The Guardian යනු බ්රිතාන්යයේ ප්රකාශයට පත්වන දිනපතා වේ. එය 1821 වසරේ දී The Manchester Guardian නමින් ආරම්භ වී පසුව1959 වසරේ දී නම වෙනස් කිරීමක් සිදුවිය.
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Front page on 28 May 2021 | |
වර්ගය | Daily newspaper |
ආකෘතිය | (1821–2005) (2005–2018) (since 2018) |
අයිතිකරු | |
ආරම්භක | |
ප්රකාශක | Guardian Media Group |
ප්රධාන කර්තෘ | |
ඇරඹුනේ | 5 මැයි 1821 | (as The Manchester Guardian, renamed The Guardian in 1959)
දේශපාලන නැඹුරුතාවය | |
භාෂාව | English |
මූලස්ථානය | , London |
105,134 | |
බුහුනණීය පුවත්පත් | |
0261-3077 | |
අංකය | 60623878 |
නිල වෙබ්අඩවිය | |
- • Tsang, Amie (15 January 2018). "The Guardian, Britain's Left-Wing News Power, Goes Tabloid". The New York Times. සම්ප්රවේශය 24 January 2019.
- "The politics of UK newspapers". BBC News. 30 September 2009. සම්ප්රවේශය 24 January 2019.
- "How left or right-wing are the UK’s newspapers?", MediaPolitics & current affairs, YouGov, 7 March 2017.
- * Payling, Daisy (20 April 2017). "City limits: sexual politics and the new urban left in 1980s Sheffield". Contemporary British Society. 31 (2): 256–273. doi:10.1080/13619462.2017.1306194.
- Villeneuve, Jean-Patrick (9 August 2015). "Who's [sic] fault is it? An analysis of the press coverage of football betting scandals in France and the United Kingdom". Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 19 (2): 191. doi:10.1080/17430437.2015.1067772. 146330318.
- Russell, Adrienne (2017). Journalism and the Nsa Revelations: Privacy, Security and the Press. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 53.
- Copsy, Nathaniel (21 February 2017). "Rethinking Britain and the European Union: Politicians, the Media and Public Opinion Reconsidered" (PDF). Journal of Common Market Studies. 55 (4): 716. doi:10.1111/jcms.12527. 151394355. 26 July 2019 දින පැවති මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් (PDF). සම්ප්රවේශය 22 July 2019.
- Harbisher, Ben (6 February 2016). "The Million Mask March: Language, legitimacy, and dissent". Critical Discourse Studies. 13 (3): 297. doi:10.1080/17405904.2016.1141696. 147508807.
- Yuval-Davis, Nira; Varju, Viktor (6 January 2017). "Press discourses on Roma in the UK, Finland and Hungary" (PDF). European Roma. 40 (7): 1153. doi:10.1080/01419870.2017.1267379. 151843450.
- Flew, Terry (11 January 2019). "Digital communication, the crisis of trust, and the post-global" (PDF). Communication Research and Practice. 5 (1): 11. doi:10.1080/22041451.2019.1561394. 159032311.
- Helton, Levy (17 March 2016). "Reporting the 2014 World Cup: football first and social issues last". Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 20 (5–6): 574. doi:10.1080/17430437.2016.1158477. 147644706.
- Gill, Alisha K; Harrison, Karen (2015). "Child Grooming and Sexual Exploitation: Are South Asian Men the UK Media's New Folk Devils?". Crime Justice Journal. 4 (2): 38. සම්ප්රවේශය 2 July 2019.
- Painter, James; Neil T, Gavin (27 January 2015). "Climate Skepticism in British Newspapers, 2007–2011". Environmental Communication. 10 (4): 436. doi:10.1080/17524032.2014.995193. 143214856.
- Harmer, Emily; Southern, Rosalynd (2019). "Alternative Agendas or More of the Same? Online News Coverage of the 2017 UK Election". Political Communication in Britain. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 99–116. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00822-2_7. ISBN . 158648099.
- Bączkowska, Anna (2019). "A Corpus-Assisted Critical Discourse Analysis of "Migrants" and "Migration" in the British Tabloids and Quality Press". Second Language Learning and Teaching. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 163–181. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04981-2_12. ISBN . 2193-7648. 150658204.
- Boukala, Salomi (2019). "Introduction: Kafka in 'Fortress Europe'—The 'Other' Within the Walls". European Identity and the Representation of Islam in the Mainstream Press. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 1–17. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93314-6_1. ISBN . 158203231.
- Sancho Guinda, Carmen, ed. (2019). Engagement in Professional Genres. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- "Definition of Guardian Reader". Collins English Dictionary. සම්ප්රවේශය 10 January 2018.
- . 28 Apr 2021 දින මුල් පිටපත වෙතින් සංරක්ෂණය කරන ලදී. සම්ප්රවේශය 12 March 2021.
භාහිර සබැඳි
The Guardian (newspaper) හා සබැඳි මාධ්ය විකිමාධ්ය කොමන්ස් හි ඇත

- නිල වෙබ් අඩවිය
විකිපීඩියාව, විකි, සිංහල, පොත, පොත්, පුස්තකාලය, ලිපිය, කියවන්න, බාගන්න, නොමිලේ, නොමිලේ බාගන්න, mp3, වීඩියෝ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, පින්තූරය, සංගීතය, ගීතය, චිත්රපටය, පොත, ක්රීඩාව, ක්රීඩා., ජංගම දුරකථන, android, ios, apple, ජංගම දුරකථන, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, පීසී, වෙබ්, පරිගණකය
The Guardian යන බ ර ත න යය ප රක ශයට පත වන ද නපත ව එය 1821 වසර ද The Manchester Guardian නම න ආරම භ ව පස ව1959 වසර ද නම ව නස ක ර මක ස ද ව ය The GuardianFront page on 28 May 2021වර ගයDaily newspaperආක ත ය 1821 2005 2005 2018 since 2018 අය ත කර ආරම භකප රක ශකGuardian Media Groupප රධ න කර ත ඇරඹ න 5 ම ය 1821 වසර 203 කට ප ර 1821 05 05 as The Manchester Guardian renamed The Guardian in 1959 ද ශප ලන න ඹ ර ත වයභ ෂ වEnglishම ලස ථ නය London105 134බ හ නණ ය ප වත පත 0261 3077අ කය60623878න ල ව බ අඩව යtheguardian comආශ ර තම ල ශ ර Tsang Amie 15 January 2018 The Guardian Britain s Left Wing News Power Goes Tabloid The New York Times සම ප රව ශය 24 January 2019 The politics of UK newspapers BBC News 30 September 2009 සම ප රව ශය 24 January 2019 How left or right wing are the UK s newspapers MediaPolitics amp current affairs YouGov 7 March 2017 Payling Daisy 20 April 2017 City limits sexual politics and the new urban left in 1980s Sheffield Contemporary British Society 31 2 256 273 doi 10 1080 13619462 2017 1306194 Villeneuve Jean Patrick 9 August 2015 Who s sic fault is it An analysis of the press coverage of football betting scandals in France and the United Kingdom Sport in Society Cultures Commerce Media Politics 19 2 191 doi 10 1080 17430437 2015 1067772 146330318 Russell Adrienne 2017 Journalism and the Nsa Revelations Privacy Security and the Press London Bloomsbury Publishing p 53 Copsy Nathaniel 21 February 2017 Rethinking Britain and the European Union Politicians the Media and Public Opinion Reconsidered PDF Journal of Common Market Studies 55 4 716 doi 10 1111 jcms 12527 151394355 26 July 2019 ද න ප වත ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න PDF සම ප රව ශය 22 July 2019 Harbisher Ben 6 February 2016 The Million Mask March Language legitimacy and dissent Critical Discourse Studies 13 3 297 doi 10 1080 17405904 2016 1141696 147508807 Yuval Davis Nira Varju Viktor 6 January 2017 Press discourses on Roma in the UK Finland and Hungary PDF European Roma 40 7 1153 doi 10 1080 01419870 2017 1267379 151843450 Flew Terry 11 January 2019 Digital communication the crisis of trust and the post global PDF Communication Research and Practice 5 1 11 doi 10 1080 22041451 2019 1561394 159032311 Helton Levy 17 March 2016 Reporting the 2014 World Cup football first and social issues last Sport in Society Cultures Commerce Media Politics 20 5 6 574 doi 10 1080 17430437 2016 1158477 147644706 Gill Alisha K Harrison Karen 2015 Child Grooming and Sexual Exploitation Are South Asian Men the UK Media s New Folk Devils Crime Justice Journal 4 2 38 සම ප රව ශය 2 July 2019 Painter James Neil T Gavin 27 January 2015 Climate Skepticism in British Newspapers 2007 2011 Environmental Communication 10 4 436 doi 10 1080 17524032 2014 995193 143214856 Harmer Emily Southern Rosalynd 2019 Alternative Agendas or More of the Same Online News Coverage of the 2017 UK Election Political Communication in Britain Cham Springer International Publishing pp 99 116 doi 10 1007 978 3 030 00822 2 7 ISBN 978 3 030 00821 5 158648099 Baczkowska Anna 2019 A Corpus Assisted Critical Discourse Analysis of Migrants and Migration in the British Tabloids and Quality Press Second Language Learning and Teaching Cham Springer International Publishing pp 163 181 doi 10 1007 978 3 030 04981 2 12 ISBN 978 3 030 04980 5 2193 7648 150658204 Boukala Salomi 2019 Introduction Kafka in Fortress Europe The Other Within the Walls European Identity and the Representation of Islam in the Mainstream Press Cham Springer International Publishing pp 1 17 doi 10 1007 978 3 319 93314 6 1 ISBN 978 3 319 93313 9 158203231 Sancho Guinda Carmen ed 2019 Engagement in Professional Genres John Benjamins Publishing Company Definition of Guardian Reader Collins English Dictionary සම ප රව ශය 10 January 2018 www library manchester ac uk 28 Apr 2021 ද න ම ල ප ටපත ව ත න ස රක ෂණය කරන ලද සම ප රව ශය 12 March 2021 භ හ ර සබ ඳ The Guardian newspaper හ සබ ඳ ම ධ ය ව ක ම ධ ය ක මන ස හ ඇතව ක උද ධ ත සත ව පහත ත ම ව සම බන ධය න උද ධ ත එකත වක ඇත ද ග ඩ යන ව ක ම ල ශ ර සත ව ම ම ල ප යට අද ල ම ල ප ටපත පවත The Manchester Guardian න ල ව බ අඩව ය