Permian යනු වසර මිලියන 299-252 කට පෙර, එනම් Paleozoic යුගයේ හයවන සහ අවසාන කාලපරිච්ඡේදය වේ.
Permian | |||||||||||||
Chronology | |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
Etymology | |||||||||||||
Name formality | Formal | ||||||||||||
Usage information | |||||||||||||
Regional usage | Global () | ||||||||||||
Time scale(s) used | ICS Time Scale | ||||||||||||
Definition | |||||||||||||
Chronological unit | |||||||||||||
Stratigraphic unit | |||||||||||||
Time span formality | Formal | ||||||||||||
Lower boundary definition | of the within the chronocline. | ||||||||||||
Lower boundary GSSP | , Ural Mountains, Kazakhstan 50°14′45″N 57°53′29″E / 50.2458°N 57.8914°E | ||||||||||||
GSSP ratified | 1996 | ||||||||||||
Upper boundary definition | FAD of the Conodont . | ||||||||||||
Upper boundary GSSP | , , China 31°04′47″N 119°42′21″E / 31.0798°N 119.7058°E | ||||||||||||
GSSP ratified | 2001 |
- (with link directory)
- "Chart/Time Scale". International Commission on Stratigraphy.
- Davydov, Vladimir; Glenister, Brian; Spinosa, Claude; Ritter, Scott; Chernykh, V.; Wardlaw, B.; Snyder, W. (March 1998). "Proposal of Aidaralash as Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for base of the Permian System" (PDF). Episodes. 21: 11–18. doi:10.18814/epiiugs/1998/v21i1/003. සම්ප්රවේශය 7 December 2020.
- Hongfu, Yin; Kexin, Zhang; Jinnan, Tong; Zunyi, Yang; Shunbao, Wu (June 2001). "The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Permian-Triassic Boundary" (PDF). Episodes. 24 (2): 102–114. doi:10.18814/epiiugs/2001/v24i2/004. සම්ප්රවේශය 8 December 2020.
භාහිර සබැඳි

- University of California offers a more modern Permian stratigraphy
- Classic Permian strata in the Glass Mountains of the Permian Basin
- "International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS)". Geologic Time Scale 2004. සම්ප්රවේශය September 19, 2005.
- Examples of Permian Fossils
- Permian (chronostratigraphy scale)
- Schneebeli-Hermann, Elke (2012), "Extinguishing a Permian World", Geology 40 (3): 287–288, ,
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
Permian යන වසර ම ල යන 299 252 කට ප ර එනම Paleozoic ය ගය හයවන සහ අවස න ක ලපර ච ඡ දය ව Permian298 9 0 15 251 902 0 024 Ma PreYe Ye O S D C P T J K PgChronology 300 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 CarboniferousP e r m i a nTriassic Subdivision of the Permian according to the as of 2022 Vertical axis scale millions of years ago EtymologyName formalityFormalUsage informationRegional usageGlobal Time scale s usedICS Time ScaleDefinitionChronological unitStratigraphic unitTime span formalityFormalLower boundary definitionof the within the chronocline Lower boundary GSSP Ural Mountains Kazakhstan 50 14 45 N 57 53 29 E 50 2458 N 57 8914 E 50 2458 57 8914GSSP ratified1996Upper boundary definitionFAD of the Conodont Upper boundary GSSP China 31 04 47 N 119 42 21 E 31 0798 N 119 7058 E 31 0798 119 7058GSSP ratified2001ආශ ර ත with link directory ම ල ශ ර Chart Time Scale www stratigraphy org International Commission on Stratigraphy Davydov Vladimir Glenister Brian Spinosa Claude Ritter Scott Chernykh V Wardlaw B Snyder W March 1998 Proposal of Aidaralash as Global Stratotype Section and Point GSSP for base of the Permian System PDF Episodes 21 11 18 doi 10 18814 epiiugs 1998 v21i1 003 සම ප රව ශය 7 December 2020 Hongfu Yin Kexin Zhang Jinnan Tong Zunyi Yang Shunbao Wu June 2001 The Global Stratotype Section and Point GSSP of the Permian Triassic Boundary PDF Episodes 24 2 102 114 doi 10 18814 epiiugs 2001 v24i2 004 සම ප රව ශය 8 December 2020 භ හ ර සබ ඳ Wikisource has original works on the topic Paleozoic Permian Permian හ සබ ඳ ම ධ ය ව ක ම ධ ය ක මන ස හ ඇත University of California offers a more modern Permian stratigraphy Classic Permian strata in the Glass Mountains of the Permian Basin International Commission on Stratigraphy ICS Geologic Time Scale 2004 සම ප රව ශය September 19 2005 Examples of Permian Fossils Permian chronostratigraphy scale Schneebeli Hermann Elke 2012 Extinguishing a Permian World Geology 40 3 287 288 doi 10 1130 focus032012 1 2012Geo 40 287S