in a room at Makindye Barracks, he shot 12 of them with his pistol. Uganda Army Chief of Staff reportedly wanted to incarcerate or execute , the Entebbe Air Base commander, who was absent from his post during the raid. Sule had left the air base early that day to meet a female companion at Lake Victoria Hotel on 4 July. Despite Adrisi's demands, Sule's closeness to President Amin guaranteed his safety.
Murder of Dora Bloch
Dora Bloch, a 74-year-old Israeli who also held British citizenship, was taken to in after choking on a chicken bone. After the raid she was murdered by officers of the Uganda Army, as were some of her doctors and nurses, apparently for trying to intervene. In April 1987, , Uganda's and at the time, told the that Bloch had been dragged from her hospital bed and killed by two army officers on Amin's orders. Bloch was shot and her body was dumped in the trunk of a car that had Ugandan intelligence services number plates. Her remains were recovered near a sugar plantation 20 miles (32 km) east of Kampala in 1979, after the ended Amin's rule.
Idi Amin's anti-Kenyan crackdown
Amin also ordered the killing of hundreds of Kenyans living in Uganda in retaliation for Kenya's assistance to Israel in the raid. Uganda killed 245 Kenyans, including airport staff at Entebbe. To avoid massacre, approximately 3000 Kenyans fled Uganda as refugees.
On May 24, 1978, Kenya's former agriculture minister, , was killed when a bomb attached to his aircraft exploded as MacKenzie departed a meeting with Amin. Some have asserted that Ugandan president Idi Amin ordered Ugandan agents to assassinate MacKenzie in retaliation for Kenya's involvement and MacKenzie's actions prior to the raid. Others have indicated various other possible causes for the bombing, including that another person aboard the plane may have been the target. Later, Mossad Chief Director had a forest planted in Israel in MacKenzie's name.
Aftermath and reactions
United Nations
The convened on 9 July 1976, to consider a complaint from the Chairman of the Organization of African Unity charging Israel with an "act of aggression". The Council allowed Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, , and Uganda's foreign minister, , to participate without voting rights. UN Secretary General told the Security Council that the raid was "a serious violation of the sovereignty of a Member State of the United Nations" though he was "fully aware that this is not the only element involved ... when the world community is now required to deal with unprecedented problems arising from international terrorism." Abdalla, the representative of Uganda, alleged that the affair was close to a peaceful resolution when Israel intervened while Herzog, the representative of Israel, accused Uganda of direct complicity in the hijacking. The US and UK sponsored a resolution which condemned hijacking and similar acts, deplored the loss of life arising from the hijacking (without condemning either Israel or Uganda), reaffirmed the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, and called on the international community to enhance the safety of civil aviation. However, the resolution failed to receive the required number of affirmative votes because two voting members abstained and seven were absent. A second resolution sponsored by Benin, Libya and Tanzania, that condemned Israel, was not put to a vote.
Western Bloc
Western nations spoke in support of the raid. West Germany called the raid "an act of self-defence". Switzerland and France praised the operation. Representatives of the United Kingdom and United States offered significant praise, calling the Entebbe raid "an impossible operation". Some in the United States noted that the hostages were freed on 4 July 1976, 200 years after the signing of the . In private conversation with Israeli Ambassador Dinitz, sounded criticism for Israeli use of US equipment during the operation, but that criticism was not made public at the time. In mid-July 1976, the supercarrier and her escorts entered the Indian Ocean and operated off the Kenyan coast in response to a threat of military action by forces from Uganda.
The hijacked aircraft's pilot, Captain , was awarded the , and the other crew members were awarded the .
In the ensuing years, Betser and the Netanyahu brothers – and , all Sayeret Matkal veterans – argued in increasingly public forums about who was to blame for the unexpected early firefight that caused Yonatan's death and partial loss of tactical surprise.
As a result of the operation, the United States military developed rescue teams modelled on the unit employed in the Entebbe rescue. One notable attempt was , a failed 1980 rescue of 53 American embassy personnel held hostage in Tehran during the .
In a letter dated 13 July 1976, the Supreme Commander's Staff of the praised the Israeli commandos for the mission and extended condolences for "the loss and martyrdom" of Netanyahu.
F-BVGG, the aircraft in the hijacking of Air France Flight 139, was repaired and returned to service with Air France. In April 1996, the aircraft was leased to for three months. In December the same year, the aircraft was converted into a freighter and was delivered to S-C Aviation, having been re-registered as N742SC. In 1998 the aircraft was delivered to and re-registered as TC-MNA. In 2009, the aircraft was placed into storage at Istanbul Atatürk Airport and was scrapped in 2020.
Palestinian bombing of Kenya's Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi
, owned by a prominent member of , was bombed on 31 December 1980. The bomb flattened the hotel, killing 20 people, of several nationalities, and injuring 87 more. It was believed to be an act of revenge by pro-Palestinian militants for Kenya's supporting role in Operation Entebbe.
In August 2012, Uganda and Israel commemorated the raid at a somber ceremony at the base of a tower at the Old Entebbe Airport, where Yonatan Netanyahu was killed. Uganda and Israel renewed their commitment to "fight terrorism and to work towards humanity". In addition, wreaths were laid, a moment of silence was held, speeches were given, and a poem was recited. The flags of Uganda and Israel were flown side by side, symbolising the two countries' strong bilateral relations, next to a plaque bearing a history of the raid. The ceremony was attended by Ugandan State Minister for Animal Industry and the deputy , who laid wreaths at the site. Forty years to the day after the rescue operation, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, brother of slain Israeli commando Yonatan Netanyahu, visited Entebbe with an Israeli delegation, and laid the groundwork for further Israeli–sub-Saharan African bilateral relations.
In popular culture
- Operation Thunderbolt: Entebbe, a documentary about the hijacking and the subsequent rescue mission.
- (1980), a of the Ugandan dictator briefly features the raid, with an unusual depiction of Amin displaying cowardice when he learns of it.
- Rescue at Entebbe, Episode 12 of 2005 documentary series Against All Odds: Israel Survives by Michael Greenspan.
- (2010), a documentary by director Andrew Wainrib, who gained access to the surviving commandos and hostages.
- Live or Die in Entebbe (2012) by director follows Yonatan Khayat's journey to uncover the circumstances of his uncle Jean-Jacques Maimoni's death in the raid.
- "Assault on Entebbe", an episode of the documentary .
- Operation Thunderbolt, the fifth episode in the 2012 documentary series Black Ops.
- (1976): with , , and , Director: .
- (1977): with , , , , , and , Director: , Producer: .
- (1977): with played Col. Netanyahu, and played the hijackers. Director: .
- (2006): The raid occurs as one episode in a longer story about Idi Amin.
- (2018): Director: .
Films inspired by Operation Entebbe
- (1986) which featured a hostage rescue operation inspired by Operation Entebbe.
- (2003) is a movie starring and who draw a plan to rescue hostages of an Indian airliner hijacked by Pakistani militants on the basis of Operation Entebbe.
Other media
- , a 1988 , loosely based on Operation Entebbe, but using a fictional location.
- , a 2009 play by based in part on Yonatan Netanyahu's letters. The play, produced by 's Theatre Or opened off-off Broadway in New York in June 2009 during the .
- The old control tower as seen from the front
- Close up of the control tower
- The old terminal building as it appeared in 2009
- Wall plaque on display at the old terminal building
- The old terminal building of the Entebbe International Airport as seen from the air
See also
- – a similar hijacking and raid on another Air France airliner in 1994
- – a project whose funding came about because of Operation Entebbe
- – a similar event the following year, involving a German airliner
- (Aman) – Israel's military intelligence agency
- – a proposed SAS operation during the inspired by Operation Entebbe
- – a clandestine airlift of a battalion of Greek commandos from Crete to Cyprus in 1974
- – Israeli Special Forces Units
- Sources state varying numbers of passengers, between 228 and 246; the higher figure is taken from The New York Times.
- Claims by various authors that the separation was made between Jews and non-Jews are in conflict with eyewitness accounts and later they were expressly disclaimed by several former hostages as a "myth" or a manipulation by "sensation-hungry journalists and film-makers."
- Now confidential cabinet papers released under the Freedom of Information Act show that the British High Commission in Kampala received a report from a Ugandan civilian that Mrs Bloch had been shot and her body dumped in the boot of a car which had Ugandan intelligence services number plates.
- Times, Terence Smith Special to The New York (1976-07-13). "Israelis Say Raider Impersonated Amin". The New York Times (ඇමෙරිකානු ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). 0362-4331. සම්ප්රවේශය 2023-10-05.
- McRaven, Bill. "Tactical Combat Casualty Care – November 2010". MHS US Department of Defense. 16 May 2011 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී. සම්ප්රවේශය 15 July 2011.
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Further reading
- (2010). "26, Entebbe: Flight 139". The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership. The Toby Press. pp. 303–318. ISBN .
- Blumenau, Bernhard (2014). "2, 'The German silence': the Entebbe hijacking of 1976". The United Nations and Terrorism. Germany, Multilateralism, and Antiterrorism Efforts in the 1970s. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 59–73. ISBN .
- Betser, Muki; Robert Rosenberg (1996). Secret Soldier. Sydney: Simon & Schuster. ISBN .
- (2015). Operation Thunderbolt: Flight 139 and the Raid on Entebbe Airport. London: . ISBN .
- Dunstan, Simon (2009). Israel's Lighting Strike, The raid on Entebbe 1976. ; Osprey Raid Series No. 2. ISBN .
- (1979). Yoni: Hero of Entebbe. Doubleday. ISBN .
- (2001). Yoni's Last Battle: The Rescue at Entebbe, 1976. Gefen Books. ISBN .
- Netanyahu, Ido; Netanyahu, ʻIdo; Netanyahu, Iddo; Hazony, Yoram (2003). Entebbe: the Jonathan Netanyahu story: a defining moment in the war on terrorism. Green Forest, AR: Balfour Books. ISBN .
- Netanyahu, Jonathan; Netanyahu, Binyamin; Netanyahu, Ido; Wouk, Herman (1998). Self-Portrait of a Hero: From the Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu, 1963–1976. Warner Books Inc. ISBN .
- (2001). The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu: The Commander of the Entebbe Rescue Operation. Gefen Publishing House, Ltd. ISBN .
- Seftel, Adam, ed. (2010) [1st pub. 1994]. Uganda: The Bloodstained Pearl of Africa and Its Struggle for Peace. From the Pages of Drum. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. ISBN .
- (1976). 90 Minutes at Entebbe. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN .
- Rwehururu, Bernard (2002). Cross to the Gun. Kampala: Monitor. 50243051.
External links

- Live or Die in Entebbe Trailer
- Operation Thunderbolt යූ ටියුබ් වෙත, video by National Geographic, 4 min.
- Raid on Entebbe යූ ටියුබ් වෙත video and digitised re-enactment, 9 min.
- Operation Thunderbolt – part 1 යූ ටියුබ් වෙත video documentary – detailed, 9 min. part 2 යූ ටියුබ් වෙත 10 min.
- The Greatest Hostage Rescue in History: Documentary on The Entebbe Raid. යූ ටියුබ් වෙත documentary – detailed, 44 min.
- Israel's raid on Entebbe was almost a disaster, Daily Telegraph article by Saul David
- Entebbe: Turning Point of Terrorism සංරක්ෂණය කළ පිටපත 4 මාර්තු 2016 at the Wayback Machine in Strategy and Tactics, No. 232, January/February 2006.
- isayeret.com – The Israeli Special Forces Database
- BBC Article and Videos – 4 July 1976: Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages (BBC)
- BBC: 30th anniversary of the raid on Entebbe
- BBC Age of Terror – Episode 1: Terror International
- Operation Entebbe protocols 5 November 2010. transcripts of Israeli Cabinet discussions
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එන ට බ ව ටල ම හ ඔපර ෂන එන ට බ න ල වශය න ඔපර ෂන තන ඩර බ ල ට පස ක ල නව ඔපර ෂන ය න ටන යන ස ක ත න මය න හඳ න වන ල බ යන 1976 ද උගන ඩ ව ඊශ ර යල ප රත ත රස ත ම හ ය මක එය ද යත කරන ලද ද ට ල අව ව සහ ප ර ස නගර අතර එය ර ප ර ශය ව ස න ම හ යවන ලද ජ ත යන තර ස ව ල මග ග වන ය නයක එය ර බස ඒ300 ප හ ර ග න මට ප රත ච ර වශය න ය ඇතන ස හ න වත ම ප ළක අතරත ර ග වන ය නය පලස ත න PFLP EO ත රස තව ද න ද ද න ක සහ ජර ම න RZ ත රස තව ද න ද ද න ක ව ස න ප හ ර ගන න ලද ඔව න ග වන ය නය ල බ ය වට සහ පස ව උගන ඩ වට හරව එන ට බ ජ ත යන තර ග වන ත ට පළට ග ඩ බ ස ස ය උගන ඩ වට ග ය පස කණ ඩ යමට උගන ඩ ව ආඥ ද යක ඉඩ අම න ග සහය ගය ල බ ණ Operation Thunderboltthe and the Cold War හ ක ටසක Israeli commandos with a resembling the one owned by Ugandan dictator used by to deceive Ugandan troops during the raid ද නය4 ජ ල 1976 වසර 48 කට ප ර 1976 07 04 ප හ ට ම Uganda0 02 43 N 32 27 13 E 0 04528 N 32 45361 E 0 04528 32 45361 ඛණ ඩ ක 0 02 43 N 32 27 13 E 0 04528 N 32 45361 E 0 04528 32 45361ප රත ඵලයIsraeli victory102 of 106 hostages rescued 25 of Uganda s military aircraft destroyedය ද ධ වත රයන Israel Supported by Kenyaආඥ පත යන සහ න යකයන හම ද මය ප රබලත වයආ 100 Israeli commandos plus aerial crew and support personnel 7 hijackers 5 Palestinians 2 Germans 100 Ugandan soldiersඅප ත කයන සහ හ න 1 killed Y Netanyahu 5 wounded7 hijackers killed 45 soldiers killed11 30 Ugandan aircraft destroyed4 hostages killed incl 10 hostages woundedclass notpageimage Sites associated with Operation Entebbe 1976 ජ න 27 වන ද න මග න 248 ද න ක ග ග වන ය නය ප හ රගත ත රස තව ද න ඊශ ර යලය ස රකර ස ට පලස ත න සහ අන බද ධ සටන ක ම න 40 ද න ක න දහස ක ර මට ම න ම තවත රටවල හතරක ස රකර වන 13 ද න ක න දහස ක ර මට බලක ර ම ප රක ශ ත අරම ණ ඇත ව ප ර ණ ඇපයට ගත හ ග වන ය නය ග ඩබ ම න පස ක ල ලකර වන ට සහය ද ක ව ම සඳහ උගන ඩ ස ල ද ද වන 100කට අධ ක ප ර සක ය දව ඇත අතර ම ල ස ටම ප හ ර ග න ම ප ළ බඳව ද න ම ද න අම න එන ට බ හ ද ත රස තව ද න ප ද ගල කව ප ළ ග න ඇත ස යල ම ප ර ණ ඇපකර වන අභ වයට ග ය ග වන ත ට පළකට ග න ග ය පස ක ල ලකර වන ස යල ඊශ ර යල ජ ත කයන සහ ඊශ ර යල න වන ය ද ව වන ක හ ප ද න ක ව ශ ල මග න ග න ව න කර පස ව ඔව න ව නම ක මරයකට ග න ග යහ ඊළඟ ද න ද ක ත ළ ඊශ ර යල න වන ප ර ණ ඇපකර වන 148 ද න ක න දහස කර ප ර ස ය ව ත ප ය සර කරන ලද ඉත ර මග න 94 ද න ඔව න ග න ව ඩ ද න ක ඊශ ර යල ජ ත කයන වන අතර 12 ද න ක ග න ය ත එය ර ප ර ශ ක ර ය මණ ඩලය ද ගටම ප ර ණ ඇපකර වන ල ස රඳව තබ ගන න ලද න යම කරන ලද ස රකර වන න දහස න කළහ ත 106 වහල න මර දමන බවට ක ල ලකර වන තර ජනය කර ත බ බ ව න ඊශ ර යල රජය ත ළ න ය ජ තයන ම ල න ව ව දයට ගත හ ම ස ඩ ව ස න සපයන ලද බ ද ධ ත රත ර මත ක ර ය ක ර ම ඊශ ර යල හම ද ව ගලව ග න ම ම හ ය මක ද යත ක ර මට ත රණය කරන ලද අම න ග උගන ඩ හම ද ව සමඟ සන නද ධ ග ට මකට ස ද නම ව ම ඊශ ර යල ස ලස ම වලට ඇත ළත ව ය 1976 ජ ල 3 වන ද න ර ත ර ය ම හ ය ම ආරම භ කරම න ඊශ ර යල ප රව හන ග වන ය න ගලව ග න ම ප රයත නය සඳහ උගන ඩ ව ව ත කම න ඩ භටය න 100 ද න ක 4 000 ස තප ම 2 500 වඩ ප ය සර කරන ලද ම න ත ත 90 ක ක ලය ත ළ ප ර ණ ඇපකර වන 102 ද න ක ස ර ථකව බ ර ග න මට හ ක ව අතර ත ද න ක ම ය ග ස ඇත ම යග ය ප ර ණ ඇපකර වන ග න එක අය ක වන ඩ ර බ ල ච ඊශ ර යල ගලව ග න ම ම හ ය ම න ට ක කලකට පස කම ප ල හ ර හලකද උගන ඩ බලධ ර න ව ස න ඝ තනය කරන ලද ග වන ය නය ප හ ර ග න ම ද ඇය ර ග ත ර ව ඇත අතර කම න ඩ භටය න ප ම ණ මට ප ර ප රත ක ර සඳහ ග වන ය නය න ඉවත කරන ලද ඊශ ර යල හම ද ව පස ද න ක ත ව ල ල බ අතර එක අය ක ම ය ග ය ය ය න ටන න තන ය හ යන එන ට බ ම හ ය ම ඊශ ර යලය එකම ම ර න ත කය ව අතර ගලව ග න ම ප රයත නය ද සයර ට ම ට කල ම හ යව ය ඔහ පස ව ඊශ ර යලය අගම ත බවට පත වන බ න ජම න න තන ය හ ග ව ඩ මහල සහ දරය ව ය ඊශ ර යල කම න ඩ භටය න ව ස න ක ල ලකර වන ස යල ද න සහ උගන ඩ ස ල ද ද වන 45 ද න ක මර ද ම අතර උගන ඩ ව MiG 17 සහ MiG 21 ය න එක ළහක ව න ශ කරන ලද උගන ඩ ව ම හ ය ම අතරත ර ඊශ ර යලයට අසල ව ස ක න ය ව සහ ය ල බ ණ ඉඩ අම න පස ව උගන ඩ ව ව ස න ස යල ම ක න ය න වන මර දමන ල ස උගන ඩ හම ද වට න ය ග න ක ත කළ ය එය ක න ය න උගන ඩ ජ ත කය න 245 ද න ක ග මරණයට සහ ක න ය න වන 3000ක පමණ උගන ඩ ව න ප ටව ය මට හ ත ව ය HijackingAir France Flight 139The involved at in 1980HijackingDate27 June 1976SummaryHijackingSiteGreek airspaceAircraftAircraft typeOperatorF BVGGFlight origin IsraelStopover GreeceDestination FranceOccupants260Passengers248Crew12Fatalities4Injuries10Survivors256 On 27 June 1976 Air France Flight 139 an c n 019 departed from Tel Aviv Israel carrying 246 mainly Jewish and passengers and a crew of 12 The plane flew to Athens Greece where it picked up an additional 58 passengers including four hijackers It departed for Paris at 12 30 pm Just after takeoff the flight was by two from the PFLP EO and by two Germans and from the German The hijackers diverted the flight to Libya There it was held on the ground for seven hours for refuelling During that time the hijackers released British born Israeli citizen Patricia Martell who pretended to have a The plane left Benghazi and at 3 15 pm on the 28th more than 24 hours after the flight s original departure it arrived at in Uganda Situation at Uganda s Entebbe International Airport At Entebbe the four hijackers were joined by at least four others supported by the forces of Uganda s president The hijackers transferred the passengers to the transit hall of the disused former airport terminal where they kept them under guard for the following days Amin came to visit the hostages almost on a daily basis updating them on developments and promising to use his efforts to have them freed through negotiations On 28 June a PFLP EO hijacker issued a declaration and formulated their demands In addition to a ransom of US 5 million for the release of the airplane they demanded the release of 53 Palestinian and pro Palestinian militants 40 of whom were prisoners in Israel They threatened that if these demands were not met they would begin to kill hostages on 1 July 1976 Separation of hostages On 29 June after Ugandan soldiers had opened an entrance to a room next to the crowded waiting hall by destroying a separating wall the hijackers separated the Israelis including those holding dual citizenship from the other hostages and told them to move to the adjoining room As they did so a Holocaust survivor showed hijacker Wilfried Bose a on his arm Bose protested I m no Nazi I am an idealist In addition five non Israeli hostages two ultra orthodox Jewish couples from the US and Belgium and a French resident of Israel were forced to join the Israeli group According to Monique Epstein Khalepski the French hostage among the five the captors had singled them out for questioning and suspected them of hiding their Israeli identities On the other hand according to French hostage Michel Cojot Goldberg the captors failed to identify at least one Israeli among the passengers who was a military officer with dual citizenship then using his non Israeli passport and he was later freed as part of the second release of non Israeli hostages US citizen Janet Almog Frenchwoman Jocelyne Monier whose husband or boyfriend was Israeli and French Israeli dual citizen Jean Jacques Mimouni whose name had not been called up during the reading of the original passport based list reportedly joined the Israeli hostage group by their own choice Release of most non Israeli hostages On 30 June the hijackers released 48 hostages The released were picked from among the non Israeli group mainly elderly and sick passengers and mothers with children Forty seven of them were flown by a chartered Air France Boeing 747 out of Entebbe to Paris and one passenger was treated in hospital for a day On 1 July after the Israeli government had conveyed its agreement to negotiations the hostage takers extended their deadline to noon on 4 July and released another group of 100 non Israeli captives who again were flown to Paris a few hours later Among the 106 hostages staying behind with their captors at Entebbe airport were the 12 members of the Air France crew who refused to leave about ten young French passengers and the Israeli group of some 84 people Israeli responseDiplomatic efforts In the week before the raid Israel tried using political avenues to obtain the release of the hostages Many sources indicate that the was prepared to release Palestinian prisoners if a military solution seemed unlikely to succeed A retired IDF officer Baruch Burka Bar Lev had known Idi Amin for many years and was considered to have a strong personal relationship with him At the request of the cabinet he spoke with Amin on the phone many times trying to gain the release of the hostages without success The Israeli government also approached the United States government to deliver a message to Egyptian president asking him to request that Amin release the hostages Prime minister and defence minister spent one week disagreeing on whether to give in to the hijackers demands Rabin s position or not to prevent more terrorism Peres position At the 1 July deadline the Israeli cabinet offered to negotiate with the hijackers to extend the deadline to 4 July Amin also asked them to extend the deadline until that date This meant he could take a diplomatic trip to Mauritius to officially hand over chairmanship of the to This extension of the hostage deadline proved crucial to providing Israeli forces enough time to get to Entebbe On 3 July at 18 30 the Israeli cabinet approved a rescue mission presented by and Brigadier General Shomron was appointed as the operation commander Egyptian PLO involvement and failure of diplomacy As the crisis unfolded attempts were made to negotiate the release of the hostages According to declassified diplomatic documents the Egyptian government under Sadat tried to negotiate with both the PLO and the Ugandan government PLO chairman sent his political aide to Uganda as a special envoy to negotiate with the hostage takers and with Amin However the PFLP EO hijackers refused to see him Israel s military preparations When Israeli authorities failed to negotiate a political solution they decided that their only option was an attack to rescue the hostages Lt Col lead pilot of the operation later said that the Israelis had initially conceived of a rescue plan that involved dropping naval commandos into The commandos would have ridden rubber boats to the airport on the edge of the lake They planned to kill the hijackers and after freeing the hostages they would ask Amin for passage home The Israelis abandoned this plan because they lacked the necessary time and also because they had received word that Lake Victoria was inhabited by the the mission s intelligence officer later stated that the proper layout of the airport was unknown as was the exact location of the hostages and whether the building had been prepared with explosives Aircraft refuelling While planning the raid the Israeli forces had to plan how to refuel the aircraft they intended to use while en route to Entebbe The Israelis lacked the logistical capacity to four to six aircraft so far from Israeli airspace While several nations including the logistically preferred choice Kenya were sympathetic none wished to incur the wrath of Amin or the Palestinians by allowing the Israelis to land their aircraft within their borders තහව ර කර න ම ත The raid could not proceed without assistance from at least one East African government The Israeli government secured permission from Kenya for the IDF task force to cross Kenyan airspace and refuel at what is today Kenyan persuaded Kenyan President to permit Mossad to collect intelligence prior to the operation and to allow the access to the Nairobi airport MacKenzie s support for the operation came after the then head of Britain s intelligence agency put his contacts in Mossad in touch with MacKenzie who had been an MI6 contact for some time The Jewish owner of the Block hotels chain in Kenya along with other members of the Jewish and Israeli community in may also have used their political and economic influence to help persuade Kenya s President Jomo Kenyatta to help Israel Uganda s Ambassador to overheard some of the details of the operation from officers who were discussing the possibility of Israeli compensation for the assistance and forwarded the information to Ugandan commander Maliyamungu did not alert Amin or take any action on the intelligence allegedly dismissing the report as gasiya rubbish According to Amin s son Jaffar Remo the Ugandan president still managed to receive Lumago s warning via telephone and after completing his responsibilities at the OAU meeting boarded a plane and flew back to Uganda An ex agent of Uganda s intelligence service the also claimed that Amin was informed by Lumago of the imminent raid The agent stated that Amin was terrified of possible reprisals in case his troops actually fought the Israeli military allegedly resulting in his ordering that the should not open fire on Israeli aircraft during a possible raid Mossad intelligence Mossad built an accurate picture of the whereabouts of the hostages the number of hijackers and the involvement of Ugandan troops based on information from the released hostages in Paris Further Israeli firms had been involved in construction projects in Africa during the 1960s and 1970s while preparing the raid the Israeli army consulted with a large Israeli construction firm that had built the terminal where the hostages were held While planning the military operation the IDF erected a partial replica of the airport terminal with the assistance of civilians who had helped build the original තහව ර කර න ම ත IDF major later remarked in an interview that Mossad operatives extensively interviewed the hostages who had been released He said that a French Jewish passenger who had a military background and a phenomenal memory had provided detailed information about the number of weapons carried by the hostage takers Task force The Israeli ground task force numbered approximately 100 personnel and comprised the following elements Ground command and control This small group comprised the operation and overall ground commander the air force representative Colonel Ami Ayalon and the communications and support personnel Assault A 29 man assault unit led by Lt Col this force was composed entirely of commandos from and was given the primary task of assaulting the old terminal and rescuing the hostages Major Betser led one of the element s assault teams and took command after Lt Col Netanyahu was killed Securers The force led by tasked with securing the civilian airport field clearing and securing the runways and protection and fuelling of the Israeli aircraft in Entebbe The force led by tasked with securing the C 130 Hercules aircraft for the hostages evacuation getting it as close as possible to the terminal and boarding the hostages also with acting as general reserves The force led by tasked with clearing the military airstrip and destroying the squadron of fighter jets on the ground to prevent any possible interceptions by the also with holding off hostile from the city of Entebbe RaidAerial photo of the city of and the at sunsetAttack route Taking off from the task force flew along the international flight path over the Red Sea mostly flying at a height of no more than 30 m 100 ft to avoid radar detection by Egyptian Sudanese and Saudi Arabian forces Near the south outlet of the Red Sea the C 130s turned south and crossed into Ethiopian territory passing west of From there they went to a point northeast of Nairobi Kenya They turned west passing through the and over Two jets followed the cargo planes The first Boeing contained medical facilities and landed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi Kenya The commander of the operation General Yekutiel Adam was on board the second Boeing which circled over Entebbe Airport during the raid The Israeli forces landed at Entebbe on 3 July at 23 00 with their doors already open Because the proper layout of the airport was not known the first plane almost taxied into a ditch A black car that looked like President Idi Amin s vehicle and that usually accompanied Amin s Mercedes were brought along The Israelis hoped they could use them to bypass security checkpoints When the C 130s landed Israeli assault team members drove the vehicles to the terminal building in the same fashion as Amin As they approached the terminal two Ugandan sentries aware that Idi Amin had recently purchased a white Mercedes ordered the vehicles to stop The first commandos shot the sentries using silenced pistols This was against the plan and against the orders the Ugandans were to be ignored as they were believed not to be likely to open fire at this stage An Israeli commando in one of the following Land Rovers opened fire with an unsuppressed rifle Fearing the hijackers would be alerted prematurely the assault team quickly approached the terminal Hostage rescue A 1994 photograph of the old terminal with a parked in front Bullet holes from the 1976 raid are still visible The Israelis left their vehicles and ran towards the terminal The hostages were in the main hall of the airport building directly adjacent to the runway Entering the terminal the commandos shouted through a megaphone Stay down Stay down We are Israeli soldiers in both Hebrew and English Jean Jacques Maimoni a 19 year old French immigrant to Israel stood up and was killed when Muki Betser and another soldier mistook him for a hijacker and fired at him Another hostage Pasco Cohen 52 was also fatally wounded by gunfire from the commandos In addition a third hostage 56 year old Ida Borochovitch a Russian Jew who had was killed by a hijacker in the crossfire According to hostage Ilan Hartuv Wilfried Bose was the only hijacker who after the operation began entered the hall housing the hostages At first he pointed his rifle at hostages but immediately came to his senses and ordered them to find shelter in the restroom before being killed by the commandos According to Hartuv Bose fired only at Israeli soldiers and not at hostages At one point an Israeli commando called out in Hebrew Where are the rest of them referring to the hijackers The hostages pointed to a connecting door of the airport s main hall into which the commandos threw several They then entered the room and shot dead the three remaining hijackers ending the assault Meanwhile the other three C 130 Hercules aeroplanes had landed and unloaded to provide defence during the anticipated hour of refuelling The Israelis then destroyed Ugandan MiG fighter planes to prevent them from pursuing and conducted a sweep of the airfield to gather intelligence Departure Rescued passengers welcomed at Ben Gurion Airport After the raid the Israeli assault team returned to their aircraft and began loading the hostages Ugandan soldiers shot at them in the process The Israeli commandos returned fire inflicting casualties on the Ugandans During this brief but intense firefight Ugandan soldiers fired from the At least five commandos were wounded and the Israeli unit commander Yonatan Netanyahu was killed Israeli commandos fired light machine guns and a back at the control tower suppressing the Ugandans fire According to one of Idi Amin s sons the soldier who shot Netanyahu a cousin of the Amin family was killed by return fire The Israelis finished evacuating the hostages loaded Netanyahu s body into one of the planes and left the airport The entire operation lasted 53 minutes of which the assault lasted only 30 minutes All seven hijackers present and about 50 Ugandan soldiers were killed Eleven Soviet built and fighter planes of the Uganda Army Air Force were destroyed on the ground at Entebbe Airport Out of the 106 hostages three were killed one was left in Uganda 74 year old and approximately 10 were wounded The 102 rescued hostages were flown to Israel via Nairobi Kenya shortly after the raid Ugandan reaction Relatives pay last respects to Dora Bloch 75 after she was murdered by officers of the Ugandan army Amin was furious upon learning of the raid and reportedly boasted that he could have taught the Israelis a lesson if he had known that they would strike Following the raid Maliyamungu had 14 soldiers arrested under suspicion of collaborating with the Israelis Once they were gathered in a room at Makindye Barracks he shot 12 of them with his pistol Uganda Army Chief of Staff reportedly wanted to incarcerate or execute the Entebbe Air Base commander who was absent from his post during the raid Sule had left the air base early that day to meet a female companion at Lake Victoria Hotel on 4 July Despite Adrisi s demands Sule s closeness to President Amin guaranteed his safety Murder of Dora Bloch ප රධ න ල ප ය Dora Bloch a 74 year old Israeli who also held British citizenship was taken to in after choking on a chicken bone After the raid she was murdered by officers of the Uganda Army as were some of her doctors and nurses apparently for trying to intervene In April 1987 Uganda s and at the time told the that Bloch had been dragged from her hospital bed and killed by two army officers on Amin s orders Bloch was shot and her body was dumped in the trunk of a car that had Ugandan intelligence services number plates Her remains were recovered near a sugar plantation 20 miles 32 km east of Kampala in 1979 after the ended Amin s rule Idi Amin s anti Kenyan crackdown Amin also ordered the killing of hundreds of Kenyans living in Uganda in retaliation for Kenya s assistance to Israel in the raid Uganda killed 245 Kenyans including airport staff at Entebbe To avoid massacre approximately 3000 Kenyans fled Uganda as refugees On May 24 1978 Kenya s former agriculture minister was killed when a bomb attached to his aircraft exploded as MacKenzie departed a meeting with Amin Some have asserted that Ugandan president Idi Amin ordered Ugandan agents to assassinate MacKenzie in retaliation for Kenya s involvement and MacKenzie s actions prior to the raid Others have indicated various other possible causes for the bombing including that another person aboard the plane may have been the target Later Mossad Chief Director had a forest planted in Israel in MacKenzie s name Aftermath and reactionsUnited Nations The convened on 9 July 1976 to consider a complaint from the Chairman of the Organization of African Unity charging Israel with an act of aggression The Council allowed Israel s ambassador to the United Nations and Uganda s foreign minister to participate without voting rights UN Secretary General told the Security Council that the raid was a serious violation of the sovereignty of a Member State of the United Nations though he was fully aware that this is not the only element involved when the world community is now required to deal with unprecedented problems arising from international terrorism Abdalla the representative of Uganda alleged that the affair was close to a peaceful resolution when Israel intervened while Herzog the representative of Israel accused Uganda of direct complicity in the hijacking The US and UK sponsored a resolution which condemned hijacking and similar acts deplored the loss of life arising from the hijacking without condemning either Israel or Uganda reaffirmed the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states and called on the international community to enhance the safety of civil aviation However the resolution failed to receive the required number of affirmative votes because two voting members abstained and seven were absent A second resolution sponsored by Benin Libya and Tanzania that condemned Israel was not put to a vote Western Bloc Western nations spoke in support of the raid West Germany called the raid an act of self defence Switzerland and France praised the operation Representatives of the United Kingdom and United States offered significant praise calling the Entebbe raid an impossible operation Some in the United States noted that the hostages were freed on 4 July 1976 200 years after the signing of the In private conversation with Israeli Ambassador Dinitz sounded criticism for Israeli use of US equipment during the operation but that criticism was not made public at the time In mid July 1976 the supercarrier and her escorts entered the Indian Ocean and operated off the Kenyan coast in response to a threat of military action by forces from Uganda The hijacked aircraft s pilot Captain was awarded the and the other crew members were awarded the In the ensuing years Betser and the Netanyahu brothers and all Sayeret Matkal veterans argued in increasingly public forums about who was to blame for the unexpected early firefight that caused Yonatan s death and partial loss of tactical surprise As a result of the operation the United States military developed rescue teams modelled on the unit employed in the Entebbe rescue One notable attempt was a failed 1980 rescue of 53 American embassy personnel held hostage in Tehran during the In a letter dated 13 July 1976 the Supreme Commander s Staff of the praised the Israeli commandos for the mission and extended condolences for the loss and martyrdom of Netanyahu F BVGG the aircraft in the hijacking of Air France Flight 139 was repaired and returned to service with Air France In April 1996 the aircraft was leased to for three months In December the same year the aircraft was converted into a freighter and was delivered to S C Aviation having been re registered as N742SC In 1998 the aircraft was delivered to and re registered as TC MNA In 2009 the aircraft was placed into storage at Istanbul Ataturk Airport and was scrapped in 2020 Palestinian bombing of Kenya s Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi owned by a prominent member of was bombed on 31 December 1980 The bomb flattened the hotel killing 20 people of several nationalities and injuring 87 more It was believed to be an act of revenge by pro Palestinian militants for Kenya s supporting role in Operation Entebbe CommemorationsIn August 2012 Uganda and Israel commemorated the raid at a somber ceremony at the base of a tower at the Old Entebbe Airport where Yonatan Netanyahu was killed Uganda and Israel renewed their commitment to fight terrorism and to work towards humanity In addition wreaths were laid a moment of silence was held speeches were given and a poem was recited The flags of Uganda and Israel were flown side by side symbolising the two countries strong bilateral relations next to a plaque bearing a history of the raid The ceremony was attended by Ugandan State Minister for Animal Industry and the deputy who laid wreaths at the site Forty years to the day after the rescue operation Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu brother of slain Israeli commando Yonatan Netanyahu visited Entebbe with an Israeli delegation and laid the groundwork for further Israeli sub Saharan African bilateral relations In popular cultureDocumentaries Operation Thunderbolt Entebbe a documentary about the hijacking and the subsequent rescue mission 1980 a of the Ugandan dictator briefly features the raid with an unusual depiction of Amin displaying cowardice when he learns of it Rescue at Entebbe Episode 12 of 2005 documentary series Against All Odds Israel Survives by Michael Greenspan 2010 a documentary by director Andrew Wainrib who gained access to the surviving commandos and hostages Live or Die in Entebbe 2012 by director follows Yonatan Khayat s journey to uncover the circumstances of his uncle Jean Jacques Maimoni s death in the raid Assault on Entebbe an episode of the documentary Operation Thunderbolt the fifth episode in the 2012 documentary series Black Ops Dramatizations 1976 with and Director 1977 with and Director Producer 1977 with played Col Netanyahu and played the hijackers Director 2006 The raid occurs as one episode in a longer story about Idi Amin 2018 Director Films inspired by Operation Entebbe 1986 which featured a hostage rescue operation inspired by Operation Entebbe 2003 is a movie starring and who draw a plan to rescue hostages of an Indian airliner hijacked by Pakistani militants on the basis of Operation Entebbe Other media a 1988 loosely based on Operation Entebbe but using a fictional location a 2009 play by based in part on Yonatan Netanyahu s letters The play produced by s Theatre Or opened off off Broadway in New York in June 2009 during the GalleryThe old control tower as seen from the front Close up of the control tower The old terminal building as it appeared in 2009 Wall plaque on display at the old terminal building The old terminal building of the Entebbe International Airport as seen from the airSee alsoFrance ද ව රය Aviation ද ව රය a similar hijacking and raid on another Air France airliner in 1994 a project whose funding came about because of Operation Entebbe a similar event the following year involving a German airliner Aman Israel s military intelligence agency a proposed SAS operation during the inspired by Operation Entebbe a clandestine airlift of a battalion of Greek commandos from Crete to Cyprus in 1974 Israeli Special Forces UnitsNotesSources state varying numbers of passengers between 228 and 246 the higher figure is taken from The New York Times Claims by various authors that the separation was made between Jews and non Jews are in conflict with eyewitness accounts and later they were expressly disclaimed by several former hostages as a myth or a manipulation by sensation hungry journalists and film makers Now confidential cabinet papers released under the Freedom of Information Act show that the British High Commission in Kampala received a report from a Ugandan civilian that Mrs Bloch had been shot and her body dumped in the boot of a car which had Ugandan intelligence services number plates ReferencesTimes Terence Smith Special to The New York 1976 07 13 Israelis Say Raider Impersonated Amin The New York Times ඇම ර ක න ඉ ග ර ස බස න 0362 4331 සම ප රව ශය 2023 10 05 McRaven Bill Tactical Combat Casualty Care November 2010 MHS US Department of Defense 16 May 2011 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 15 July 2011 1976 Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages BBC Dunstan Simon 2011 Entebbe the most daring raid of Israel s special forces The most daring raids in history New York Rosen Pub ISBN 978 1 4488 1868 6 649079751 Brzoska Michael Pearson Frederic S 1994 Arms and warfare escalation de escalation and negotiation Studies in international relations Columbia S C University of South Carolina Press ISBN 978 0 87249 982 9 Entebbe raid Encyclopaedia Britannica 26 June 2023 https www britannica com EBchecked topic 188804 Entebbe raid BBC on This Day 4 1976 Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages BBC News Melman Yossi 8 July 2011 Setting the record straight Entebbe was not Auschwitz Haaretz 5 November 2012 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Smith Terence 4 July 1976 Hostages Freed as Israelis Raid Uganda Airport Commandos in 3 Planes Rescue 105 Casualties Unknown Israelis Raid Uganda Airport And Free Hijackers Hostages The New York Times සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Hijacking of Air France Airbus by Followers of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Israeli Action to liberate Hostages held at Entebbe Airport PDF Keesing s Record of World Events 22 27888 August 1976 සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Furst Alan 2016 Operation Thunderbolt by Saul David The New York Times 0362 4331 සම ප රව ශය 8 January 2018 Idi Amin s Son My Dream Is to Apologize Personally to Family of Entebbe Victims Ha aretz 14 June 2016 Freed Hostages Tell Their Story Jewish Telegraphic Agency 2 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Dunstan Simon 2011 Entebbe The Most Daring Raid of Israel s Special Forces The Rosen Publishing Group pp 20 24 ISBN 978 1 4488 1868 6 සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2012 Ensalaco Mark 2008 Middle Eastern Terrorism From Black September to September 11 University of Pennsylvania Press pp 96 ISBN 978 0 8122 4046 7 සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2012 Entebbe Thirty Years On miracle on the runway Jewish Telegraph 2006 සම ප රව ශය 20 June 2011 Scharfstein Sol 1994 Understanding Israel KTAV Publishing House Inc pp 118 ISBN 978 0 88125 428 0 සම ප රව ශය 5 July 2012 2009 Israel s Lighting Strike The raid on Entebbe 1976 Osprey Raid Series No 2 p 24 ISBN 978 1 84603 397 1 Mossad took photos Entebbe Operation was on its way 2006 සම ප රව ශය 6 July 2009 Feldinger Lauren Gelfond 29 June 2006 Back to Entebbe සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Operation Entebbe The Knesset at Sixty සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Bayerlin Ulrich 1977 Abhandlungen Die israelische Befreiungsaktion von Entebbe in volkerrechtlicher Sicht Essays The Israeli liberation operation of Entebbe from an international law perspective PDF zaoerv de ජර මන බස න Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Dispute between Uganda and Kenya PDF Keesing s Record of World Events Vol 22 22 August 1976 p 27891 Lavie Aviv 31 July 2003 Surviving the myth Haaretz සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 How the Rescue Took Place Jewish Telegraphic Agency 5 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Hamilton Fiona 27 February 2008 General Dan Shomron The Times London 23 May 2010 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Ben Eyal 3 July 2006 Special Entebbe s unsung hero Ynetnews සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Entebbe Thirty Years On Mancunian On Board Jewish Telegraph සම ප රව ශය 22 September 2014 1976 Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages BBC News 4 July 1976 23 October 2012 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Dunstan Simon 2011 Entebbe The Most Daring Raid of Israel s Special Forces New York Rosen pp 17 18 Detailed Story Of Dramatic Israeli Raid Sarasota Herald Tribune 13 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 22 September 2014 1976 Operation Entebbe IDF blog Israeli Defense Forces 12 October 2017 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Ofer Yehuda 1976 Operation Thunder The Entebbe Raid The Israeli s Own Story Penguin pp 46 47 ISBN 978 0 14 052321 8 Moufflet Claude 1976 Otages a Kampala ප ර ශ බස න Presses de la Cite p 82 La aventura del secuestro de Entebbe contada por una protagonista The adventure of the Entebbe kidnapping told by a protagonist El Pais ස ප ඤ ඤ බස න 11 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Jerozolimski Ana 13 July 2006 Ada Lazarovitz 46 que hace 30 anos fuera una de las rehenes en el avion de Air France secuestrado por terroristas en Entebbe recuerda su liberacion Espacio Latino ස ප ඤ ඤ බස න Semanario Hebreo සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Goldberg Michel 1984 Namesake Corgi p 122 Tinnin David 8 August 1977 Like Father Time 2 18 October 2010 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද A review of Hitler s Children by Julian Becker Frum David 2000 How We Got Here The 70s the Decade That Brought You Modern Life For Better or Worse Basic Books p 342 ISBN 978 0 465 04196 1 Melman Yossi 8 July 2011 Setting the record straight Entebbe was not Auschwitz Haaretz 5 November 2012 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Ross Philip 2 August 1976 The Illustrated Story of the Great Israeli Rescue New York Magazine සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Almogs Retell Hijack Tale Heritage Florida Jewish News 10 September 1976 3 February 2015 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Prince Gibson Eetta 7 March 2013 Entebbe s Forgotten Dead Tablet සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Saul David 2017 Operation Thunderbolt Flight 139 and the Raid on Entebbe Airport the Most Audacious Hostage Rescue Mission in History Back Bay Books ISBN 978 0 316 24539 5 Kaplan David 3 August 2006 A historic hostage taking revisited The Jerusalem Post සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2018 උප ට ද ක ව ම ද ෂය අන ත ක lt ref gt ට ගය Hostages freed as israelis raid uganda airport2 නම ත ආශ ර යන සඳහ ක ස ද ප ළක සපය න ත බ ණ The Entebbe Rescue Mission Israel Defense Forces Jewish Virtual Library සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Vindication for the Israelis Time 26 July 1976 War of Words over a Tense Border Time 26 July 1976 Conversation between Henry Kissinger and Israeli Ambassador Simch Dinitz 30 June 1976 PDF 13 September 2019 ද න ම ල ප ටපත PDF ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 27 June 2015 Israel s raid on Entebbe was almost a disaster සම ප රව ශය 9 February 2018 Grimes Paul Rescuing the Entebbe Hostages The New York Times Friday 30 July 1976 The Weekend p 51 Lipkin Shakhak Tali The Forgotten Hero of Entebbe Historama 16 June 2006 Terence Smith 4 July 1976 Hostages Freed as Israelis Raid Uganda Airport The New York Times සම ප රව ශය 20 May 2010 Israel Defense Forces Entebbe Diary 9 December 2008 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Herman Eilts US Ambassador to Egypt to Secretary of State 6 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 Herman Eilts US Ambassador to Egypt to Secretary of State 9 July 1976 සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 Chabalier Herve 12 July 1976 Israel le prix d un exploit PDF Le Nouvel Observateur ප ර ශ බස න p 25 Williams Louis 2000 The Israel Defense Forces A People s Army iUniverse p 131 ISBN 978 0 595 14353 5 සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Melman Yossi A history of cooperation between Israel and Kenya The Jerusalem Post සම ප රව ශය 26 September 2013 Pearce Martin 2016 Spymaster the Life of Britain s Most Decorated Cold War Spy and Head of MI6 Sir Maurice Oldfield 1 ed London Bantam Press p 285 Dunstan Simon 2011 Entebbe The Most Daring Raid of Israel s Special Forces Rosen Publishing Group p 53 ISBN 978 1 4488 1868 6 සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Eichner Itamar 4 July 2016 Idi Amin s son My dream is to meet with Entebbe victims families to apologize Ynetnews සම ප රව ශය 12 August 2019 Alexander Ben 4 July 2016 Operation Thunderbolt Daring and Luck 17 April 2019 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 17 April 2019 Ocen Felix 11 August 2019 Rise of Maliyamungu from gatekeeper to Amin s right hand man Daily Monitor සම ප රව ශය 12 August 2019 Seftel 2010 ප ට අ කය 216 The Rescue We Do the Impossible Time 12 July 1976 14 January 2005 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 26 July 2009 Wars and Operations Operation Thunderball Entebbe හ බ බස න official website Israel marks 30th anniversary of Entebbe USA Today Associated Press 4 July 2006 6 July 2006 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Operation Entebbe Rescue at Entebbe HistoryNet 2 April 2018 සම ප රව ශය 17 April 2021 Stevenson William 1976 Ninety Minutes at Entebbe New York p 100 ISBN 978 0 553 10482 0 Remembering Entebbe Larry Domnitch The Jewish Press 1 July 2009 23 March 2011 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Kaplan David E 27 December 2012 A historic hostage taking revisited The Jerusalem Post 2 October 2013 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Remembering Entebbe Jerusalem Diaries 3 July 2001 සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Berg Raffi 3 July 2016 Entebbe pilot Michel Bacos saw hostage murdered BBC News සම ප රව ශය 3 July 2016 Cawthorne Nigel 2011 Warrior Elite 31 Heroic Special Ops Missions from the Raid on Son Tay to the Killing of Osama Bin Laden Ulysses Press p 57 ISBN 978 1 56975 930 1 සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Where are the rest of them entebbe Dunstan Simon 2011 Entebbe The Most Daring Raid of Israel s Special Forces Rosen Publishing Group pp 51 53 ISBN 978 1 4488 1868 6 සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 History When Kazini tried to arrest Kashillingi New Vision 11 December 2019 සම ප රව ශය 27 February 2020 Rwehururu 2002 ප ට අ කය 76 Maltz Judy 2016 06 04 40 years after Entebbe Israeli hostages reflect back on a saga of survival Haaretz සම ප රව ශය 2024 06 13 Verkaik Robert 13 February 2007 Revealed the fate of Idi Amin s hijack victim The Independent London සම ප රව ශය 4 July 2009 Verkaik Robert 13 February 2007 Revealed the fate of Idi Amin s hijack victim The Independent London 1976 British grandmother missing in Uganda BBC News 7 July 1976 18 December 2012 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Body of Amin Victim Is Flown Back to Israel The New York Times 1979 06 04 p A3 0362 4331 1976 Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages BBC News BBC On this day 4 July 2008 සම ප රව ශය 26 July 2009 Kalinaki Daniel K 3 July 2016 Entebbe raid humiliated Amin nearly caused East African war සම ප රව ශය 27 February 2018 Kahana Ephraim 2006 Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence Scarecrow Press ISBN 978 0 8108 6500 6 සම ප රව ශය 26 September 2013 Ugandan agents killed former Cabinet minister says dossier Standard Digital News සම ප රව ශය 26 September 2013 Dunstan Simon 15 January 2011 Entebbe The Most Daring Raid of Israel s Special Forces Simon Dunstan The Rosen Publishing Group ISBN 978 1 4488 1868 6 සම ප රව ශය 26 September 2013 Mossad McKenzie Idi Amin The strange mix The Citizen 2021 04 09 2019 05 26 සම ප රව ශය 2020 09 25 CAUTION THAT WEB PAGE INFECTED WITH A VIRUS at time of retrieval Mystery behind Bruce McKenzie s death lingers on June 2 2019 සම ප රව ශය 2020 09 25 permanent dead link Security Council Official Records 1939th meeting 9 July 1976 S PV 1939 Security Council United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America draft resolution Document S 12138 12 July 1976 Security Council Official Records 1943th meeting 14 July 1976 S PV 1943 p 18 Security Council Benin Libyan Arab Republic and United Republic of Tanzania draft resolution Document S 12139 12 July 1976 Age of Terror Episode one BBC News 16 April 2008 עכשיו במבצע תרבות ובידור Now on sale culture and entertainment Ynet 20 June 1995 සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 מבצע אנטבה Antebe Operation Mota co il හ බ බස න 21 July 2011 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 Conversation between Kissinger and Dinitz 5 July 1976 PDF 13 September 2018 ද න ම ල ප ටපත PDF ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 24 July 2011 USS Ranger Bicentennial Cruise Book 3 December 2013 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Entebbe Postscript Flight International 122 17 July 1976 via Flightglobal Archive Air et cosmos Issues 618 634 Impr Reaumur 1976 p 48 in French Michel Bacos the Air France hero of Entebbe The Jewish Chronicle 15 June 2012 4 December 2013 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 28 December 2013 Je dois ma vie a Tsahal I owe my life to the IDF Hamodia ප ර ශ බස න 11 ජ න 2011 30 ද ස ම බර 2013 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Roffe Ofir Sharon 2006 07 02 Special Entebbe s open wound Ynetnews සම ප රව ශය 2024 06 13 Hamerman Josh 2007 04 02 Battling against the falsification of history Ynetnews සම ප රව ශය 2024 06 13 Dershowitz Alan M 2006 Preemption A Knife that Cuts Both Ways W W Norton amp Company p 91 ISBN 978 0 393 32934 6 Houghton David Patrick U S Foreign Policy and the Iran Hostage Crisis Cambridge Univ Press 2001 pp 86 87 Nalty Bernard C November 2003 Winged Shield Winged Sword 1950 1997 A History of the United States Air Force University Press of the Pacific ISBN 978 1 4102 0902 3 Ginsburg Mitch 8 July 2015 In 1976 letter Iran hailed Entebbe rescue mourned death of Yoni Netanyahu Jerusalem සම ප රව ශය 8 May 2016 Ranter Harro ASN Aircraft accident Airbus A300B4 203 F BVGG Entebbe Airport EBB Aviation Safety Network සම ප රව ශය 19 November 2019 TC MNA MNG Airlines Airbus A300B4 www planespotters net ඉ ග ර ස බස න සම ප රව ශය 19 November 2019 MNG Airlines TC MNA Airbus A300 MSN 19 Ex F BVGG N742SC www airfleets net Airfleets aviation සම ප රව ශය 23 June 2020 Kiruga Morris 15 September 2013 20 killed in bomb attack on Norfolk Daily Nation 3 August 2016 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 23 September 2014 Nairobi assault Kenyan terrorist attacks since 1980 Telegraph co uk 21 September 2013 11 January 2022 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත Wahome Patrick Mutahi War on terror or war on human rights Implications of the war on terror for human rights in Kenya PDF 4 March 2016 ද න ම ල ප ටපත PDF ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 8 November 2012 Candia Steven 14 August 2012 Uganda Israel honor 1976 Entebbe raid New Vision 15 August 2012 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 14 August 2012 Macintyre Donald 4 July 2016 Binyamin Netanyahu visits scene of brother s 1976 Entebbe airport death The Guardian 26 July 1976 6 Film Studios Vie Over Entebbe Raid The New York Times සම ප රව ශය 27 April 2018 Rich Paul B 2018 Cinema and Unconventional Warfare in the Twentieth Century Insurgency Terrorism and Special Operations Bloomsbury Publishing p 196 ISBN 978 1 350 05570 4 Against All Odds Israel Survives 2012 Film Selections Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival Operation Entebbe Live or Die in Entebbe Trailer YouTube 3 December 2012 සම ප රව ශය 9 January 2013 Situation Critical National Geographic TV Amazon com Black OPS Season 1 Amazon Digital Services LLC Amazon Hoffman Jordan 2 March 2018 New Entebbe hijacked by heavy handed political correctness 6 July 2011 The Entebbe Raid 35 Years Later 18 February 2013 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂ ත ප ටපත සම ප රව ශය 27 December 2012 Chaudhuri Diptakirti 2014 Taking Flight 10 Aircraft and Photos Bollybook The Big Book of Hindi Movie Trivia Penguin UK ISBN 978 93 5118 799 8 Operation Thunderbolt Game Giant Bomb theatreor com presents A WORLD PREMIERE from an Israeli Perspective සම ප රව ශය 5 July 2009 Untitled Theater Co 61 s Fest of Jewish Theater amp Ideas Runs 20 May 2009 සම ප රව ශය 5 July 2009 Further reading 2010 26 Entebbe Flight 139 The Prime Ministers An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership The Toby Press pp 303 318 ISBN 978 1 59264 278 6 Blumenau Bernhard 2014 2 The German silence the Entebbe hijacking of 1976 The United Nations and Terrorism Germany Multilateralism and Antiterrorism Efforts in the 1970s Palgrave Macmillan pp 59 73 ISBN 978 1 137 39196 4 Betser Muki Robert Rosenberg 1996 Secret Soldier Sydney Simon amp Schuster ISBN 978 0 671 85233 7 2015 Operation Thunderbolt Flight 139 and the Raid on Entebbe Airport London ISBN 978 1 44476 251 8 Dunstan Simon 2009 Israel s Lighting Strike The raid on Entebbe 1976 Osprey Raid Series No 2 ISBN 978 1 84603 397 1 1979 Yoni Hero of Entebbe Doubleday ISBN 978 0 385 27127 1 2001 Yoni s Last Battle The Rescue at Entebbe 1976 Gefen Books ISBN 978 965 229 283 4 Netanyahu Ido Netanyahu ʻIdo Netanyahu Iddo Hazony Yoram 2003 Entebbe the Jonathan Netanyahu story a defining moment in the war on terrorism Green Forest AR Balfour Books ISBN 978 0 89221 553 9 Netanyahu Jonathan Netanyahu Binyamin Netanyahu Ido Wouk Herman 1998 Self Portrait of a Hero From the Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu 1963 1976 Warner Books Inc ISBN 978 0 446 67461 4 2001 The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu The Commander of the Entebbe Rescue Operation Gefen Publishing House Ltd ISBN 978 965 229 267 4 Seftel Adam ed 2010 1st pub 1994 Uganda The Bloodstained Pearl of Africa and Its Struggle for Peace From the Pages of Drum Kampala Fountain Publishers ISBN 978 9970 02 036 2 1976 90 Minutes at Entebbe New York Bantam Books ISBN 978 0 553 10482 0 Rwehururu Bernard 2002 Cross to the Gun Kampala Monitor 50243051 External linksඑන ට බ ව ටල ම හ සබ ඳ ම ධ ය ව ක ම ධ ය ක මන ස හ ඇත Listen to this article 28 minutes source source noiconThis audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 20 ද ස ම බර 2017 2017 12 20 and does not reflect subsequent edits Audio help Live or Die in Entebbe Trailer Operation Thunderbolt ය ට ය බ ව ත video by National Geographic 4 min Raid on Entebbe ය ට ය බ ව ත video and digitised re enactment 9 min Operation Thunderbolt part 1 ය ට ය බ ව ත video documentary detailed 9 min part 2 ය ට ය බ ව ත 10 min The Greatest Hostage Rescue in History Documentary on The Entebbe Raid ය ට ය බ ව ත documentary detailed 44 min Israel s raid on Entebbe was almost a disaster Daily Telegraph article by Saul David Entebbe Turning Point of Terrorism ස රක ෂණය කළ ප ටපත 4 ම ර ත 2016 at the Wayback Machine in Strategy and Tactics No 232 January February 2006 isayeret com The Israeli Special Forces Database BBC Article and Videos 4 July 1976 Israelis rescue Entebbe hostages BBC BBC 30th anniversary of the raid on Entebbe BBC Age of Terror Episode 1 Terror International Operation Entebbe protocols 5 November 2010 transcripts of Israeli Cabinet discussions