![]() | The following page documents a . It is a generally accepted standard that users should follow, though it should be treated with common sense and the occasional exception. When editing this page, please ensure that your revision reflects consensus. When in doubt, discuss on the talk page, Babel or at RfC. |
The standard archival system (consisting of a naming convention and two templates) is a method of organizing discussion archives for easy navigation, creation, and bot parsing.
Each set of archives ideally consists of two types of pages:
- one archive index, which lists archives and topics (this is optional);
- several archive pages, which contain the archived discussion.
Archive index
The optional archive index must be located at "<current talk page>/Archives". This index is a list of discussion topics by archive, generally in the following format. The list format can be freely changed to reflect local needs, such as subdivided lists () or removing the lists of topics.
{{archive-index}} ==Archives== * [[/2007-07|July 2007]]: <small>''topic 1'' | ''topic 2'' (2 subtopics) | ''topic 3''.</small> * [[/2008-01-01|01 January 2008]]: <small>''topic 1'' | ''topic 2'' | ''topic 3''.</small> * [[/2007-01-15|15 January 2008]]: <small>''topic 1'' | ''topic 2'' | ''topic 3'' | ''topic 4''.</small>
Archive pages
If there is an archive index, each archive page should be at "<current talk page>/Archives/<date>". If there is no archive index, each archive page should be at "<current talk page>/<date>". The date format should be yyyy-mm-dd (one of: 2024, 2024-07, or 2024-07-11).
Each archive page should contain "{{archive header}}
" at the top, which will detect the archival date from the page title, and link to current discussion and the archive index (if present).
The content is always archived to the last relevant archive page (i.e. the archive page which has the date of the period when you're archiving), regardless of the original date of addition of the content to the original page.
Quick instructions
- Create an archive page at "[[Page name/Archives]]" (for example, (Meta:Requests for deletion/Archives)) with the following code:{{archive-index}}
* - Add a link to the archive pages under "Archives". Archive pages should be named "<current talk page>/Archives/<date>". The date format should be yyyy-mm-dd (one of: 2024, 2024-07, or 2024-07-11). For example:* [[/2024-07|July 2024]]
- Save, and click the link to create the page. Copy and paste "
{{archive header}}
" to the top of the page. - Save; the archive is now created. To add entries, simply cut and paste them from the main page to the archive.
- Optionally, list the discussions on the archive index (). This can be quickly done by copy and pasting the table of contents to this page, and then copy and pasting
'' | ''
between each heading name.
See also
- Templates
- [ edit history links ]
- [ edit history links ]
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From Meta a Wikimedia project coordination wiki Redirected from Other languages Deutsch English Esperanto Scots francais portugues do Brasil romană svenska makedonski russkij ukrayinska العربية ব ল മലയ ള မ န မ ဘ သ 中文 日本語 한국어 The following page documents a Meta Wiki guideline It is a generally accepted standard that users should follow though it should be treated with common sense and the occasional exception When editing this page please ensure that your revision reflects consensus When in doubt discuss on the talk page Babel or at RfC The standard archival system consisting of a naming convention and two templates is a method of organizing discussion archives for easy navigation creation and bot parsing Organization Each set of archives ideally consists of two types of pages one archive index which lists archives and topics this is optional several archive pages which contain the archived discussion Archive index The optional archive index must be located at lt current talk page gt Archives This index is a list of discussion topics by archive generally in the following format The list format can be freely changed to reflect local needs such as subdivided lists example or removing the lists of topics archive index Archives 2007 07 July 2007 lt small gt topic 1 topic 2 2 subtopics topic 3 lt small gt 2008 01 01 01 January 2008 lt small gt topic 1 topic 2 topic 3 lt small gt 2007 01 15 15 January 2008 lt small gt topic 1 topic 2 topic 3 topic 4 lt small gt Archive pages If there is an archive index each archive page should be at lt current talk page gt Archives lt date gt If there is no archive index each archive page should be at lt current talk page gt lt date gt The date format should be yyyy mm dd one of 2024 2024 07 or 2024 07 11 Each archive page should contain archive header at the top which will detect the archival date from the page title and link to current discussion and the archive index if present The content is always archived to the last relevant archive page i e the archive page which has the date of the period when you re archiving regardless of the original date of addition of the content to the original page Quick instructions Create an archive page at Page name Archives for example Meta Requests for deletion Archives with the following code archive index Archives Add a link to the archive pages under Archives Archive pages should be named lt current talk page gt Archives lt date gt The date format should be yyyy mm dd one of 2024 2024 07 or 2024 07 11 For example 2024 07 July 2024 Save and click the link to create the page Copy and paste archive header to the top of the page Save the archive is now created To add entries simply cut and paste them from the main page to the archive Optionally list the discussions on the archive index example This can be quickly done by copy and pasting the table of contents to this page and then copy and pasting between each heading name See also Templates Template archive index talk edit history links Template archive header talk edit history links Category Meta Wiki guidelines