මුල් ගොනුව (2,415 × 3,000 පික්සල, ගොනු විශාලත්වය: 1 මෙ.බ., MIME ශෛලිය: image/jpeg)
ගොනු ඉතිහාසය
එම අවස්ථාවෙහිදී ගොනුව පැවැති ආකාරය නැරඹීමට දිනය/වේලාව මත ක්ලික් කරන්න.
දිනය/වේලාව | කුඩා-රූපය | මාන | පරිශීලක | පරිකථනය | |
වත්මන් | 18:54, 27 සැප්තැම්බර් 2019 | ![]() | 2,415 × 3,000 (1 මෙ.බ.) | Reverted to version as of 14:51, 14 April 2011 (UTC) - Subsequent edits destroyed information present in the original image and made image defects more prominent | |
19:06, 24 මැයි 2013 | ![]() | 2,415 × 3,000 (4.66 මෙ.බ.) | retrait d'un léger voile (contraste léger) withdrawal of a light veil (light contrast) | ||
19:00, 24 මැයි 2013 | ![]() | 2,415 × 3,000 (4.66 මෙ.බ.) | retrait d'un léger voile (contraste léger) withdrawal of a light veil (light contrast) | ||
14:51, 14 අප්රේල් 2011 | ![]() | 2,415 × 3,000 (1 මෙ.බ.) | Losslessly cropped with Jpegcrop, DCT coding losslessly changed from progressive to baseline. | ||
19:33, 11 දෙසැම්බර් 2004 | ![]() | 2,431 × 3,000 (1,001 කි.බ.) | {{PD-USGov-NASA}} |
ගොනු භාවිතය
පහත දැක්වෙන පිටුව විසින් මෙම ගොනුව භාවිතා කෙරෙයි:
ගෝලීය ගොනු භාවිතය
පහත දැක්වෙන අනෙකුත් විකියන් මගින් මෙම ගොනුව භාවිතා කරයි:
- af.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Wernher von Braun
- Wikipedia:Voorbladbeeld week 13 2008
- Gebruiker:Anrie/Spogbeelde
- Wikipedia:Beeld van die week/2008
- F-1 vuurpylmotor
- ar.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
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- ويكيبيديا:Bugzilla/00033
- بوابة:علم الفلك/صورة مختارة
- مستخدم:ASammour/صور مختارة
- مستخدم:ASammour/صور مختارة في الفارسية والتركية
- ويكيبيديا:ترشيحات الصور المختارة/فيرنر فون براون
- ويكيبيديا:صورة اليوم المختارة/يونيو 2023
- قالب:صورة اليوم المختارة/2023-06-21
- بوابة:علم الفلك/صورة مختارة/90
- بوابة:أعلام/صورة مختارة/45
- ast.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Wernher von Braun
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- Verner fon Braun
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- Saturn V
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- F-1
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- Wernher von Braun
- F-1 (motor de coet)
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- Plantilla:Imatge de aviació de la setmana 5
- cs.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Wikipedie:Obrázek týdne/Návrhy
- Wernher von Braun
- Saturn V
- Portál:Kosmonautika/Archiv obrázků
- Raketový motor na kapalné pohonné látky
- da.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
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- Portal:Historie/Udvalgt billede/Arkiv 2010
- de.wikipedia.org හි භාවිතය
- Wernher von Braun
- Saturn (Rakete)
- Flüssigkeitsraketentriebwerk
- Raketentechnik
- Wikipedia:Kandidaten für exzellente Bilder/Archiv2005/1
- Datei:S-IC engines and Von Braun.jpg
- Benutzer:Wildzer0
- Rocketdyne F-1
- Wikipedia:Exzellente Bilder/Technik und Verkehr
- Portal:Luftfahrt/Unsere Besten
මෙම ගොනුවේ බලන්න.
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ග න ව ග න ඉත හ සය ග න භ ව තය ග ල ය ග න භ ව තය ප රදත තම ම ප රදස න හ ව ශ ලත වය 483 600 ප ක සල අන ක ත ව භ දනයන 193 240 ප ක සල 386 480 ප ක සල 618 768 ප ක සල 824 1 024 ප ක සල 2 415 3 000 ප ක සල ම ල ග න ව 2 415 3 000 ප ක සල ග න ව ශ ලත වය 1 ම බ MIME ශ ල ය image jpeg ම ම ග න ව Wikimedia Commons ව ත න වන අතර අන ක ත ව ය ප ත න ව ස න ද භ ව ත කල හ ක එහ ග න ව ස තර ප ට ව ත ල අඩ ග ව ස තර ම හ පහත ද ක ව ය ස ර ශය ව ස තරයS IC engines and Von Braun jpg العربية م هندس الصواريخ الدكتور ڤيرنر ڤون براون يقف بجانب خمس محركات F 1 كان ڤون براون من ر و اد برنامج الفضاء الأمريكي وقد است خدمت صواريخه هذه في المرحلة الأولى لساتورن 5 ضمن برنامج أپولو والذي أدى في النهاية لهبوط أو ل إنسان على سطح القمر English Dr von Braun standing by five F 1 Engines A pioneer of America s space program Dr von Braun stands by the five F 1 engines of the Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle on display at the U S Space amp Rocket Center in Huntsville Alabama Designed and developed by Rocketdyne under the direction of the Marshall Space Flight Center a cluster of five F 1 engines was mounted on the Saturn V S IC first stage The engines measured 19 feet tall by 12 5 feet at the nozzle exit and burned 15 tons of liquid oxygen and kerosene each second to produce 7 500 000 pounds of thrust The S IC stage is the first stage or booster of a 364 foot long rocket that ultimately took astronauts to the Moon Espanol Wernher von Braun posando delante de cinco motores F 1 Formaban parte del cohete Saturno V Estos motores estaban disenados y fabricados por Rocketdyne bajo el control del Centro de vuelo Espacial Marshall en Huntsville Alabama Cada motor tenia una altura de 5 5 metros y un diametro de 3 8 metros Estaba disenado para poder quemar 15 toneladas de oxigeno liquido y queroseno por segundo para llegar a alcanzar los 6 5 MN MegaNewton de fuerza El S IC fue el primer prototipo de cohete del que despues saldria el modelo final que llevo al hombre a la Luna Francais Wernher von Braun posant devant cinq moteurs fusees F 1 Wernher von Braun pose devant le premier etage de la fusee Saturn V constitue de cinq moteurs F 1 Ces moteurs etaient fabriques par la societe Rocketdyne sous le controle du Centre de vol spatial Marshall Chaque moteur avait une hauteur de plus de 5 5 metres 19 pieds pour un diametre de tuyere de 3 7 metres 12 5 pieds et delivrait une poussee de 6 7 MN ce qui necessitait 2 5 tonnes par seconde d un melange d oxygene liquide et de kerosene Ce premier etage ou Booster etait a la base de la fusee Saturn V un engin de 110 m de haut utilise pour envoyer des hommes sur la Lune Romană Dr Wernher von Braun stand in faţa a cinci motoare F 1 Un pionier al programului american spaţial Dr von Braun este surprins in această fotografie stand in faţa celor cinci motoare F 1 ale rachetei Saturn V Racheta Saturn V este un vehicul de testare care a fost expus la centrul U S Space Rocket Center in Huntsville Alabama Concepute si dezvoltate de Rocketdyne sub indrumarea Centrului pentru zboruri spaţiale Marshall engleză Marshall Space Flight Center un grup de cinci motoare F 1 a fost montat pe treapta S IC prima a rachetei Saturn V Motoarele măsurau 5 5 metri in inălţime 19 picioare si 3 8 metri 12 5 picioare in diametru la ajutajul de iesire si consumau 15 tone de oxigen lichid si kerosen pe secundă pentru a produce o putere de 6 7 MN Treapta S IC este prima treaptă sau motor auxiliar a rachetei de 110 metri care in cele din urmă a dus astronauţii pe Lună Tiếng Việt Tiến sĩ Wernher von Braun cung 5 động cơ ten lửa F 1 tại Huntsville Alabama ද නය න දන න ද නයක Unknown date Probably 1969 ම ල ශ රය NIX MSFC 0201422 1 Alt URL කර ත NASAඅවසරය ම ම ග න ව න වත භ ව ත කරම න Public domain Public domain false falseThis file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA NASA copyright policy states that NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted See Template PD USGov NASA copyright policy page or JPL Image Use Policy Warnings Use of NASA logos insignia and emblems is restricted per U S law 14 CFR 1221 The NASA website hosts a large number of images from the Soviet Russian space agency and other non American space agencies These are not necessarily in the public domain Materials based on Hubble Space Telescope data may be copyrighted if they are not explicitly produced by the STScI 2 See also PD Hubble and Cc Hubble The SOHO ESA amp NASA joint project implies that all materials created by its probe are copyrighted and require permission for commercial non educational use 3 Images featured on the Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD web site may be copyrighted 4 The National Space Science Data Center NSSDC site has been known to host copyrighted content Its photo gallery FAQ states that all of the images in the photo gallery are in the public domain Unless otherwise noted Camera location34 42 36 1 N 86 39 14 9 W View this and other nearby images on OpenStreetMap34 710028 86 654139This image or video was catalogued by Marshall Space Flight Center of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA under Photo ID MSFC 0201422 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work A normal copyright tag is still required See Commons Licensing Other languages العربية belaruskaya tarashkevica blgarski catala cestina dansk Deutsch English espanol فارسی francais galego magyar հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia italiano 日本語 makedonski മലയ ള Nederlands polski portugues russkij sicilianu slovenscina Turkce ukrayinska 简体中文 繁體中文 Assessment ප ළ බ ඹ ව of the dayThis file was the picture of the day on November 14 2005 This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons Featured pictures and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here ව ක ප ඩ ය This is a featured picture on the Arabic language Wikipedia صور مختارة and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the German language Wikipedia Exzellente Bilder and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia Featured pictures and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the Spanish language Wikipedia Recursos destacados and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the Persian language Wikipedia نگاره های برگزیده and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the Romanian language Wikipedia Imagini de calitate and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here This is a featured picture on the Turkish language Wikipedia Seckin resimler and is considered one of the finest images See its nomination here If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license be sure to upload it tag it and nominate it This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 14 November 2005 It was captioned as follows English Dr von Braun stands by the five F 1 enginesOther languages Cymraeg Wernher von Braun yn sefyll wrth y pump modurau F 1 y Saturn VEnglish Dr von Braun stands by the five F 1 enginesEspanol Dr von Braun de espaldas a cinco motores F 1Francais Wernher von Braun devant les moteurs de Saturn VGalego O doutor Wernher von Braun ante os motores do Saturn V Italiano Wernher von Braun davanti ai motori del razzo Saturn VLatina Wernherus von Braun prope F 1 motoria Nederlands Wernher von Braun voor de vijf F1 motoren Norsk nynorsk Wernher von Braun ved dei fem F 1 motorane til Saturn V Polski Wernher von Braun na tle dysz wylotowych rakiety Saturn VPortugues Dr von Braun diante dos cinco motores F 1Romană Dr Wernher von Braun 1912 1977 stand in fața grupului celor cinci motoare rachetă F 1 care au propulsat toate rachetele programului Apollo Slovencina Dr von Braun stoji pri piatich motoroch F 1Slovenscina Wernher von Braun stoji pred motorji F 1 rakete Saturn V Suomi Tohtori von Braun seisomassa viiden F 1 moottorin luonaTurkce Apollo Projesi nde yer alan Dr Wernher von Braun Saturn V in bes adet F 1 motoruyla birlikteRusskij Verner fon Braun ryadom s pyatyu dvigatelyami F 1ithy dr aewrenxr fxn ebran yunebuxnghnaekhruxngyntcrwdexf wn日本語 サターンVの第一段エンジン F 1の傍らに立つヴェルナー フォン ブラウン中文 沃纳 冯 布劳恩站在他主持设计的F 1发动机前This image was selected as picture of the day on Vietnamese Wikipedia References Buckbee Edward O National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Saturn V Launch Vehicle National Park Service August 23 1977 AnnotationsInfoFieldThis image is annotated View the annotations at Commons1200 1930 390 1045 2415 3000 Wernher von BraunCaptionsස හලම ම ග න ව න ර පණය කරන න එ ක මක ද ය තන ප ළ ය ප හ ද ළ ක ර මක එක කරන න ඉ ග ර ස Werner Von Braun standing next to the five F 1 engines of a Saturn V first stageඅර බ فرنر فون براون يقف بجانب خمس محركات إف 1 تعود للمرحلة الأولى في الصاروخ ساتورن 5 Items portrayed in this filedepicts ඉ ග ර ස Wernher von Braun ඉ ග ර ස F 1 ඉ ග ර ස Commons quality assessment ඉ ග ර ස Wikimedia Commons featured picture ඉ ග ර ස coordinates of the point of view ඉ ග ර ස 34 42 36 101 N 86 39 14 900 Wmedia type ඉ ග ර ස image jpeg ග න ඉත හ සය එම අවස ථ ව හ ද ග න ව ප ව ත ආක රය න රඹ මට ද නය ව ල ව මත ක ල ක කරන න ද නය ව ල වක ඩ ර පයම නපර ශ ලකපර කථනයවත මන 18 54 27 ස ප ත ම බර 20192 415 3 000 1 ම බ Reverted to version as of 14 51 14 April 2011 UTC Subsequent edits destroyed information present in the original image and made image defects more prominent19 06 24 ම ය 20132 415 3 000 4 66 ම බ Mario52retrait d un leger voile contraste leger withdrawal of a light veil light contrast 19 00 24 ම ය 20132 415 3 000 4 66 ම බ Mario52retrait d un leger voile contraste leger withdrawal of a light veil light contrast 14 51 14 අප ර ල 20112 415 3 000 1 ම බ Losslessly cropped with Jpegcrop DCT coding losslessly changed from progressive to baseline 19 33 11 ද ස ම බර 20042 431 3 000 1 001 ක බ PD USGov NASA ග න භ ව තය පහත ද ක ව න ප ට ව ව ස න ම ම ග න ව භ ව 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