මෙම ලිපිය පරිවර්තනය කළ යුතුය කරුණාකර මෙම ලිපිය සිංහල භාෂාවට දායකවන්න. |
පල්ලිය, පල්ලි ගොඩනැගිල්ල හෝ පල්ලි නිවස යනු ක්රිස්තියානි නමස්කාර සේවා සහ අනෙකුත් ක්රිස්තියානි ආගමික කටයුතු සඳහා භාවිතා කරන ගොඩනැගිල්ලකි. 233 සහ 256 අතර ආරම්භ කරන ලද පැරණිතම ක්රිස්තියානි පල්ලිය වන්නේ ගෘහ දේවස්ථානයකි. 11 සිට 14 වන සියවස දක්වා බටහිර යුරෝපයේ පල්ලි ඉදිකිරීමේ රැල්ලක් පැවතුනි.

සමහර විට, "පල්ලිය" යන වචනය වෙනත් ආගම්වල ගොඩනැගිලි සඳහා සාදෘශ්ය ලෙස භාවිතා කරයි. සමස්තයක් ලෙස ක්රිස්තියානි ආගමික ප්රජාව හෝ ලොව පුරා සිටින ක්රිස්තියානි ඇදහිලිවන්තයන්ගේ ශරීරයක් හෝ රැස්වීමක් විස්තර කිරීමට ද "පල්ලිය" භාවිතා වේ.
සාම්ප්රදායික තුළ, පල්ලියක බොහෝ විට ලෙස සාදයි; මධ්ය සහ ආසන සිරස් කදම්භය නියෝජනය කරන අතර සහ තිරස්ව සාදයි. කුළුණු හෝ ගෝලාකාර ගර්භය ගැන මෙනෙහි කිරීමට පෙළඹවිය හැක. නූතන පල්ලිවල විවිධ සහ පිරිසැලසුම් ඇත. වෙනත් අරමුණු සඳහා නිර්මාණය කරන ලද සමහර ගොඩනැගිලි පල්ලි බවට පරිවර්තනය කර ඇති අතර බොහෝ මුල් පල්ලි ගොඩනැගිලි වෙනත් භාවිතයන් සඳහා යොදා ගෙන ඇත.

"පල්ලිය" යන වචනය cirice, "ක්රිස්තියානි නමස්කාරය සඳහා වෙන් කර ඇති එක්රැස්වීමේ ස්ථානය" යන වචනයෙන් ව්යුත්පන්න වී ඇත්තේ ප්රොටෝ-ජර්මානු "කිරිකා" යන්නෙනි. මෙය බොහෝ විට පැරණි ග්රීක kyriake (oikia), kyriakon doma, "The Lord's (house)", , "ryler, lord" වෙතින් ගොතික් භාෂාව හරහා භාවිතයට ගන්නට ඇත. Kyrios අනෙක් අතට පැමිණෙන්නේ ප්රෝටෝ-ඉන්දු-යුරෝපීය භාෂා මූලයෙන් වන *keue එනම් "ඉදිමීම" යන්නයි.
ග්රීකයන් kyriakon, "ස්වාමින්ගේ" යන අරුත ඇති වචනය, ආ. 300 AD සිට ක්රිස්තියානි නමස්කාර නිවාසවල, විශේෂයෙන් නැඟෙනහිර ප්රදේශයේ භාවිතා කර ඇත, නමුත් මෙම අර්ථයම ඇති වෙනත් වචන වන ekklesia හෝ basilike වලට වඩා අඩුවෙන් පොදු විය.

The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a (domus ecclesiae), the , founded between 233 and 256.===පෞරාණිකත්වය===
, 233 සහ 256 අතර ආරම්භ කරන ලද ඩුරා-යුරෝපොස් පල්ලිය ගෘහ දේවස්ථානයකි ('ඩොමස් එක්ලෙසියා'). මෙය පුරාවිද්යාත්මකව හඳුනාගෙන ඇති පැරණිතම ක්රිස්තියානි පල්ලිය කි.
ක්රිස්තු වර්ෂ 3 වැනි සියවසේ දෙවන භාගයේදී ක්රිස්තියානි නමස්කාරය සඳහා ප්රථම අරමුණින් ගොඩනඟන ලද ශාලා (ඕලා එක්ලෙසියා) ඉදිකිරීමට පටන් ගත්තේය. මේවායින් බොහොමයක් ඊළඟ ශතවර්ෂයේ මුල් භාගයේදී ඩයොක්ලීටියානු පීඩාවේදී විනාශයට පත් වුවද. මහා කොන්ස්ටන්ටයින් අධිරාජ්යයාගේ පාලන සමයේදී ඊටත් වඩා විශාල හා වඩාත් සවිස්තරාත්මක පල්ලි පෙනෙන්නට පටන් ගත්තේය.
Medieval times
From the 11th through the 14th centuries, a wave of cathedral-building and construction of smaller occurred across . Besides serving as a , the cathedral or parish church was frequently employed as a general gathering-place by the communities in which they were located, hosting such events as meetings, , , and . Church grounds and buildings were also used for the threshing and storage of grain.
Romanesque architecture
Between 1000 and 1200 the style became popular across Europe. The romanesque style is defined by large and bulky edifices that are typically made up of simple, compact, sparsely decorated geometric structures. Frequent features of the Romanesque church include , round or towers and on pillars. In the early romanesque era, on the ceiling was fashionable, while later in the same era, gained popularity. Interiors widened and the motifs of sculptures took on more epic traits and themes.
Gothic architecture

The style emerged around 1140 in and subsequently spread throughout Europe. Gothic churches lost the compact qualities of the romanesque era and decorations often contained and features. The first , and began to appear, all possessing geometric properties that reduced the need for large, rigid walls to ensure structural stability. This also permitted the size of windows to increase, producing brighter and lighter interiors. ceilings became higher and pillars and steeples grew taller. Many architects used these developments to push the limits of structural possibility, an inclination which resulted in the collapse of several towers possessing designs that had unwittingly exceeded the boundaries of soundness. In Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain, it became popular to build , a style in which every would be built to the same height.
Gothic cathedrals were lavishly designed, as in the romanesque era, and many share romanesque traits. However, several also exhibit unprecedented degrees of detail and complexity in decoration. The and in France, as well as the in , and the and in England and in , India shows the elaborate stylings characteristic of Gothic cathedrals.
Some of the most well-known gothic churches remained unfinished for centuries, after the gothic style fell out of popularity. The construction of the , which was begun in 1248, halted in 1473, and not resumed until 1842 is one such example.

In the 15th and 16th century, the change in ethics and society due to the Renaissance and the also influenced the building of churches. The common style was much like the gothic style, but in a simplified way. The was not the most popular type of church anymore, but instead were built. Typical features are columns and classical .
In , where the proclamation of God's Word is of special importance, the visitor's line of view is directed towards the .
Baroque architecture

The style was first used in Italy around 1575. From there it spread to the rest of Europe and to the European colonies. During the era, the building industry increased heavily. Buildings, even churches, were used as indicators for wealth, authority and influence. The use of forms known from the renaissance were extremely exaggerated. and were decorated with moulding and the former sculptures were replaced by paintings on the ceilings. For the first time, churches were seen as one connected work of art and consistent artistic concepts were developed. Instead of long buildings, more central-plan buildings were created. The sprawling decoration with floral ornamentation and mythological motives raised until about 1720 to the era.
The preferred lateral churches, in which all the visitors could be as close as possible to the and the .[]
ගෘහනිර්මාණ ශිල්පය

පල්ලි සඳහා පොදු ගෘහනිර්මාණ ශිල්පයක් වන්නේ හැඩයයි. (දිගු මධ්යම සෘජුකෝණාස්රයක්, පැති සෘජුකෝණාස්රයක් සහ අවකාශය හෝ අභයභූමිය සඳහා ඉදිරිපස සෘජුකෝණාස්රයක්). මෙම පල්ලිවල බොහෝ විට අභ්යන්තරයේ හෝ වෙනත් විශාල අවකාශයක් ඇත. පල්ලි සඳහා වන අනෙකුත් පොදු හැඩතල අතරට කවයක්, සදාකාලිකත්වය නියෝජනය කිරීම හෝ පල්ලිය ලෝකයට ආලෝකය ගෙන ඒම නියෝජනය කිරීම සඳහා හෝ සමාන තරු හැඩයක් ඇතුළත් වේ. තවත් පොදු ලක්ෂණයක් වන්නේ පල්ලියේ "බටහිර" කෙළවරේ හෝ මත ඇති උස කුළුණකි.[]
බොහෝ ක්රිස්තියානි පල්ලිවල තවත් පොදු ලක්ෂණයක් වන්නේ ඉදිරිපස පූජාසනයේ නැගෙනහිර දිශානතියයි. බොහෝ විට, පූජාසනය නැඟෙනහිර දෙසට නොව හිරු නැඟෙන දිශාවට යොමු කෙරේ. මෙම සම්ප්රදාය 4 වන සියවසේ බයිසැන්තියම් වලින් ආරම්භ වූ අතර 8 සිට 9 වන සියවස දක්වා බටහිර රටවල ප්රචලිත විය. බටහිර කෙළවරේ පූජාසනය සහ නැගෙනහිරින් පිවිසුම තිබීමේ පැරණි රෝම චාරිත්රය සමහර විට 11 වන සියවසේ අගභාගයේදී පවා ෆ්රෑන්ක් පාලනය යටතේ උතුරු යුරෝපයේ ප්රදේශවල පවා අනුගමනය කරන ලදී. පීටර්ෂවුසන් (කොන්ස්ටන්ස්), බැම්බර්ග් ආසන දෙව්මැදුර, ඕග්ස්බර්ග් ආසන දෙව්මැදුර. , Regensburg ආසන දෙව්මැදුර, සහ Hildesheim ආසන දෙව්මැදුර මේවාට උදාහරණ වේ.
The word basilica was originally used to describe a public building usually located in the of a Roman town. After the became , the term came by extension to refer to a large and important church that has been given special ceremonial rights by the Pope.[] The word thus retains two senses today, one architectural and the other ecclesiastical.
A cathedral is a church, usually Catholic, , or , housing the seat of a bishop. The word cathedral takes its name from , or Bishop's Throne (In ලතින්: ecclesia cathedralis). The term is sometimes (improperly) used to refer to any church of great size.
A church that has the function of cathedral is not necessarily a large building. It might be as small as in Oxford, England, in , Finland, in , or Cathedral in Switzerland. However, frequently, the cathedral along with some of the abbey churches, was the in any region.

Pilgrimage church
A pilgrimage church is a church to which are regularly made, or a church along a pilgrimage route, often located at the tomb of a saints, or holding icons or to which miraculous properties are ascribed, the site of , etc.
Conventual church

A conventual church (or monastery church, , ) is the main church in a Christian or .
Proprietary church
During the Middle Ages, a proprietary church was a church, abbey or cloister built on private ground by a feudal lord, over which he retained proprietary interests.
Collegiate church
A collegiate church is a church where the of worship is maintained by a of , which may be presided over by a or . Collegiate churches were often supported by extensive lands held by the church, or by income from . They commonly provide distinct spaces for congregational worship and for the choir offices of their clerical community.
Evangelical church structures
The architecture of places of worship is mainly characterized by its sobriety. The is a well known that can usually be seen on the building of an evangelical church and that identifies the place's belonging. Some services take place in theaters, schools or multipurpose rooms, rented for Sunday only. There is usually a at the front of the church (in what is known as the in historic traditions) or in a separate room for .
Worship services take on impressive proportions in the (churches where more than 2,000 people gather every Sunday). In some of these megachurches, more than 10,000 people gather every Sunday. The term gigachurch is sometimes used. For example, (United States) or (South Korea).
House church
In some countries of the world which apply or , government authorizations for worship are complex for Christians. Because of , Evangelical have thus developed. For example, there is the movement. The meetings thus take place in private houses, in secret and in "illegality".
Alternative buildings

Old and disused church buildings can be seen as an interesting proposition for developers as the architecture and location often provide for attractive homes or city centre entertainment venues On the other hand, many newer churches have decided to host meetings in public buildings such as schools, universities, cinemas or theatres.
There is another trend to convert old buildings for rather than face the construction costs and planning difficulties of a new build. Unusual venues in the UK include a former tram power station, a former , a former cinema and hall, a former drill hall, and a former . served as a floating church for mariners at from 1827 until she sank in 1872. A windmill has also been converted into a church at .
There has been an increase in partnerships between church management and private real estate companies to redevelop church properties into mixed uses. While it has garnered criticism from some, the partnership offers congregations the opportunity to increase revenue while preserving the property.
මේවාද බලන්න
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බාහිර සබැඳි

- New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia – Ecclesiastical Buildings
- New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia – The Church
- Prairie Churches Documentary produced by
- Documentary produced by
"Ecclesiastical Buildings". . New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
ම ම ල ප ය පර වර තනය කළ ය ත ය කර ණ කර ම ම ල ප ය ස හල භ ෂ වට පර වර තනය ක ර ම න ද යකවන න පල ල ය පල ල ග ඩන ග ල ල හ පල ල න වස යන ක ර ස ත ය න නමස ක ර ස ව සහ අන ක ත ක ර ස ත ය න ආගම ක කටය ත සඳහ භ ව ත කරන ග ඩන ග ල ලක 233 සහ 256 අතර ආරම භ කරන ලද ප රණ තම ක ර ස ත ය න පල ල ය වන න ග හ ද වස ථ නයක 11 ස ට 14 වන ස යවස දක ව බටහ ර ය ර පය පල ල ඉද ක ර ම ර ල ලක ප වත න ල ම ඩල න ප ර ශය ප ර ස හ නව සම භ ව ය සහ ත ර ම න කත ල ක පල ල යක එක සත ජනපදය වර ජ න ය ව ර න ක හ ශ න ත ඇන ඩ කත ල ක ද වස ථ නය අභ යන තරය සමහර ව ට පල ල ය යන වචනය ව නත ආගම වල ග ඩන ග ල සඳහ ස ද ශ ය ල ස භ ව ත කරය සමස තයක ල ස ක ර ස ත ය න ආගම ක ප රජ ව හ ල ව ප ර ස ට න ක ර ස ත ය න ඇදහ ල වන තයන ග ශර රයක හ ර ස ව මක ව ස තර ක ර මට ද පල ල ය භ ව ත ව ස ම ප රද ය ක ත ළ පල ල යක බ හ ව ට ල ස ස දය මධ ය සහ ආසන ස රස කදම භය න ය ජනය කරන අතර සහ ත රස ව ස දය ක ළ ණ හ ග ල ක ර ගර භය ග න ම න හ ක ර මට ප ළඹව ය හ ක න තන පල ල වල ව ව ධ සහ ප ර ස ලස ම ඇත ව නත අරම ණ සඳහ න ර ම ණය කරන ලද සමහර ග ඩන ග ල පල ල බවට පර වර තනය කර ඇත අතර බ හ ම ල පල ල ග ඩන ග ල ව නත භ ව තයන සඳහ ය ද ග න ඇත න ර ක ත යCyrican යන පල ල සහ පල ල ය ද පළ සඳහ වචනයක පල ල ය යන වචනය cirice ක ර ස ත ය න නමස ක රය සඳහ ව න කර ඇත එක ර ස ව ම ස ථ නය යන වචනය න ව ය ත පන න ව ඇත ත ප ර ට ජර ම න ක ර ක යන න න ම ය බ හ ව ට ප රණ ග ර ක kyriake oikia kyriakon doma The Lord s house ryler lord ව ත න ග ත ක භ ෂ ව හරහ භ ව තයට ගන නට ඇත Kyrios අන ක අතට ප ම ණ න න ප ර ට ඉන ද ය ර ප ය භ ෂ ම ලය න වන keue එනම ඉද ම ම යන නය ග ර කයන kyriakon ස ව ම න ග යන අර ත ඇත වචනය ආ 300 AD ස ට ක ර ස ත ය න නමස ක ර න ව සවල ව ශ ෂය න න ඟ නහ ර ප රද ශය භ ව ත කර ඇත නම ත ම ම අර ථයම ඇත ව නත වචන වන ekklesia හ basilike වලට වඩ අඩ ව න ප ද ව ය ඉත හ සයAntiquity South facade of the in Aleppo Syria is considered to be one of the oldest surviving church buildings in the world The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a domus ecclesiae the founded between 233 and 256 ප ර ණ කත වය ස ර ය ව ඇල ප ප හ ශ න ත ස ම ය න ස ටය ලය ට ස ද වස ථ නය දක ණ ම හ ණත ල කය ද නට පවත න ප රණ තම ද වස ථ න ග ඩන ග ල වල න එකක ල ස ස ලක 233 සහ 256 අතර ආරම භ කරන ලද ඩ ර ය ර ප ස පල ල ය ග හ ද වස ථ නයක ඩ මස එක ල ස ය ම ය ප ර ව ද ය ත මකව හඳ න ග න ඇත ප රණ තම ක ර ස ත ය න පල ල ය ක ක ර ස ත වර ෂ 3 ව න ස යවස ද වන භ ගය ද ක ර ස ත ය න නමස ක රය සඳහ ප රථම අරම ණ න ග ඩනඟන ලද ශ ල ඕල එක ල ස ය ඉද ක ර මට පටන ගත ත ය ම ව ය න බ හ මයක ඊළඟ ශතවර ෂය ම ල භ ගය ද ඩය ක ල ට ය න ප ඩ ව ද ව න ශයට පත ව වද මහ ක න ස ටන ටය න අධ ර ජ යය ග ප ලන සමය ද ඊටත වඩ ව ශ ල හ වඩ ත සව ස තර ත මක පල ල ප න න නට පටන ගත ත ය Medieval times From the 11th through the 14th centuries a wave of cathedral building and construction of smaller occurred across Besides serving as a the cathedral or parish church was frequently employed as a general gathering place by the communities in which they were located hosting such events as meetings and Church grounds and buildings were also used for the threshing and storage of grain Romanesque architecture Between 1000 and 1200 the style became popular across Europe The romanesque style is defined by large and bulky edifices that are typically made up of simple compact sparsely decorated geometric structures Frequent features of the Romanesque church include round or towers and on pillars In the early romanesque era on the ceiling was fashionable while later in the same era gained popularity Interiors widened and the motifs of sculptures took on more epic traits and themes Gothic architecture The in Munich is a largely medieval church is a basilica church located in Colombia The present temple of style was built between 1916 and 1949 The style emerged around 1140 in and subsequently spread throughout Europe Gothic churches lost the compact qualities of the romanesque era and decorations often contained and features The first and began to appear all possessing geometric properties that reduced the need for large rigid walls to ensure structural stability This also permitted the size of windows to increase producing brighter and lighter interiors ceilings became higher and pillars and steeples grew taller Many architects used these developments to push the limits of structural possibility an inclination which resulted in the collapse of several towers possessing designs that had unwittingly exceeded the boundaries of soundness In Germany the Netherlands and Spain it became popular to build a style in which every would be built to the same height Gothic cathedrals were lavishly designed as in the romanesque era and many share romanesque traits However several also exhibit unprecedented degrees of detail and complexity in decoration The and in France as well as the in and the and in England and in India shows the elaborate stylings characteristic of Gothic cathedrals Some of the most well known gothic churches remained unfinished for centuries after the gothic style fell out of popularity The construction of the which was begun in 1248 halted in 1473 and not resumed until 1842 is one such example Renaissance Lutheran Parish Church of Hallstatt Upper Austria In the 15th and 16th century the change in ethics and society due to the Renaissance and the also influenced the building of churches The common style was much like the gothic style but in a simplified way The was not the most popular type of church anymore but instead were built Typical features are columns and classical In where the proclamation of God s Word is of special importance the visitor s line of view is directed towards the Baroque architecture Central of the Lithuania an example of a church interior The style was first used in Italy around 1575 From there it spread to the rest of Europe and to the European colonies During the era the building industry increased heavily Buildings even churches were used as indicators for wealth authority and influence The use of forms known from the renaissance were extremely exaggerated and were decorated with moulding and the former sculptures were replaced by paintings on the ceilings For the first time churches were seen as one connected work of art and consistent artistic concepts were developed Instead of long buildings more central plan buildings were created The sprawling decoration with floral ornamentation and mythological motives raised until about 1720 to the era The preferred lateral churches in which all the visitors could be as close as possible to the and the තහව ර කර න ම ත ග හන ර ම ණ ශ ල පයප රධ න ල ප ය එ ගලන තය න ර ෆ ක හ ප හ ට ක ළ ණ වල න න ර ව ච ආසන ද ව ම ද ර දර ශනයනව සම භ ව ය ව ල ස ත ව හ ල ස න ක ආසන ද ව ම ද ර මහ පල ල ය ශ ල ව පල ල සඳහ ප ද ග හන ර ම ණ ශ ල පයක වන න හ ඩයය ද ග මධ යම ස ජ ක ණ ස රයක ප ත ස ජ ක ණ ස රයක සහ අවක ශය හ අභයභ ම ය සඳහ ඉද ර පස ස ජ ක ණ ස රයක ම ම පල ල වල බ හ ව ට අභ යන තරය හ ව නත ව ශ ල අවක ශයක ඇත පල ල සඳහ වන අන ක ත ප ද හ ඩතල අතරට කවයක සද ක ල කත වය න ය ජනය ක ර ම හ පල ල ය ල කයට ආල කය ග න ඒම න ය ජනය ක ර ම සඳහ හ සම න තර හ ඩයක ඇත ළත ව තවත ප ද ලක ෂණයක වන න පල ල ය බටහ ර ක ළවර හ මත ඇත උස ක ළ ණක තහව ර කර න ම ත බ හ ක ර ස ත ය න පල ල වල තවත ප ද ලක ෂණයක වන න ඉද ර පස ප ජ සනය න ග නහ ර ද ශ නත යය බ හ ව ට ප ජ සනය න ඟ නහ ර ද සට න ව හ ර න ඟ න ද ශ වට ය ම ක ර ම ම සම ප රද ය 4 වන ස යවස බය ස න ත යම වල න ආරම භ ව අතර 8 ස ට 9 වන ස යවස දක ව බටහ ර රටවල ප රචල ත ව ය බටහ ර ක ළවර ප ජ සනය සහ න ග නහ ර න ප ව ස ම ත බ ම ප රණ ර ම ච ර ත රය සමහර ව ට 11 වන ස යවස අගභ ගය ද පව ෆ ර න ක ප ලනය යටත උත ර ය ර පය ප රද ශවල පව අන ගමනය කරන ලද ප ටර ෂව සන ක න ස ටන ස බ ම බර ග ආසන ද ව ම ද ර ඕග ස බර ග ආසන ද ව ම ද ර Regensburg ආසන ද ව ම ද ර සහ Hildesheim ආසන ද ව ම ද ර ම ව ට උද හරණ ව TypesBasilica ප රධ න ල ප ය The word basilica was originally used to describe a public building usually located in the of a Roman town After the became the term came by extension to refer to a large and important church that has been given special ceremonial rights by the Pope තහව ර කර න ම ත The word thus retains two senses today one architectural and the other ecclesiastical Cathedral ප රධ න ල ප යන සහ in Moscow Russia today a museum is a famous and characteristic example of a building A cathedral is a church usually Catholic or housing the seat of a bishop The word cathedral takes its name from or Bishop s Throne In ලත න ecclesia cathedralis The term is sometimes improperly used to refer to any church of great size A church that has the function of cathedral is not necessarily a large building It might be as small as in Oxford England in Finland in or Cathedral in Switzerland However frequently the cathedral along with some of the abbey churches was the in any region Utrecht NetherlandsPilgrimage church ප රධ න ල ප ය A pilgrimage church is a church to which are regularly made or a church along a pilgrimage route often located at the tomb of a saints or holding icons or to which miraculous properties are ascribed the site of etc Conventual church An interior of the s a medieval Catholic monastery in Finland A conventual church or monastery church is the main church in a Christian or Chapel ප රධ න ල ප ය Proprietary church ප රධ න ල ප ය During the Middle Ages a proprietary church was a church abbey or cloister built on private ground by a feudal lord over which he retained proprietary interests Collegiate church ප රධ න ල ප ය A collegiate church is a church where the of worship is maintained by a of which may be presided over by a or Collegiate churches were often supported by extensive lands held by the church or by income from They commonly provide distinct spaces for congregational worship and for the choir offices of their clerical community Evangelical church structures The architecture of places of worship is mainly characterized by its sobriety The is a well known that can usually be seen on the building of an evangelical church and that identifies the place s belonging Some services take place in theaters schools or multipurpose rooms rented for Sunday only There is usually a at the front of the church in what is known as the in historic traditions or in a separate room for Worship service at Pasig affiliated to the in 2014 in Philippines Worship services take on impressive proportions in the churches where more than 2 000 people gather every Sunday In some of these megachurches more than 10 000 people gather every Sunday The term gigachurch is sometimes used For example United States or South Korea House church In some countries of the world which apply or government authorizations for worship are complex for Christians Because of Evangelical have thus developed For example there is the movement The meetings thus take place in private houses in secret and in illegality Alternative buildings A wooden St Magdalena Church in the Estonia Old and disused church buildings can be seen as an interesting proposition for developers as the architecture and location often provide for attractive homes or city centre entertainment venues On the other hand many newer churches have decided to host meetings in public buildings such as schools universities cinemas or theatres There is another trend to convert old buildings for rather than face the construction costs and planning difficulties of a new build Unusual venues in the UK include a former tram power station a former a former cinema and hall a former drill hall and a former served as a floating church for mariners at from 1827 until she sank in 1872 A windmill has also been converted into a church at There has been an increase in partnerships between church management and private real estate companies to redevelop church properties into mixed uses While it has garnered criticism from some the partnership offers congregations the opportunity to increase revenue while preserving the property ම ව ද බලන නChristianity ද ව රය පන සලම ල ශ රUse of the term The Manichaean Church Encyclopaedia Britannica Church Definition History amp Types Britannica Church Online Etymology Dictionary සම ප රව ශය 8 August 2016 Snyder Graydon F 2003 Ante Pacem Archaeological Evidence of Church Life Before Constantine Mercer University Press p 128 Hartog Paul ed February 2010 The Contemporary Church and the Early Church Case Studies in Ressourcement Pickwick Publications ISBN 978 1606088999 Chapter 3 Levy Cathedrals and the Church p 12 Toman Rolf 2015 04 30 Romanesque Architecture Sculpture Painting ඉ ග ර ස බස න h f ullmann ISBN 9783848008407 Frankl Paul Crossley Paul 2000 Gothic Architecture ඉ ග ර ස බස න Yale University Press ISBN 0300087993 Anderson Christy 2013 02 28 Renaissance Architecture ඉ ග ර ස බස න OUP Oxford ISBN 9780192842275 Merz Jorg Martin 2008 Pietro Da Cortona and Roman Baroque Architecture ඉ ග ර ස බස න Yale University Press ISBN 978 0300111231 Petit John Louis 1841 Remarks on Church Architecture ඉ ග ර ස බස න J Burns The Institute for Sacred Architecture Articles Sacred Places The Significance of the Church Building www sacredarchitecture org සම ප රව ශය 2017 08 16 Heinrich Otte Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunst Archaologie des deutschen Mittelalters Leipzig 1868 p 12 The Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art and Architecture 2013 ISBN 978 0 19968027 6 p 117 The Institute for Sacred Architecture Articles The Eschatological Dimension of Church Architecture Peter W Williams Houses of God Region Religion and Architecture in the United States University of Illinois Press USA 2000 p 125 Murray Dempster Byron D Klaus Douglas Petersen The Globalization of Pentecostalism A Religion Made to Travel Wipf and Stock Publishers USA 2011 p 210 Mark A Lamport Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South Volume 2 Rowman amp Littlefield USA 2018 p 32 Anne C Loveland Otis B Wheeler From Meetinghouse to Megachurch A Material and Cultural History University of Missouri Press USA 2003 p 149 Annabelle Caillou Vivre grace aux dons et au benevolat ledevoir com Canada 10 November 2018 Helmuth Berking Silke Steets Jochen Schwenk Religious Pluralism and the City Inquiries into Postsecular Urbanism Bloomsbury Publishing UK 2018 p 78 George Thomas Kurian Mark A Lamport Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States Volume 5 Rowman amp Littlefield USA 2016 p 1359 William H Brackney Historical Dictionary of the Baptists Scarecrow Press USA 2009 p 61 Wade Clark Roof Contemporary American Religion Volume 1 Macmillan UK 2000 p 49 Sam Hey Megachurches Origins Ministry and Prospects Wipf and Stock Publishers USA 2013 p 265 Ed Stetzer Megachurch Research Terminology christianitytoday com USA October 9 2008 Alicia Budich From Megachurch to Gigachurch cbsnews com USA April 6 2012 Erwin Fahlbusch Geoffrey William Bromiley The Encyclopedia of Christianity Volume 4 Wm B Eerdmans Publishing USA 2005 p 163 Yves Mamou Yves Mamou Les persecutions de chretiens ont lieu en majorite dans des pays musulmans lefigaro fr France March 20 2019 Wesley Rahn In Xi we trust Is China cracking down on Christianity dw com Germany January 19 2018 Allan Heaton Anderson An Introduction to Pentecostalism Global Charismatic Christianity Cambridge University Press UK 2013 p 104 Brian Stiller Evangelicals Around the World A Global Handbook for the 21st Century Thomas Nelson USA 2015 p 328 Mark A Lamport Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South Volume 2 Rowman amp Littlefield USA 2018 p 364 Alexander Lucy 14 December 2007 Church conversions The Times London සම ප රව ශය 30 April 2010 Site design and technology by Lightmaker com Pitcher and Piano 31 October 2011 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 18 October 2011 Welcome to the Family Church Christchurch Dorset The Family Church Christchurch සම ප රව ශය 18 October 2011 The hope org uk 2 February 2010 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 18 October 2011 Jubilee Church London jubileechurchlondon org Welcome to Hillsong Church Hillsong Church UK සම ප රව ශය 25 November 2016 CITY CHURCH NEWCASTLE amp GATESHEAD enjoying God making friends changing lives Welcome City church co uk සම ප රව ශය 18 October 2011 Aylsham Community Church Aylsham Community Church සම ප රව ශය 18 October 2011 Hall Reg 2004 Things are different now A short history of Winchester Family Church Winchester Winchester Family Church p 11 ABOUT www barnabascommunitychurch com සම ප රව ශය 5 December 2016 Where We Meet City Church Sheffield සම ප රව ශය 5 December 2016 Local and General Leeds Mercury No 10660 Leeds 10 June 1872 Friedman Robyn A Churches Redeveloping Properties to Give Them New Life The Wall Street Journal 0099 9660 සම ප රව ශය 2015 10 23 BibliographyLevy Patricia 2004 Cathedrals and the Church Medieval World North Mankato MN Smart Apple Media ISBN 1 58340 572 0 Krieger Herman 1998 Churches ad hoc PhotoZone Press ISBN 9780966580969 Qu est ce qu une eglise Gallimard Paris 333 p 2010 Gendry Mickael L eglise un heritage de Rome Essai sur les principes et methodes de l architecture chretienne Religions et Spiritualite collection Beaux Arts architecture religion edition Harmattan 2009 267 p බ හ ර සබ ඳ Church හ සබ ඳ ම ධ ය ව ක ම ධ ය ක මන ස හ ඇත ව ක උද ධ ත සත ව පහත ත ම ව සම බන ධය න උද ධ ත එකත වක ඇත Church church යන න න දහස ශබ දක ෂය වන ව ක ෂනර ය ද ස ය බලන න New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia Ecclesiastical Buildings New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia The Church Prairie Churches Documentary produced by Documentary produced by Ecclesiastical Buildings New York Robert Appleton Company 1913