මෙම ලිපිය පරිවර්තනය කළ යුතුය කරුණාකර මෙම ලිපිය සිංහල භාෂාවට දායකවන්න. |
පූජාසනයක් (ඉංග්රීසි:Altar) යනු ආගමික වාතාවත්, පූජාවන් හෝ වෙනත් චාරිත්රානුකූල අරමුණු සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම සඳහා මේසයක් හෝ වේදිකාවකි. පූජනීය ස්ථාන, පන්සල්, පල්ලි සහ වෙනත් ආගමික ස්ථානවල පූජාසන දක්නට ලැබේ. ඒවා විශේෂයෙන් පේගන්, ක්රිස්තියානි ධර්මය, බුද්ධාගම, හින්දු ආගම, යුදෙව් ආගම, නූතන පේගන් සහ කොකේසියා සහ කුඩා ආසියාව අවට ඇතැම් ඉස්ලාමීය ප්රජාවන්හි භාවිතා වේ. බොහෝ ඓතිහාසික-මධ්යකාලීන ඇදහිලි වන රෝමානු, ග්රීක සහ නෝර්ස් ආගම් ඇතුළුව ඒවා භාවිතා කර ඇත.

පුරාණ කාලයේ පූජාසන
- පුරාණ කාලයේ පූජාසන
- ඊශ්රායලයේ Tel Be'er Sheva හි උල් සහිත පූජාසනය.
- ක්රි.පූ. 480 දී පමණ පූජාසනයක් පෙන්වන පුරාණ ග්රීක බීම කෝප්පය. Attalus හි Stoa හි ඇතන්ස්හි පුරාණ Agora කෞතුකාගාරය
- බර්ලිනයේ පර්ගමන් කෞතුකාගාරයේ ප්රතිසංස්කරණය කරන ලද පර්ගමන්හි පුරාණ පූජාසනය.
- ඔස්ට්රියාවේ පූජා පර්වතය. එය පුරාණ කෙල්ට්වරුන් විසින් පූජා කිරීම සඳහා භාවිතා කරන ලද අතර දැන් එය එහි බැසිලිකාවේ ප්ලාසා හි පිහිටා ඇත.
යුදෙව් ආගම
The first altar recorded in the Hebrew Bible is that erected by Noah. Altars were erected by , by , by , and by .
After the on , in the —and afterwards in the —only two altars were used: The Altar of Burnt Offering, and the Altar of Incense, both near where the was located.
ක්රිස්තියානි ධර්මය
- Dedication of an altar
- A in a Christian household, with a cross and candles surrounded by other religious items
- Early
බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි පල්ලිවල
- Altar of
- Altar of , Dublin, with an altar ledge occupying the only space between it and the wall
කතෝලික සභාව
- High altar of , Rome
- High altar of , dwarfed by a huge
- St. Valentine's Church the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows and Child in Osieczna, Poland
The liturgical norms state:
- It is fitting that the tradition of the Roman liturgy should be preserved of placing relics of martyrs or other saints beneath the altar. However, the following should be noted:
- (a) Relics intended for deposition should be large enough that they can be recognized as parts of human bodies. Hence excessively small relics of one or more saints must not be deposited.
- (b) The greatest care must be taken to determine whether relics intended for deposition are authentic. It is better for an altar to be dedicated without relics than to have relics of doubtful credibility placed beneath it.
- (c) A reliquary must not be placed on the altar, or in the table of the altar; it must be beneath the table of the altar, as the design of the altar may allow.
රෙපරමාදු පල්ලි
- Altar at the Lutheran in , .
- An altar located in the middle of the pulpit, namely the , one of the Lutheran churches in Indonesia located in , .
- Contemporary altar at the Lutheran [da].
- The altar in Bad Doberan Minster
ලූතරන් පල්ලි
- Altar of
ඇංග්ලිකන් පල්ලි
- The altar in St. Mary Anglican Church, Redcliffe, . It is decorated with a in green, a colour typically associated with the seasons after and . Note the behind the free-standing altar.
- The "low" altar area at Canterbury Cathedral
- The altar with at ,
- The Lord's Table in St Barnabas' Church, Dulwich ()
- Altar in Bunyip, Victoria, Australia
- Altar at ,
- Altar at Anglo-Catholic
Eastern Christian Rites
Byzantine Rite
- A traditional Holy Table (altar), ,
- The Holy Place (sanctuary) in the church of the Saint Vladimir Skete at .
- A contemporary altar during the at in .
Syro-Maronite Church
The Syriac Maronite Church, along with the other Syriac Churches, has freestanding altars in most cases so the priests and deacons can circumambulate the altar during processions and incensations. Traditionally the Maronite liturgy was offered with the priest and people oriented to the East but because of modern latinizations it is common to find Maronite liturgies offered with the priest facing against the people from the opposite side of the altar, in imitation of modern practices in the Latin Church.
Oriental Rites
Armenian Rite
- Altar at the
Alexandrian Rite
Ethiopic Rite
West Syriac Rite
East Syriac
Indian Orthodox
War altar
හින්දු ආගම
- temple in ,
- Shree Ganesh Mandir, Jhansi
- A family altar in India
- A bàn thờ (worship table) is an altar used in and worship of and in
- A butsudan at ShinDo Buddhist Temple
- A Shinto (household altar) in Japan. Note the shimenawa, a rope demarking the sanctuary area seen above, along the ceiling.
නෝර්ස් පේගන්
උස් ස්ථාන
High places are elevated areas on which altars have been erected for worship in the belief that, as they were nearer heaven than the plains and valleys, they are more favourable places for prayer. High places were prevalent in almost all ancient cultures as centers of cultic worship.
High places in Israelite (Hebrew: Bamah, or Bama) or Canaanite culture were open-air shrines, usually erected on an elevated site. Prior to the conquest of by the Israelites in the 12th–11th century BCE, the high places served as shrines of the Canaanite fertility deities, the (Lords) and the (Semitic goddesses). In addition to an altar, matzevot (stone pillars representing the presence of the divine) were erected.
The practice of worship on these spots became frequent among the Hebrews, though after the temple was built it was forbidden. Such worship was with difficulty abolished, though denounced time after time by the prophets as an affront to God. A closely related example is a "backyard" altar, so to speak. Before there was a set temple and an established altar people built their own altars. After the temple was built use of these altars was forbidden. Unlike the case of high places, "backyard" altar worship was quickly eradicated. In following years, the practice drastically decreased in popularity.
පාද සටහන්
- Altar use in is historical only: It ended with the destruction of the .
- The "high" altar is out of sight in the background, beneath the window. When the low altar is in use, the high altar in the back is not used, and stands "undressed".
යොමු කිරීම්
- Genesis 8:20
- Genesis 12:7, 13:4, 22:9
- Genesis 26:25)
- 33:20, 35:1–3
- Exodus 17:15
- උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික
නමැති ආශ්රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි - Rite of Dedication of a Church and an Altar. Chapter II, 5.
The Code of Canon Law (Report). canon 1237, §2. and (302) - "High place". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2007. https://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040403. ප්රතිෂ්ඨාපනය 2007-07-01.
බාහිර සබැඳි

- "Altars (in scripture)". . http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01360a.htm.
- "History of the Christian altar". . http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01362a.htm.
- "An essay on a Hindu home altar". pluralism.org. 2009-01-10 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී. සම්ප්රවේශය 2006-06-12.
- "Taoist great ritual offerings to the all-embracing Heaven". www.eng.taoism.org.hk (ඉංග්රීසි බසින්). 2007-08-16 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී.
- "How to build an altar (ofrenda) for Dia de los Muertos". DiaDeMuertos.net. 2007-10-30 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී.
- "Thor Stalli (neo-pagan altar to Thor)". earthlink.net/~odindis. 2009-01-12 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී.
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
ම ම ල ප ය පර වර තනය කළ ය ත ය කර ණ කර ම ම ල ප ය ස හල භ ෂ වට පර වර තනය ක ර ම න ද යකවන න ම ම ල ප ය තවමත අ ක ර ල ප යක ව ක ප ඩ ය වට උදව වක ල ස න ඔබ හට එය ව හ ද ව ල ය හ ක vte ප ජ සනයක ඉ ග ර ස Altar යන ආගම ක ව ත වත ප ජ වන හ ව නත ච ර ත ර න ක ල අරම ණ සඳහ ඉද ර පත ක ර ම සඳහ ම සයක හ ව ද ක වක ප ජන ය ස ථ න පන සල පල ල සහ ව නත ආගම ක ස ථ නවල ප ජ සන දක නට ල බ ඒව ව ශ ෂය න ප ගන ක ර ස ත ය න ධර මය බ ද ධ ගම හ න ද ආගම ය ද ව ආගම න තන ප ගන සහ ක ක ස ය සහ ක ඩ ආස ය ව අවට ඇත ම ඉස ල ම ය ප රජ වන හ භ ව ත ව බ හ ඓත හ ස ක මධ යක ල න ඇදහ ල වන ර ම න ග ර ක සහ න ර ස ආගම ඇත ළ ව ඒව භ ව ත කර ඇත ර ස ක ල ඩ ආසන ද ව ම ද ර ප ජ සනයප ර ණ ක ලය ප ජ සනප ර ණ ක ලය ප ජ සන ඊශ ර යලය Tel Be er Sheva හ උල සහ ත ප ජ සනය ක ර ප 480 ද පමණ ප ජ සනයක ප න වන ප ර ණ ග ර ක බ ම ක ප පය Attalus හ Stoa හ ඇතන ස හ ප ර ණ Agora ක ත ක ග රය බර ල නය පර ගමන ක ත ක ග රය ප රත ස ස කරණය කරන ලද පර ගමන හ ප ර ණ ප ජ සනය ඔස ට ර ය ව ප ජ පර වතය එය ප ර ණ ක ල ට වර න ව ස න ප ජ ක ර ම සඳහ භ ව ත කරන ලද අතර ද න එය එහ බ ස ල ක ව ප ල ස හ ප හ ට ඇත ය ද ව ආගමThe first altar recorded in the Hebrew Bible is that erected by Noah Altars were erected by by by and by After the on in the and afterwards in the only two altars were used The Altar of Burnt Offering and the Altar of Incense both near where the was located ක ර ස ත ය න ධර මයDedication of an altar A in a Christian household with a cross and candles surrounded by other religious items Earlyබටහ ර ක ර ස ත ය න පල ල වල Altar of Altar of Dublin with an altar ledge occupying the only space between it and the wallකත ල ක සභ ව High altar of Rome High altar of dwarfed by a huge St Valentine s Church the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows and Child in Osieczna Poland The liturgical norms state It is fitting that the tradition of the Roman liturgy should be preserved of placing relics of martyrs or other saints beneath the altar However the following should be noted a Relics intended for deposition should be large enough that they can be recognized as parts of human bodies Hence excessively small relics of one or more saints must not be deposited b The greatest care must be taken to determine whether relics intended for deposition are authentic It is better for an altar to be dedicated without relics than to have relics of doubtful credibility placed beneath it c A reliquary must not be placed on the altar or in the table of the altar it must be beneath the table of the altar as the design of the altar may allow ර පරම ද පල ල Altar at the Lutheran in An altar located in the middle of the pulpit namely the one of the Lutheran churches in Indonesia located in Contemporary altar at the Lutheran da The altar in Bad Doberan Minsterල තරන පල ල Altar ofඇ ග ල කන පල ල The altar in St Mary Anglican Church Redcliffe It is decorated with a in green a colour typically associated with the seasons after and Note the behind the free standing altar The low altar area at Canterbury Cathedral The altar with at The Lord s Table in St Barnabas Church Dulwich Altar in Bunyip Victoria Australia Altar at Altar at Anglo CatholicEastern Christian Rites Byzantine Rite A traditional Holy Table altar The Holy Place sanctuary in the church of the Saint Vladimir Skete at A contemporary altar during the at in Syro Maronite Church The Syriac Maronite Church along with the other Syriac Churches has freestanding altars in most cases so the priests and deacons can circumambulate the altar during processions and incensations Traditionally the Maronite liturgy was offered with the priest and people oriented to the East but because of modern latinizations it is common to find Maronite liturgies offered with the priest facing against the people from the opposite side of the altar in imitation of modern practices in the Latin Church Oriental Rites Armenian Rite Altar at theAlexandrian Rite Ethiopic Rite West Syriac Rite East Syriac Indian Orthodox War altarහ න ද ආගමtemple in Shree Ganesh Mandir Jhansi A family altar in Indiaත ඕව දයබ ද ධ ගමA ban thờ worship table is an altar used in and worship of and in A butsudan at ShinDo Buddhist Templeශ න ට A Shinto household altar in Japan Note the shimenawa a rope demarking the sanctuary area seen above along the ceiling න ර ස ප ගන AsatruNeopaganismWicca Neo Druidismඋස ස ථ නHigh places are elevated areas on which altars have been erected for worship in the belief that as they were nearer heaven than the plains and valleys they are more favourable places for prayer High places were prevalent in almost all ancient cultures as centers of cultic worship High places in Israelite Hebrew Bamah or Bama or Canaanite culture were open air shrines usually erected on an elevated site Prior to the conquest of by the Israelites in the 12th 11th century BCE the high places served as shrines of the Canaanite fertility deities the Lords and the Semitic goddesses In addition to an altar matzevot stone pillars representing the presence of the divine were erected The practice of worship on these spots became frequent among the Hebrews though after the temple was built it was forbidden Such worship was with difficulty abolished though denounced time after time by the prophets as an affront to God A closely related example is a backyard altar so to speak Before there was a set temple and an established altar people built their own altars After the temple was built use of these altars was forbidden Unlike the case of high places backyard altar worship was quickly eradicated In following years the practice drastically decreased in popularity ප ද සටහන Altar use in is historical only It ended with the destruction of the The high altar is out of sight in the background beneath the window When the low altar is in use the high altar in the back is not used and stands undressed ය ම ක ර ම Genesis 8 20 Genesis 12 7 13 4 22 9 Genesis 26 25 33 20 35 1 3 Exodus 17 15 උප ට ද ක ව ම ද ෂය අන ත ක lt ref gt ට ගය GIRM නම ත ආශ ර යන සඳහ ක ස ද ප ළක සපය න ත බ ණ Rite of Dedication of a Church and an Altar Chapter II 5 The Code of Canon Law Report canon 1237 2 and 302 High place Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 2007 https www britannica com eb article 9040403 ප රත ෂ ඨ පනය 2007 07 01 බ හ ර සබ ඳ ප ජ සනය යන න න දහස ශබ දක ෂය වන ව ක ෂනර ය ද ස ය බලන න ප ජ සනය හ සබ ඳ ම ධ ය ව ක ම ධ ය ක මන ස හ ඇත Altars in scripture http www newadvent org cathen 01360a htm History of the Christian altar http www newadvent org cathen 01362a htm An essay on a Hindu home altar pluralism org 2009 01 10 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 2006 06 12 Taoist great ritual offerings to the all embracing Heaven www eng taoism org hk ඉ ග ර ස බස න 2007 08 16 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද How to build an altar ofrenda for Dia de los Muertos DiaDeMuertos net 2007 10 30 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද Thor Stalli neo pagan altar to Thor earthlink net odindis 2009 01 12 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද