මුල් ගොනුව (3,000 × 1,992 පික්සල, ගොනු විශාලත්වය: 1.05 මෙ.බ., MIME ශෛලිය: image/jpeg)
ගොනු ඉතිහාසය
එම අවස්ථාවෙහිදී ගොනුව පැවැති ආකාරය නැරඹීමට දිනය/වේලාව මත ක්ලික් කරන්න.
දිනය/වේලාව | කුඩා-රූපය | මාන | පරිශීලක | පරිකථනය | |
වත්මන් | 10:45, 30 මාර්තු 2010 | ![]() | 3,000 × 1,992 (1.05 මෙ.බ.) | Higher resolution | |
11:02, 18 ජූලි 2005 | ![]() | 750 × 498 (55 කි.බ.) | NASA photo of X-15 #2 in flight, #EC-88-0180-1 taken in the early 1960s, collected from http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/photo/X-15/HTML/index.html, cropped and contrast enhanced. {{PD-USGov-NASA}} |
ගොනු භාවිතය
පහත දැක්වෙන පිටුව විසින් මෙම ගොනුව භාවිතා කෙරෙයි:
ගෝලීය ගොනු භාවිතය
පහත දැක්වෙන අනෙකුත් විකියන් මගින් මෙම ගොනුව භාවිතා කරයි:
- an.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- North American X-15
- ar.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- بوابة:طيران/أحداث تاريخية/مايو في الطيران
- بوابة:طيران/أحداث تاريخية/مايو في الطيران/22 مايو
- قائمة طائرات - إكس
- طائرة أسرع من الصوت
- ast.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Historia de l'aviación
- bg.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Ракетоплан
- X-15
- bn.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- মহাকাশ বিমান
- ca.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- North American X-15
- Usuari:Mcapdevila/Història de l'aviació
- Usuari:Mcapdevila/Avions X
- Avió coet
- Avions X
- cs.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Neil Armstrong
- North American X-15
- Experimentální letadlo
- Wikipedie:Vybraná výročí dne/červenec
- Wikipedie:Vybraná výročí dne/19. červenec
- da.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Raketfly
- North American X-15
- de.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- 17. September
- North American X-15
- X-Flugzeuge der Vereinigten Staaten
- Portal:Luftfahrt/BildergalerieHistorie
- Portal:Raumfahrt/Bild des Tages/2. Quartal
- Portal:Raumfahrt/Bild des Tages/25. Juni
- en.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Human spaceflight
- Human spaceflight programs
- North American X-15
- List of X-planes
- Robert Michael White
- List of X-15 flights
- List of crewed spacecraft
- History of California (1900–present)
- Supersonic aircraft
- X-15 (film)
- List of vehicle speed records
- February 1959
- September 1959
- List of NASA aircraft
- Aircraft in fiction
- Template:Did you know nominations/X-15 (film)
- Wikipedia:Userboxes/Spaceflight
- User:Urban Versis 32/Userboxes
- User:Urban Versis 32/Userboxes/NASAX15
- User:Ch3sp1n13
- es.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Historia de la aviación
- North American X-15
- Anexo:Aviones X
මෙම ගොනුවේ බලන්න.
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
ග න ව ග න ඉත හ සය ග න භ ව තය ග ල ය ග න භ ව තය ප රදත තම ම ප රදස න හ ව ශ ලත වය 800 531 ප ක සල අන ක ත ව භ දනයන 320 212 ප ක සල 640 425 ප ක සල 1 024 680 ප ක සල 1 280 850 ප ක සල 3 000 1 992 ප ක සල ම ල ග න ව 3 000 1 992 ප ක සල ග න ව ශ ලත වය 1 05 ම බ MIME ශ ල ය image jpeg ම ම ග න ව Wikimedia Commons ව ත න වන අතර අන ක ත ව ය ප ත න ව ස න ද භ ව ත කල හ ක එහ ග න ව ස තර ප ට ව ත ල අඩ ග ව ස තර ම හ පහත ද ක ව ය ස ර ශය ව ස තරයX 15 in flight jpg English The X 15 2 56 6671 launches away from the B 52 mothership with its rocket engine ignited The white patches near the middle of the ship are frost from the liquid oxygen used in the propulsion system although very cold liquid nitrogen was also used to cool the payload bay cockpit windshields and nose Cestina Experimentalni raketovy letoun North American X 15 za letu kolem roku 1960ද නය Taken on 17 ස ප ත ම බර 1959ම ල ශ රය Current Upload cropped from http www dfrc nasa gov Gallery Photo X 15 HTML EC88 0180 1 html direct link date reference Original Upload cropped and contrast enhanced from original http www dfrc nasa gov Gallery Photo X 15 HTML EC88 0180 1 htmlකර ත NASA This image or video was catalogued by Armstrong Flight Research Center of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA under Photo ID EC88 0180 1 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work A normal copyright tag is still required See Commons Licensing Other languages العربية belaruskaya tarashkevica blgarski catala cestina dansk Deutsch English espanol فارسی francais galego magyar հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia italiano 日本語 makedonski മലയ ള Nederlands polski portugues russkij sicilianu slovenscina Turkce ukrayinska 简体中文 繁體中文 බලපත ර කරණය Public domain Public domain false falseThis file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA NASA copyright policy states that NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted See Template PD USGov NASA copyright policy page or JPL Image Use Policy Warnings Use of NASA logos insignia and emblems is restricted per U S law 14 CFR 1221 The NASA website hosts a large number of images from the Soviet Russian space agency and other non American space agencies These are not necessarily in the public domain Materials based on Hubble Space Telescope data may be copyrighted if they are not explicitly produced by the STScI 1 See also PD Hubble and Cc Hubble The SOHO ESA amp NASA joint project implies that all materials created by its probe are copyrighted and require permission for commercial non educational use 2 Images featured on the Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD web site may be copyrighted 3 The National Space Science Data Center NSSDC site has been known to host copyrighted content Its photo gallery FAQ states that all of the images in the photo gallery are in the public domain Unless otherwise noted Captionsස හලම ම ග න ව න ර පණය කරන න එ ක මක ද ය තන ප ළ ය ප හ ද ළ ක ර මක එක කරන න Items portrayed in this filedepicts ඉ ග ර ස inception ඉ ග ර ස 17 ස ප ත ම බර 1959 ග න ඉත හ සය එම අවස ථ ව හ ද ග න ව ප ව ත ආක රය න රඹ මට ද නය ව ල ව මත ක ල ක කරන න ද නය ව ල වක ඩ ර පයම නපර ශ ලකපර කථනයවත මන 10 45 30 ම ර ත 20103 000 1 992 1 05 ම බ Higher resolution11 02 18 ජ ල 2005750 498 55 ක බ NASA photo of X 15 2 in flight EC 88 0180 1 taken in the early 1960s collected from http www dfrc nasa gov gallery photo X 15 HTML index html cropped and contrast enhanced PD USGov NASA ග න භ ව තය පහත ද ක ව න ප ට ව ව ස න ම ම ග න ව භ ව ත ක ර ය X 15 ග ල ය ග න භ ව තය පහත ද ක ව න අන ක ත ව ක යන මග න ම ම ග න ව භ ව ත කරය an wikipedia org හ භ ව තය North American X 15 ar wikipedia org හ භ ව තය بوابة طيران أحداث تاريخية مايو في الطيران بوابة طيران أحداث تاريخية مايو في الطيران 22 مايو قائمة طائرات إكس طائرة أسرع من الصوت ast wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Historia de l aviacion bg wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Raketoplan X 15 bn wikipedia org හ භ ව තය মহ ক শ ব ম ন ca wikipedia org හ භ ව තය North American X 15 Usuari Mcapdevila Historia de l aviacio Usuari Mcapdevila Avions X Avio coet Avions X cs wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Neil Armstrong North American X 15 Experimentalni letadlo Wikipedie Vybrana vyroci dne cervenec Wikipedie Vybrana vyroci dne 19 cervenec da wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Raketfly North American X 15 de wikipedia org හ භ ව තය 17 September North American X 15 X Flugzeuge der Vereinigten Staaten Portal Luftfahrt BildergalerieHistorie Portal Raumfahrt Bild des Tages 2 Quartal Portal Raumfahrt Bild des Tages 25 Juni en wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Human spaceflight Human spaceflight programs North American X 15 List of X planes Robert Michael White List of X 15 flights List of crewed spacecraft History of California 1900 present Supersonic aircraft X 15 film List of vehicle speed records February 1959 September 1959 List of NASA aircraft Aircraft in fiction Template Did you know nominations X 15 film Wikipedia Userboxes Spaceflight User Urban Versis 32 Userboxes User Urban Versis 32 Userboxes NASAX15 User Ch3sp1n13 es wikipedia org හ භ ව තය Historia de la aviacion North American X 15 Anexo Aviones X ම ම ග න ව තවත ග ල ය භ ව ත බලන න ප රදත ත සමහරව ට ඩ ජ ටල ක මර වක හ ස ක නරයක හ භ ව තය න න ම ව හ ස ඛ ය කකරණය ඩ ජ ටල කරණය ක ට එක කල අමතර ත රත ර ම ම ග න ව අඩ ග ය ග න ව ම ල න ම ප ව ත තත ත වය හ ස ට ව කරණය ක ට ත බ නම සමහරක ත රත ර ව කර ත ග න ව ප ර ණ වශය න ප ළ ඹ ම න කරන ඇත පර ශ ලක පර කථනයන den Flight Research Center Photo Collection http www dfrc nasa gov gallery photo index html NASA Photo EC88 0180 1 Date early 1960s Photo by NASA photo X 15 2 just after launch The X 15 2 56 6671 launches away from the B 52 mothership with its rocket engine ignited The white patches near the middle of the ship are frost from the liquid oxygen used in the propulsion system although very cold liquid nitrogen was also used to cool the payload bay cockpit windshields and nose The X 15 was a rocket powered aircraft 50 ft long with a wingspan of 22 ft It was a missile shaped vehicle with an unusual wedge shaped vertical tail thin stubby wings and unique fairings that extended along the side of the fuselage The X 15 weighed about 14 000 lb empty and approximately 34 000 lb at launch The XLR 99 rocket engine manufactured by Thiokol Chemical Corp was pilot controlled and was capable of developing 57 000 lb of rated thrust actual thrust reportedly climbed to 60 000 lb North American Aviation built three X 15 aircraft for the program lt p gt The X 15 research aircraft was developed to provide in flight information and data on aerodynamics structures flight controls and the physiological aspects of high speed high altitude flight A follow on program used the aircraft as a testbed to carry various scientific experiments beyond the Earth s atmosphere on a repeated basis lt p gt For flight in the dense air of the usable atmosphere the X 15 used conventional aerodynamic controls such as rudder surfaces on the vertical stabilizers to control yaw and canted horizontal surfaces on the tail to control pitch when moving in synchronization or roll when moved differentially lt p gt For flight in the thin air outside of the appreciable Earth s atmosphere the X 15 used a reaction control system Hydrogen peroxide thrust rockets located on the nose of the aircraft provided pitch and yaw control Those on the wings provided roll control lt p gt Because of the large fuel consumption the X 15 was air launched from a B 52 aircraft at 45 000 ft and a speed of about 500 mph Depending on the mission the rocket engine provided thrust for the first 80 to 120 sec of flight The remainder of the normal 10 to 11 min flight was powerless and ended with a 200 mph glide landing lt p gt Generally one of two types of X 15 flight profiles was used a high altitude flight plan that called for the pilot to maintain a steep rate of climb or a speed profile that called for the pilot to push over and maintain a level altitude lt p gt The X 15 was flown over a period of nearly 10 years June 1959 to Oct 1968 and set the world s unofficial speed and altitude records of 4 520 mph Mach 6 7 and 354 200 ft over 67 mi in a program to investigate all aspects of piloted hypersonic flight Information gained from the highly successful X 15 program contributed to the development of the Mercury Gemini and Apollo manned spaceflight programs and also the Space Shuttle program lt p gt The X 15s made a total of 199 flights and were manufactured by North American Aviation lt p gt X 15 1 serial number 56 6670 is now located at the National Air and Space Museum Washington DC lt p gt North American X 15A 2 serial number 56 6671 is at the United States Air Force Museum Wright Patterson AFB Ohio The X 15 3 serial number 56 6672 crashed on 15 November 1967 resulting in the death of Maj Michael J Adams ත රස ව භ දනය500 dpiස රස ව භ දනය500 dpi